Israel Pits Jews Against One Another

Even if Hebrew is not your preferred language, check out anything posted here from Kav Yashar. They are not as consistent as, say, Rafi Farber, but there are often well-argued articles promoting a less-predatory government. Such as this here on the anti-social effects of redistributionary economic policy (I call them ‘decrees’). Non-radical writers possess a certain charm in their very moderation.

On Some Missing Links

Israel613 is a site which we have quoted here in the past. It seems the site is currently under repair. If the problems turn out to be permanent, we will the replace all the links. In the meantime, please have patience. For specific information, feel free to contact us.

The Foundation: ‘Yad Yisrael Tekifah’ (Jewish Sovereignty)

I highly recommend the following article. The most interesting sentence for me (I like hard, unequivocal sources):

Hebrew sovereignty over Eretz Yisrael is the foundation for proper Torah observance (see Mishnah Torah Hilkhot anukah 3:1, the Ramban’s supplement to the Rambam’s Sefer HaMitzvot 4, Shulan ArukhEven HaEzer 75:6, Pesikta Rabati 34, Magid Mesharim Parshat Vayikra and esed L’Avraham 3:7) and Hashem’s Divine blueprint for mankind demands Jewish independence in the historic Jewish homeland.

Mitzvos cannot, practically speaking, be fully active without sovereignty (Geography is less important for this; Uganda works).

From Arutz Sheva, here.