Should We Be Crazy Like Everyone Else?

In a discussion with one of the, uh, “unconverted”, he said we should follow the masses.

In support, he quoted the famous story told by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov of the king and the tainted wheat.

Well, said I, there is an alternate version of this story (שיח שרפי קודש (ברסלב) א-רעא), I didn’t read this inside:

סיפר רבנו משל לעניין שצריך לעבוד את השם יתברך במסירות נפש אף שנדמה לבני העולם כמשוגע…

In this version, it was the stargazer who suggested that they would have to eat from the tainted grain, but the king vehemently rejected this, saying that just because the whole world was crazy, they do not, and should not be crazy. And if they would appear to be crazy to the rest of the world, so what? That is no reason to eat the grain that makes people crazy. So they would prepare grain for themselves.


PS, I understand there is a third version of this tale, too.

How a Biden Hospital Murdered a Young Woman

I interviewed Scott Schara, who is also known as “Grace’s Dad.” He and his family lost their lovely, ebullient, formerly perfectly healthy 19-year-old daughter Grace at an Ascension Hospital after she was admitted with COVID — and an unlawful “Do Not Resuscitate” notification was placed, against her family’s will, in her records.

Grace had Down’s Syndrome. She was also unvaccinated.

Grace’s family was told at one point that she had a dangerous 85% blood oxygen saturation — but Scott Schara had brought his own pulse oximeter into the hospital room and found that the level was actually 95%, or almost normal.  However, Grace’s father said that he was escorted from Grace’s hotel room by an armed guard when he continued to question what he recognized as dangerous, if not deadly, hospital “COVID” protocols.

The Schara family faced relentless pressure to have Grace sedated, put on a ventilator — which they refused — and fed via a tube. At last, in spite of their daughter being stable and on the way to recovery, says Mr. Schara, Grace was placed on Morphine, Lorazepam, and other powerful opiates and sedatives. She eventually lost consciousness — which was predictable, given the inappropriate cocktail of end-of-life hospice-type treatments.

As her sister Jessica held Jessica’s hand and felt Grace’s body growing cold, Jessica, and the Schara family on FaceTime, were screaming, says Grace’s Dad, for a group of nurses outside the hospital room to come in and help. The nurses replied that they could not because “Grace is DNR.”

Mr. Schara, in his quest to warn other families about murderous protocols threatening the disabled in hospitals, says that he is hearing countless stories of other disabled people who are being harmed by similar medical interventions; or of families of people with Down’s Syndrome, who are being pressured to put the disabled in hospice care when they are physically well, to be done away with as “useless eaters,” to invoke the Nazi term, in other ways, via what he calls medical murder.

I did gasp at one point when I conjectured why the hospital might have been so intent, consciously or not, on bringing about Grace’s passing. The news at the time claimed that young adults had to receive mRNA vaccinations though they were at little risk from COVID. A ‘COVID death’ of an unvaccinated, formerly healthy young adult would add to what were then inadequate statistics to make that case. Mr Schara also stressed the signicant bonus system the Ascension Hospital group and other hospitals received, for deadly treatments.

Ascension Hospital group, on a related note, is the target of a severe lawyer’s letter from DailyClout, to stop its inappropriate and murderous use of Remdesevir, with the drug’s very high mortality rate, for COVID patients.

Mr Schara made the point that large financial bonuses were given to hospitals for ventilator use, and we know that hospital protocols dictated by the Biden administration insisted on Remdesevir use — though both deadly practices led to what were then catalogued as “COVID” deaths.

This is an unmissable and potentially lifesaving discussion. we owe it to the lovely, late Grace, and to her family, to listen.

Continue here…

From Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf, here.

אולי נלמד מתוכנית ההיפרדות של השמאל

מתוך התוכנית באתר תנועת ההפרדות:

על מנת שמדינת ישראל תוכל להיפרד לשתי ישויות נפרדות, כל אחת בעלת חוקה וערכים שונים, בנינו תוכנית הדרגתית, בה כל שלב משפר את המצב הקיים מנקודת המבט של שני הצדדים. בנוסף, ניתן יהיה לעצור את ההיפרדות בכל אחד מהשלבים אם יובטחו הביטחונות לשימור האוטונומיה והערכים של כל אחד מהצדדים, כך שכל צד לא יוכל לכפות את ערכיו על הצד השני. יחד עם זאת, המעבר משלב לשלב צריך להיות אפשרי ואף בר הפיכה.

שלב א’ – ברית ערים ליברליות

כדי לייצר כוח ליברלי מתואם ומאוחד, נפנה אל ראשי הרשויות הליברליות בישראל, כדי ליצור ברית וולונטרית של ערים ומועצות מקומיות המקדמות ערכים ליברליים במסגרת סמכותן.

ברית זו לא תהיה מחייבת, כך שכל ראש רשות יוכל להחליט לאילו פרויקטים הוא מצטרף ואילו פרויקטים אינם מתאימים לרשות אותה הוא מנהל.

במסגרת שלב זה יוכלו לקום כמה בריתות אזוריות או ברית ליברלית רחבה.
בנוסף, יוכלו גם לקום בריתות של ערים שמרניות ודתיות, שיקדמו את ערכיהן.

מטרת השלב: איחוד כוחות למען קידום ערכי הליברליזם, לטובת תושבי הערים הליברליות.

משתתפים: כל רשות שתבחר להצטרף לברית ולהשקיע משאבים למען פרויקטים משותפים.


  1. קידום מערכת חינוך ליברלית, המלמדת את תלמידיה את ערכי הדמוקרטיה, החופש ושוויון ההזדמנויות.
  2. מציאת פתרונות תחבורה אלטרנטיביים המשרתים את הציבור הליברלי 24/7.
  3. כתיבת חוקה עירונית לערים החברות בארגון, המבוססת על ערכי הליברליזם והדמוקרטיה.
  4. הקמת תשתית לאיגוד ערים בעל תקנון, מועצה מחוקקת וחקיקה מחייבת לערים.

שלב ב’ – הקמת איגוד ערים ליברליות 

איגוד ערים היא התאגדות של ערים מתוקף חוק איגודי ערים התשט”ו-1955.

גוף זה הינו גוף משפטי המוקם באישור שר הפנים למען קידום מטרות משותפות של מספר ערים.

לגוף זה יש תקנון, מועצה מחוקקת המורכבת מנציגי הרשויות החברות בה, מנכ”ל וגוף מקצועי.

איגוד הערים הליברליות יוכל לשמש כבסיס לפרלמנט עתידי בעל סמכויות חקיקה וחוקה.

שלב זה הינו מיסוד של השלב הקודם, דבר שיאפשר להגדיל את התקציבים המשותפים והמשאבים המוקצים מטעם העיריות לטובת מטרות ליברליות.

אנו מעריכים כי כבר בשלב זה יחלו אוכלוסיות ליברליות להגר לאזורים ליברליים יותר ולהיפך, דבר שיקל על חלוקה עתידית למחוזות.

משתתפים: רשויות העומדות בתנאי התקנון ובהן התקבלה החלטה בידי המועצה וראש הרשות להצטרף לאיגוד.


  1. כתיבת בסיס לחוקה המקדמת את ערכי הליברליזם.
  2. יצירת כוח פוליטי חדש בזירה הארצית, המהווה גורם מאזן לכנסת.
  3. הפניית משאבים כספיים על בסיס מיסים לטובת קידום ערכי האיגוד, על חשבון מיסוי ארצי.

המשך לקרוא כאן…

זה דוקא נשמע לי די מעשי.

How Goyim Eat ‘Ever Min Hachai’ (A Disturbing Read!)

5 cruelties that are made on behalf of cuisine

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015

Most of us love a good, juicy steak or a golden brown roasted chicken, right? Unfortunately, it is no secret the cruel manner in which many slaughterhouses treat animals that end up on the tables of people. It is a disgusting case, however, does not reach the foot of some of the cruelties that are made on behalf of gourmet.

Culinary programs such as Master Chef or Kitchen Under Pressure were able to turn chefs into real celebrities and raise the taste for fine cuisine to a level range rarely seen in Brazil. All this brought to light some issues, such as the case of Foie Gras, which became controversial in the state of São Paulo. They refer to the cruelty with which some animals are treated before they become gourmet dishes. Whether in the name of an ancient tradition or on behalf of cooking, these are some of the worst atrocities committed by chefs.


From: Japan
Imagine arriving in Japan, getting in a sushi restaurant and watching in disbelief as the cook catches a fish (alive!) In a tank and begins to cut it right before their eyes. The fish, still struggling, is played on your plate. So, what would be your reaction? Do you have the courage to eat?
“Ikizukuri” when translated literally, means “prepared alive” and is very faithful to this. The chef partially removes the intestines, cuts the fish, seasons, and is ready to delicacy. The trick is to cut the fish without killing him. The animal is served with the exposed heart and hitting, gills working, struggling to breathe, and slowly dying. An even more cruel variation of the dish is the Yin Yang Fish, the Chinese, which is to dip a fish in hot oil to fry it alive – and suffer in the process.

Feng Gan Ji

From Tibet and China

One more literal translation and very precise dish: Feng Gan Ji means “chicken dry in the wind.” To prepare it, you basically need a chicken, a knife and a handful of seasonings, spices, herbs and other ingredients. Just pick up the bird, cut it in the gut region, remove the body, put the spices in place, and sew back. Then the chicken is hung upside down, still conscious, to dry in the wind, until the staging point.


Origin: France
The Ortolan, better known as Dark in Brazil, is a friendly bird that measures about six centimeters long. Olive and yellow, it still presents some ruby ​​touches here and there. It’s the kind of bird would you put in a cage (which would be cruel enough). Unfortunately, the Dark is the victim of a cruel process that has existed for hundreds of years in Europe – particularly in France.
Basically, the recipe for the dish is as follows: after capturing the bird in nature, stick your eyes with tweezers and put it in a cage so tight and they will not be able to move. Keep it in a heavy diet of corn, grapes and figs until it is two to four times its original size, and then drown it in a glass of Armagnac. After roasting the bird for six to eight minutes, the consumer should put her full on the mouth. That’s right. The Dark eating biting her bones, viscera, and muscles; all together. The Armagnac lungs explode in bite and closes with a flourish, according to the chefs, the delicacy. It’s such a cruel dish that people hide his mouth to eat it – it is believed, to hide from the eyes of God.
 Foie Gras
Origin: France
Also French, Foie Gras is a dish that basically has a fatty liver as the main star. This may sound to normal for some people, as the liver is a piece of meat quite common in Brazil. The problem is how the birds usually ducks and geese are raised for slaughter. After some time living in the field, select animals are brought into a dark room and placed in small compartments which are fed by force of corn and fat to the liver be six times higher than normal.
This is because the buttery texture of the plate is achieved by the insertion of a pipe over the metal by the bird’s esophagus, which is constantly bombarded with a mixture of fatty corn goes straight stop in its digestive system, expanding and saturating the liver with fat . Of course, the birds feel uncomfortable in the process, which is why the creators keep them in small boxes where they can barely beat their wings or feet. If you have the stomach, see an image of the creative process of birds.
Huo Jia Lu
Origin: China
Donkey meat is quite common in China, as easy to find as pork or beef meat. “Huo Jia Lu” means “Living Donkey”. That’s right. The animal has tied the legs and the body pressed while the chefs cut their raw body, serving immediately for diners. The animal still cries when they begin to eat. It is this very well. Just cut the donkey and the donkey eating. To get worse, there is a still more cruel variation of delicacy: Lu Jiao Rou, where the butcher, after cutting the donkey skin, pours boiling water over raw meat until it is cooked.