Does Ritual Parchment (Klaf) Require a Hechsher?

Sofer Offers Refund or Free Replacement

As a Sofer, I have always used certain types of klaf that were easier to write on, in the belief that certification made the klaf of a higher standard, yet was not essential. I relied on the factories to use only G-d fearing, Jewish labor when processing hides designed for use as STaM klaf.

Upon hearing of the Elul 5766 scandal, I turned to leading Rabbinic authorities from both Israel and the Diaspora, all of whom ruled that the “regular” parchment was of doubtful validity. There’s a high probability that the lime-soakage was done by Gentiles who are always considered to lack the needed intention (lishma), rendering the parchment completely unkosher.

I must now either fully reimburse my customers, or rewrite all my work on hechsher-bearing klaf. My customers can reach me at the number below. In the meantime, none of my work may be used, including tefillin, mezuzos, etc. I hope this notice suffices.

Regarding the overwhelming response to my previous notice entitled “Sofer Offers Refund or Free Replacement”, I’d like to clarify a few points:

(a) It has been brought to my attention that quite a few prominent Poskim, among them Av Beis Din Zichron Meir Rabbi Shmuel Wosner, Badatz Eidah Hachareidis and tens of Rabbis from America had by Teves 5761 already issued a ruling to the effect that the use of unsupervised klaf is absolutely forbidden and that 86 well known Rabbis had said the same thing a hundred years ago.

(b) Distinguished rabbis have contacted me to offer encouragement in withstanding this trial of great monetary loss.

(c) In the wake of this scandal, I confronted the person who’d instructed me in the art of writing upon certain klaf that is easier to write on even though it lacks Kosher certification. We asked a great Posek who should be responsible for the free refunds. The ruling was that my teacher, the sellers, and I all should share the reimbursement expenses. The Posek also showed us no less than six pamphlets concerning this very subject. My teacher was shocked and agreed to help pay my customers.

Shmuel Nesanel Blum, Sofer STaM, Bet Shemesh

(Formerly of Kiryat Yoel, NY)

Grandson of the Kashoi Gaon zatzal


Pray for Israeli Government, State, or Nothing?

Misgivings about the Prayer for the State of Israel-Interview with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

TUESDAY, 12 JULY 2016 18:27
Should we be saying the prayer for the State of Israel every Shabbath? In the following video interview Machon Shilo’s Rabbi David Bar-Hayim assesses this prayer:

In English:



From Machon Shilo, here.

There is No ‘Scale of Offenses’ Against the State

The Penalty is Always Death

electric-chairYesterday, the NYPD opened fire on an unarmed suspect in Times Square. Luckily for the suspect, the NYPD has terrible aim. Not so lucky, were the two innocent bystanders struck by taxpayer funded bullets flying indiscriminately through the polluted urban air. This all started because the NYPD allegedly saw the man stumbling around on 8th Avenue. Moments later, they started spraying bullets in his general direction, in one of the most crowded places on the planet.

I can think of no better opportunity to take the chance to point out, that the penalty for disobeying agents of the State, is always death. I’m borrowing the title from a 2008 article by Mike Gogulski on, but what follows are my own thoughts, and it’s a point I’ve been making for a long time, that everyone, or at least, every anarchist, on some level, knows is true.

Whether you stand accused of stumbling, smoking marijuana, ignoring threatening letters, driving too fast, or parking too long, the outcome is always the same, threats of violence. If, when the armed thugs come to extract their vengeance, you become compliant, true enough, you are likely to survive the encounter. If however, you treat them like the criminals they are, they too will display their true nature, and kill you where you stand.

Continue reading…

From, here.

מקצת על שלמה אבינר וחטא שתיקת הרבנים

ציטוט מתוך אתר נגד ש. אבינר שהועלם בעוה”ר:

בושים ונכלמים אנו שגדולי הדור לא דאגו לכך בעצמם. מאות כריתות מידי יום ביומו, צער ואומללות לנשים רבות וכו’ וכו’ – וכולם שותקים. היו פניות לרבנים רבים בעבר, הוקמה וועדה, נעשו כל הנסיונות לקיים את הדין הבסיסי כלפי תלמיד חכם שסרח, אך דבר לא עזר. הוא ממשיך לחגוג ולשלוט כרצונו, מצפצף על כולם, מתחמק בדרכי עורמה, מבלבל, ובמקום שהרבנים יקימו קול זעקה – כולם טומנים ידיהם בצלחת ונותנים לדברים הנוראים להמשיך ולקרות.

כבר היה הרב קופלוביץ, כבר התאבד תלמיד בגלל השתיקה, כבר תלמידים רבים עזבו את הדת משום שהרגישו את העוולה שנעשתה בכך שהרבנים ידעו וחיפו, כבר נוצר חילול ה’ גדול הרבה יותר אחר שהדברים נחשפו ונחקרו על ידי ציבור חילוני, וכולם ראו איך הרבנים חיפו, ועדיין ממשיכים באותה דרך?

לא יכול להיות שיש כל כך הרבה אנשים שיש להם בטן מלאה ואין להם לאן לפנות: כשמקימים ועדה – לא מקיימים את תוצאותיה; כשמתלוננים לרבנים – כולם מושכים את כתפיהם ואומרים שזה לשון הרע, או שאין להם יכולת להתעסק בזה; כשמגישים תלונה על כך לרבנות הראשית – הם מתעלמים. כל זמן שהפרשה לא תפתר על ידי הגורמים המוסמכים לכך – היא תתעורר לפרקים.

  • Excerpted from which is now sadly defunct.

YB Ilan – The Podcast

A critical look at the present and future of Orthodox Judaism.

Join Yehudah B. (“YB”) Ilan as he explores various topics related to the current movement of observant Jews who are seeking a way out of the Euro-centrism, extreme legal positions, and obsessive mystical tendencies of the Haredi-Hasidic world through an honest examination of the textual sources. Learn why this organic religious phenomenon is a positive development that needs to be embraced and how in it lies the key to a brighter Jewish future.

From Spreaker, here.

Can’t wait to listen!