Wait, Peres Is Still Around?

Shimon Peres was stricken by a stroke. He is one of those mainly responsible for the Oslo Accords and their aftermath. I wonder what Moshe Feiglin will say.

I cannot find a link for the following story:

Peres was heckled during a speech with “Why did you give them guns?” Eventually Peres got sick of hearing the slogan and shot back with “So take the guns back!” To which he was told: “What one fool breaks, a thousand wise men cannot fix”.

First They Came For the Arabs…

This story happened to a friend of mine whom we shall name Yitzchak:

Yitzchak was travelling on an intercity bus one night, when three Arab labourers boarded. Apparently fearing for their safety, one of the passengers  called the police. Three cops came to check whether the Arabs had entry permits or not. Since one of the Arabs appeared to be sleeping, a mean-looking cop roughly shoved the Arab’s head back demanding his papers. Upon seeing this, Yitzchak arose and loudly accused the cop of disgracing his government uniform, demanding the cop’s badge serial number and other details. “But he was only feigning sleep”, the cop tried to explain. Yitzchak would have none of it. “And what if he was? He’s a person, is he not?! This will end up in Machash (the Israeli version of Internal Affairs)!”

Once the bus had resumed its route, another traveller, a Gerrer Chassid, turned to Yitzchak and said: “I see you are an Arab-lover…” Yitzchak replied, this time calmly: “This is not about the Arab at all. Tomorrow you and I could be at a demonstration protesting the desecration of Shabbos or the like and this same cop, having been given free reign once, could assault either of us, as well. What will you say then?” The Chassid had to agree.

And no, it didn’t end up in Machash…

By the way, to lodge a complaint against a policeman, see this guide.

The Laws of the Torah or State Law?

Israeli state media’s favorite expression is that we are/must be “Medinat Chok”, or law abiding. But there are several questions to be asked:

  • God’s laws or those of humans?
  • With government corruption this blatant, why are only citizens made to follow the law?
  • Since when must Jews “believe in the state” anyway?!

This article over at Israel Rising addresses these issues briefly.

Moneybomb For Moshe

This is Our Big Chance, but We Can’t Do it Without You

Ever heard of CROWD-FUNDING??

It is a relatively new idea but one that has become fabulously successful.In a nutshell; companies set a goal of what they need to raise – to get a project off the ground – and they ask for investors. People all over the world invest but nobody is charged and no money is actually given until the ENTIRE goal has been reached!

Think this is a good idea?

Well, in 2015 over $20 BILLION was raised via this method!! Not bad.

Around that same time, people started to figure out how to use crowd-funding also in the non-profit world and a great plan was designed.The best one we found was with an amazing company called “CHARIDY”.

Note: They have run over 900 campaigns and helped raise over $100 MILLION for wonderful charitable causes in the Jewish world!

CHARIDY does crowd-funding with a very special twist.

Their concept works on two basic principles:

1)      The money is raised in 24 hours ONLY. Yes, you read that right – just 24 hours.

2)      All donations raised in that 24 hour period are MATCHED by large donors who do MUCH MORE than just match… they QUADRUPLE every donation!! This means that a donation of $1,000 becomes $4,000. That is correct! Every dollar becomes 4. No joke, no gimmick, no scams. Every single donation ON THAT DAY is multiplied by FOUR. Incredible!!

Well, we are proud to announce that ZEHUT has joined the CHARIDY program and will be doing a crowd-funding campaign next week for 24 hours; from Tuesday, Sept 20th at 6pm (Israel time) straight until Wednesday, Sept 21st at 6pm (Israel time)

Our goal is to raise $100,000 in that 24 hour window!!
Remember what I wrote above; If we succeed in hitting that number – and ONLY if we succeed, then that $100,000 becomes $400,000.

Baruch Hashem, we have already received commitments from serious donors who will match every dollar that comes in during those 24 hours so that every dollar becomes 4.

In the coming days you will see videos from some of those donors – especially one of them who has committed $100,000 of the x4 matching funds!!

Here is what we need from you right now:

1)      We need people in Israel to help us make calls. Remember the old “Jerry Lewis Telethons”?? Well, even if you don’t, it was a fun-filled, action packed 24 hours of volunteers coming together to make calls for a worthy cause. We will provide food… and LOTS of coffee!! We simply need people who can help us make the calls. We are not hiring any “telemarketers”. CHARIDY has told us that this only works with people who truly believe in the organization… and that’s YOU!!

Please email or call me if you can help. My email is:zaydashmuel@gmail.com or call me at 052-607-0119.

I am in charge of the calls to USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, UK and SOUTH AFRICA so I need people who speak English. Please, please… we need your help, even if for just 2 hours.

2)      For people outside of Israel, please send us names, emails and phone numbers of people we can contact on that day – using your name. Even if you just send us 5-10 names (plus emails and phone numbers) – that will be very helpful. Remember that even a simple $25 donation becomes $100… if we hit our goal. We MUST do that!!!

3)      In the coming days we will be sending you a link where you can pledge your own funds and send that link to others. As I have stated several times, nobody will be charged at all. We simply need to get ready so that on that one day we can start adding up the pledges and hope we get to $100,000. I can’t say it enough: If we hit that $100,000 it will become $400,000. AMAZING!!

Please take this email seriously.
As you know, we don’t fundraise during the year.
This is our one and only campaign.
Let’s all come together and make this happen.

My phone line is open right now… call me at 052-607-0119 and join the team NOW!


With Love of Israel,
Shmuel Sackett
Zehut International

[Received by email.]