Why We Need Mashiach

Two errors rear their head in most every revolution. First, the reformers do not move fast enough; instead they often experience a crisis of faith and become overwhelmed by demands that they govern “responsibly” rather than tear down the established order. Second, the reformers leave too much in place that can be used by their successors to rebuild the state they worked so hard to dismantle. This permits gains to be reversed as soon as another party takes control.


האם הרב יצחק יוסף מתמצא בענף הבשר?

דברי שטות והבל של יצחק יוסף בענין הכשרות

מה יצחק יוסף אומר על כשרות הבשר והעוף, ומה אחרים גדולים ממנו לאין שיעורים חושבים על כך?

קטע משיעורו של יצחק יוסף בנושא כשרות הבשר והעוף

ומה היית דעתו של אחיו, הרב יעקב יוסף זצ”ל בנושא?

ומה הרב עמאר חושב על זה? – 

ומה אביו, הרב עובדיה יוסף אמר על הפגימות בסכינים?! –

ומה עם כל ההקלטות עם שוחטים, ראשי צוותות מהענף שהעידו להרב אמנון יצחק שליט”א שיש אינספור בעיות שונות שלא מטופלות כראוי? –

באיזה עולם אתה חי יצחק? אתה בכלל מונח בכל מה שקורה בענף הזה?!

מאתר שופר, כאן.

From Shofar, here.

Libertarian Hypocrisy on Israel

Top Ten Things That Piss Me Off About Anti Israel Libertarians

These issues are usually in my subconscious. Recent events have brought them out to my conscious thought. I don’t like discussing this stuff in general because these are Jewish issues and what non Jews think doesn’t concern me. But I’ve been brought in to the fold, so here are my thoughts.

  1. Anti Israel libertarians say settlements are immoral because they are not annexed by the State of Israel, even though settling land is the crux of the entire libertarian homesteading theory, and libertarians are against states annexing anything in the first place.
  2. Statist institutions and instruments like the UN and “international law,” suddenly become relevant and important regarding what these institutions say about Israel, even though they are despised and ignored and reviled in every single other case.
  3. Anti Israel libertarians rail against the “ethnic cleansing” of “Palestine” while they simultaneously egg on the actual ethnic cleansing of Judea and Samaria of Jews, because “settlements” are “illegal” according to “international law” and should all be evacuated. I wonder what John Locke would say about THAT.
  4. Libertarians hold that homesteading is the way one comes to own property, yet anti Israel libertarians like Jeremy Hammond can hold, only in the case of Israel, that it is legitimate to own UNhomesteaded land just because some statist body says that uncultivable land can be “owned”.land-ownership-palestine
  5. Israel is by FAR the most liberal state in the entire middle east in terms of economic and religious freedom, which means that it is the MOST libertarian state by any and EVERY measure, and yet it is the MOST hated by many libertarians.

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From The Jewish Libertarian, here.