Satmar on Arms Deals

When Hubert Humphrey campaigned for the Vice Presidency, he paid a visit to the Satmar Rav, who immediately opened the conversation with a question about Humphrey’s willingness to send more arms to Israel. Humphrey had been forewarned about Rav Yoilish’s views on the Zionist entity, and expressed his surprise. The Satmar Rav responded, “No, no. You don’t understand. We have a disagreement with members of the family – but we don’t want to see anyone in the family get hurt.”

(Source: Dr. David Luchins)

From here.

We learn that the Satmar Rebbe was an economic ignoramus and a statist (or do I repeat myself?).

‘There Is No Wisdom and No Understanding and No Plan Against God’

הנני בידך – אברהם פריד | Hineni Beyadcha – Avraham Fried

Published on Jan 8, 2016

Dear friends.
On my upcoming cd one of the songs is a song composed by Pinchos Brayer from Eretz Yisroel.
This beautiful prayer was written by R’ Mayer’l of Apt ZT”l.
Powerful statement of pure faith. No matter how much time and effort I invest in whatever I am doing, without help from Hashem,
There’s no chance for any success.
Good Shabbos.
“רבון העולמים ידעתי,
כי הנני בידך לבד כחומר ביד היוצר.
ואם גם אתאמץ בעצות ותחבולות
וכל יושבי תבל יעמדו למיני להושיעני ולתמוך נפשי,
מבלעדי עוזך ועזרתך
אין עזרה וישועה”.

מילים: ר’ מאיר הלוי מאפטא זצ”ל, בעל ה’אור לשמים’ / לחן: פנחס ברייער / עיבוד: נפתלי שניצלר / מיקס: אלי לישינסקי

From YouTube, here.

The Leftist Laxity on Penal Law

R’ Yaakov on “sick” “frum” murderers

From Emes L’Yaakov on Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim Simman 116:1) note 145

Question: Should one daven in Refaenu for a person who is in prison for the crime of murder, since Lich’orah he is sick?

Answer: Certainly not, because he is not sick rather he is a criminal.

And we must fight against this attitude that all sins of a person are because of sickness, rather it all stems from a lack of Yir’as Shamayim, and the proof is that in front of people he would not do what he did, he just has no fear of the Ribbono Shel Olam.

[And perhaps one should daven for him in Hashivenu…] [Hattip: EW]