The Foolish Evil of the IDF Draft
As I understand it, the Israeli state has forced young Jews (but not Arabs!) into three-track welfare. You can choose which track, but you can’t escape them all. Not easily, anyway.
- Yeshiva/Kollel (necessarily inflated by government fiat).
- Army (“covert” welfare for the 80% or so, who add nothing).
- Prison (free room and board at least).
Study Torah, learn a profession, go to work; just stay away from the state army! Suicide Is the Primary Cause of Death Among Israeli Soldiers (bored out of their sanity). You’re not helping anyone by getting dressed up in green!
From Rafi Farber:
Let’s assume the IDF is holy. Let’s accept that, for argument’s sake. From a minarchist libertarian perspective that public defense is legitimate, that could certainly be argued from a religious Zionist minimal State perspective. But that doesn’t mean that serving in the IDF is holy. If everyone served in the IDF, everyone would starve because there would be no profit-driven division of labor. We’d turn into Mao’s Great Leap Forward where everyone was a soldier and simply die of starvation, just like the Chinese did, 45 million of them from 1958-62, when the whole country was drafted into a Chinese army all at once with Mao directing it.
If the IDF is holy, it needs support. It needs people outside of it in the economy to feed it. I’m one of those. Other people in Israel need people in the private sector to supply them with goods and services. When you get a job and make money, you are doing something holy because you are supporting the IDF that way. You are supporting the army, but you are also supporting everyone.
When you sit in the army and do nothing, you are not supporting the army. You are not supporting anyone. You are obeying politicians. That’s it. You are burdening the army. So the most courageous thing to do would be to simply leave and accept the consequences. If you are worried about prison, you need not be. You’re already in one.
Excerpted from The Jewish Libertarian, here.
‘Just Don’t Sin Against God’
We have ‘Bein adam lachaveiro’ and ‘Bein adam lamakom’. We even have new inventions from the progressive Mussarites in this vein, such as ‘Bein adam le’atzmo’ (see here too)… Jewish environmentalists are gunning for us, too, just wait.
Why not add a new category (so to speak), wonders Shmuel Sackett: ‘Bein adam le’artzo‘?
Three Short Tips for Teens
by Reb Gutman Locks
The guide asked me to speak to his Birthright group for a few minutes.
If you have only five minutes to change fifty Jewish kids’ lives what would you say to them? There are so many essential things that these kids need to know, but I only have these few minutes. What can I say that will enter their hearts so they take the information back home with them? What is their real birthright?
This question comes up whenever I try to help someone with tefillin at the Kotel, but it is fifty times more important when speaking to a group. Here is what I told Chabad’s Teen Group when asked me to speak to them:
3 Things Every Jewish Kid Should Do
From Mystical Paths, here.
Temporal Popularity is Short Lived
Here are the four stages of popular fame (inspired by this):
- Who is Shwekey?
- Get me Shwekey!
- At least get me a Shwekey imitation.
- Who is Shwekey?
Learn and teach Torah (as well?) if you can. Torah doesn’t cruelly abandon you this way.