Democracy VS Monarchy

Many people are under the impression democracy is the closest form of government to true freedom for all, while monarchy is just dictatorship. So how do we explain the Torah’s insistence on the Davidic monarchy (if anything)? Who knows? Maybe freedom is overrated?

The truth is, monarchy is closer to freedom than is democracy. To learn more, check out this book from Hans Hoppe. And here’s a summary.

For When Prophecy Returns

Divrei Chaim asks this question:

… The gemara (Meg 14b) asks how Chuldah could prophesize while Yirmiyahu, who was a greater navi, was around. (I’m not 100% sure I understand the gemara’s question – if G-d starts speaking to you, how can you not prophesize, regardless of how much greater others may be? I assume what the gemara means is that receiving nevuah requires some kind of prior preparation. If there is someone greater already acting as a navi, that bars others from making those necessary preparations to receive nevuah themselves.) The gemara answers that since she was a relative of Yirmiyahu’s, he was mochel. It sounds like there is a din similar to that of moreh halacha b’makom rabo with respect to nevuah. Maybe this is what was bothering Yirmiyahu – as a talmid, or apprentice navi, he was in a similar position as Chulda and al pi din had to defer to the greater navi.

Answer: I think it’s not about getting the prophecy but about giving it over to others, just as I may “prepare” to decide Halacha, but not actually do so in my Rabbi’s presence without permission.