האם כבר נחשב ‘רוב יושביה עליה’? – מאמר בקובץ תחומין

שמעתי שבתחומין מ”ג פורסם מאמר בנידון.

כך סוקר אותו הרב יואל קטן:

במאמר האחרון דן הרב בנימין קוסובסקי, ר”מ בישיבת קרנ”ש, באפשרות שבימינו כבר קיימת המציאות של ‘רוב יושביה עליה’, מה שמביא לחיוב המצוות התלויות בארץ מדאורייתא גם לפי שיטות הראשונים שעליהם אנו סומכים שבזמן הזה מצוות אלו חלות רק מדרבנן. מסקנתו, כשהוא נעזר בסקרים דמוגרפיים יהודיים-עולמיים בנוסף לבירור שיטות הראשונים, שרבו הראשונים והאחרונים שלדעתם בזמן הזה אכן כבר חזר הדין והארץ קדושה למצוותיה מהתורה, אך הוא משאיר את הדברים לעיונם של גדולי ישראל, ונראה מה יגיד יום.

KZ Anglo Succos Event – Message from the Editor in Chief

Moadim L’simchah – A Guten Mo’ed!

While still residing in Chutz La’aretz, but soon to be, B’ezras Hashem, among you all, living in Eretz Yisrael, I would like to take this opportunity to convey a thought to you about the upcoming English-language pamphlet.

Over the past few years, there have been numerous emails, conversations, meetings, and even multiple attempts to get this project started. Hundreds of collaborative hours of work have gone into this, and I have devoted countless hours of my own time to this wonderful project. Kol haschalos kashos is an understatement. Now, we are finally rounding the corner to the final publication.

Succos is known as Chag Ha’asif, the holiday for gathering all that had been harvested during the past year.

Succos is also known as Zman Simchaseinu. The Vilna Gaon said that the mitzvah of simchas Yom Tov was a most difficult mitzvah to be mekayeim.

At this time of the year, we prepare for the long winter ahead. The uncertainty of what the winter will bring, both during the season itself and afterward when spring finally arrives, can hinder our ability to be fully b’simcha. However, even so, we must put our full bitachon in Hashem that He will take care of us.

Honestly, there were many times I was skeptical as to whether we would ever arrive at the point so close to publication, and even now, I continue to work diligently and daven to Hashem that we should be successful. At the same time, I realize that “publishing” is really only the beginning – it is when the message reaches the public and they begin to act that we can say that we have begun to achieve our goal.

So yes, there is still much uncertainty, but there is indeed a simcha.

So, when you receive the pamphlet and read the material, please help us continue to reach our goal in whatever way you can. You can be part of the simcha as well.

We planted the seeds of the idea. We nurtured the plant of hard work and watched it grow. Now we are getting ready to harvest the material and, B’ezras Hashem, we will soon see the readers gather the fruits of our labor and enjoy the sweet pages of chibas Ha’aretz.

Shlomo Y. Wrubel

Editor in Chief

Simchas Yom Tov with Kedushas Tzion, in Yerushalayim

Passing on the Passion for Living in HaShem’s Embrace

Chol HaMoed Sukkos, Wednesday 19 Tishrei / Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Program will be in English.

Hosted by R’ Yoel Berman
author of recently released book, Living in the Land
Copies will be available for purchase

Shaul HaMelech 51, Yerushalayim
(Sanhedria neighborhood, near Tzomet Bar Ilan)
Downstairs in the large Sukkah.
Limited room – registration required, here
or by reply to yberman613@gmail.com.
Suggested donation 18 NIS

BE”H there will also be a women’s section

Registration required by this Friday morning, Erev Sukkos

Light refreshments served.

Program includes:

Veteran Oleh
Longtime resident of Beitar Illit
How the Sefer ‘Eim HaBanim Semeicha’ Effected my Aliyah to Eretz Yisroel

R’ Yoel Berman
Avira D’Eretz Yisroel
Practicalities First, Ideology Next: The ‘Living in the Land’ book,
and the Upcoming Kedushas Tzion English-Language Magazine

Rav Daniel Travis shlit”a
Rosh Kollel and author
Passing on the Passion for Living in Eretz Yisroel

R’ Rachmiel Daykin
Journalist promoting Yishuv Eretz Yisroel
Music & Song: Zecher l’Simchas Beis HaShoe’eva

For more info, contact Yoel Berman yberman613@gmail.com / 053-319-1618.
Limited room – registration required, here or by reply to yberman613@gmail.com. Suggested donation 18 NIS.

Yoel Berman 053-3191618 יואל ברמן
Check out my new book! Living in the Land
אגודת קדושת ציון – דרישת ציון על טהרת הקודש
מתחברים למשמעות התורנית המעשית של ארץ ישראל בימינו