Higher Education?

Beware the Academic Zika Virus

By now just about everyone has heard of the zika virus, transmitted by mosquitos, which is said to cause brain damage in children.  As worrisome as this is, an even bigger brain damage threat to young people is what I call the academic zika virus, transmitted by left-wing, politically-correct “educators.”  There are exceptions, but undergraduate education in America has become one big socialist indoctrination academy that fills students’ heads with cultural Marxist myths, superstitions, and falsehoods while inculcating an infantile culture that teaches students to run crying to “safe rooms” if a dissenting voice should somehow appear on campus.  All of this can be yours for a mere 50 grand a year at many universities.

Send your son or daughter off to a college or university this fall and they will discover that there is no greater cause than supporting the ideas of Comrade Bernie Sanders, the proud socialist who tried to become president by offering lots of free stuff, Santa Clause style, to America’s youth, who voted for him by the millions.

Your child is not likely to be taught the eternal economic truth that there is no such thing as a free lunch; that  neither university professors nor doctors and nurses are slaves who are forced to work for free so that there can be no such thing as “free” higher education or healthcare.  Someone has to pay for it, and that someone will be them.  

They will likely graduate without ever hearing that socialism has destroyed the economy of every country where it has been adopted, including most recently oil-rich Venezuela, where middle-class people are literally rooting through garbage in the streets looking for food, barely fifteen years after its socialist “revolution” under the late communist Hugo Chavez.  They will not learn that socialist governments in the twentieth century murdered more than 100 million of their own people for dissenting or being suspected of dissenting to the imposition of socialism and the confiscation of their property, farms, and businesses by government thugs.

The Black Book of Communism and Death by Government, two scholarly, university press books that horrifyingly document all of this, will not be on any reading list.  Yet their socialist professors with Che Guevara or Mao posters hanging on their office walls will always take the moral high road while advocating in their classrooms the ideology that was the cause of the worst crimes in human history.  (When Yours Truly adopted The Communist Manifesto in a class on “Capitalism and its Critics” one student complained that it was the fourth time he was required to read the book, but the other three professors treated it as a roadmap for a future America, not a poisonous historical relic).

Your student will not learn that Sweden was a very prosperous country in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-centuries because it was a limited government, low-tax society that spawned many great inventors and entrepreneurs (Alfred Nobel, Volvo, and Saab, Swiss watches), but that that prosperity was stopped in its tracks when Sweden adopted “democratic socialism” in mid-century.  As a result, Sweden ate up (with taxes) the wealth created by previous generations, so much so that not a single net new job was created there from 1950 to 2005 according to the Swedish Economic Association.  And when the Swedish central bank tried to bail out the floundering Swedish welfare state, it created 500% interest rates. (The same bank that pretentiously awards the Nobel Prize in Economic Science!).

Your college student will be subjected to the old socialist propaganda tactic of accusing critics of socialism or socialistic policies of basing their opposition on hate, not logic or facts.  A conservative or libertarian professor who discusses how welfare harms the work ethic and causes family break-ups will be accused of hating the poor.  An economist who explains that a $15/hour minimum wage would cause massive unemployment among teenagers who are not yet capable of producing $15/hour for a business will be branded a capitalist tool and a paid propagandist. The same goes for the economist who criticizes price controls.  Who could be against lower prices but a paid corporate propagandist?

An economist may well be fired or denied tenure for pointing out the well-known fact that if one controls for marriage and choice of occupation, then there is no male/female “wage gap” caused by “discrimination” at all; in fact, many studies show that after such controls are made American women are paid slightly more than men.

Good luck to any professor who, following the pioneering research of Nobel laureate economist Gary Becker, explains how competition in a capitalistic marketplace tends to diminish or eliminate wage discrimination based on race.  The simple theory is that if an employer pays two equally productive employees differently, say paying the black employee half of what the white employee is paid, he creates a profit opportunity for his competitors, who will certainly take advantage of it.  A man who can produce say $100,000/year for a business but who is paid only $30,000 because of discrimination could be offered double the salary by a competing employer who would then pocket the difference between $100,000 and $60,000.  And another employer would offer him even more, and perhaps another.  If there’s enough labor market competition the wage gap between black and white employees will eventually disappear.

This very mainstream (in the economics profession, anyway) line of reasoning typically causes heads to explode in the PC world of academe, for one of its most cherished superstitions is that “the legacy of slavery” has forever left black people at an economic disadvantage, no matter how educated, skilled, talented, etc. they become.  They still need to be “adopted” for life by the government and cared for like feeble little children.

Very few students will learn that more capitalistic (and therefore more prosperous) countries are overwhelmingly cleaner, environmentally speaking, than socialist countries.  They will not learn that the worst ecological disasters of the past century were in the socialist countries of the Soviet empire, China, and elsewhere, and that event today, socialist governments in countries like Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela, have been responsible for turning large parts of their countries into environmental cesspools.

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From Lewrockwell.com, here.

Before Egalitarian Political Correctness Overturned Common Sense

Note: Part of the following quote is Cursedian heresy, but the main point is still valid.

To be sure, before the world one person is properly accounted nobler than another by reason of his birth, or smarter than another because of his intelligence, or stronger and more handsome than another because of his body, or richer and mightier than another in view of his possessions, or better than another on account of his special virtues. For this miserable, sinful, and mortal life must be marked by such differentiation and inequality; the requirements of daily life and the preservation of government make it indispensable. But to strut before God and boast about being so noble, so exalted, and so rich compared to other people — that is devilish arrogance.

  • Martin Luther, “On the Jews…”

Trei Medanei Asa: Who Has More Information?

I heard of a company seeking to create/recreate the Sefardi/Chassidic custom of buying Hadassim to smell on Shabbos. The product is called (Trei) Medanei Asa.

The words “Trei Medanei Asa” come from the known Gemara (Shabbos 33b):

נפקו כל היכא דהוה מחי רבי אלעזר הוה מסי רבי שמעון אמר לו בני די לעולם אני ואתה בהדי פניא דמעלי שבתא חזו ההוא סבא דהוה נקיט תרי מדאני אסא ורהיט בין השמשות אמרו ליה הני למה לך אמר להו לכבוד שבת ותיסגי לך בחד חד כנגד זכור וחד כנגד שמור אמר ליה לבריה חזי כמה חביבין מצות על ישראל יתיב דעתייהו.

And subsequently the Piyut:

בחמרא גו כסא. ומדאני אסא. לארוס וארוסה. להתקפא חלשין:

There doesn’t seem to be any internet presence for this enterprise (Update: see here).

How Jewishly ancient is this custom really?

The United States Government Created Islamic State


Judicial Watch proved it. Under a Freedom of Information Act request, Judicial Watch was able to obtain a (heavily redacted) copy of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) directive that initiated the creation of ISIS in 2012. the DIA report states, 


Not even Judicial Watch seems to have appreciated the significance of this document, where its press release focused on the Benghazi attack. Recent releases of Hillary’s emails, moreover, confirm that taking out Assad has nothing to do with his alleged abuse of the Syrian people but because it will help Israel.

Just in case it has slipped anyone’s mind, Hillary was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. Barack was inaugurated in 2008 and steps down in 2016. It happened on their watch. It could not have happened without their approval. They really did create ISIS!

The chemical attacks on Syrian citizens on 21 August 2013 was meant to justify lobbing cruise missiles into Syria. Obama was ready, but Americans were not. And when the ploy was debunked by a 50-page dossier the Russians provided to the UN, they resorted to “Plan B”, which was the creation of ISIS by the DIA.

The chemical weapons are widely believed to have been provided to the “rebels” by Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, to whom the Bush family refers as “Bandar Bush”. But recent releases of Hillary’s emails suggest that she was directing the transfer of weapons from Libya to Syria and chemical weapons may have been among them.

The Benghazi attack appears to have been initiated because Ambassador Christ Stevens was concerned that some of the weapons being sent to Syria could be used against the civilian population. The Obama administration has stonewalled inquiries as to whether Benghazi had anything to do with transferring weapons to the rebels. That means “Yes!”

The signs have been there right along the way, but the media has not been reporting them. Here are some of the facts reported in a recent study about ISIS:

* On 23 February 2015, *FARS* reported that the (much maligned) Iraqi Army had downed 2 UK cargo planes carrying weapons for ISIS, which was among the first signs that things were not as the world was being told by Western—and especially US—news sources.

* On 1 March 2015, *FARS* reported that Iraqi popular forces are known as “Al-Hashad Al-Shabi” shot down a US helicopter carrying weapons for ISIL in Al-Anbar province of which they had photographs.

* On 10 April 2015, *Press TV* reported that, in response to a request by Syrian that ISIL be named a terrorist organization, the US, Britain, France, and Jordan refused, which was rather baffling on its face.

Photographs were appearing contemporaneously showing ISIS members sporting “US Army” tattoos, which the American media has yet to acknowledge. Confirm this for yourself by searching for “ISIS members sporting US Army tattoos” online.

On 19 May 2015, Brad Hoof of levantreport.com, “2012 Defense intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State ‘in order to isolate the Syrian regime”, based upon the release of a selection of formerly classified documents obtained by Judicial Watch from the US Department of Defense and Department of State.

On 22 June 2015, ex-CIA contractor, Steven Kelley, explained the US “created ISIL for sake of Israel” and to have a “never-ending war” in the Middle East, which would make the countries there “unable to stand up to Israel” and to provide “the constant flow of orders for weapons from the military-industrial complex at home, which is feeding a lot of money to the senators pushing for these wars”.

There’s more–a lot more, including photographs of Sen. John McCain with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. You can find dozens of them on the internet. In Washington, ISIS is widely known as “John McCain’s army”. So what’s wrong with a candidate for president making the point that his opponent and her most prominent support actually created ISIS?  Trump is right.


http://www.iranreview.org/cont ent/Documents/How-We-Know-ISIS -Was-MADE-IN-THE-USA-.htm

From Lewrockwell.com, here.