‘God Enlightens the Eyes of Both’ (See Mishlei)
A Chassid once met a Litvak for the first time. This is what their conversation consisted of:
Chassid: Please tell me, what is the difference between us two?
Litvak: Are you sure you wish to find out?
Chassid: Yes.
Litvak: Tell me a Chassidic saying, please.
Chassid: The Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Zalman of Liadi, once said that Shabbos without Kugel is like Rosh Hashana without a Shofar.
Litvak: Eh, so what do you call Rosh Hashana that falls out on Shabbos without Kugel?
Chassid: Thank you for answering my question.
Litvak: You are welcome. And thank you for reminding me to pray for the return of the Temple and Sanhedrin (cf. Maimonides Laws of Shofar chap. 2, end) – in spite of the Meshech Chochma Leviticus 23:24.