From Straight Line Logic, here.
Why Mussar Doesn’t Work
Mussarites claim theirs is a lofty path of slow but steady progress over a lifetime. The experience of any beginner, however, is very different. There is a small but noticeable change between one who has learned or reflected on no Mussar at all and one who has. Immediately thereafter, there is a “Diminishing Law of Returns“, even turning output negative. The immoral Mashgiach (moralist) is a true though common platitude.
As the Chazon Ish explains in his “Emunah Ubitachon”, human beings are not infinitely malleable. And there are no other “factors” at hand. Adding hours and energy to force human change is like pushing on a string (another useful metaphor from the sciences).
Does Public Opinion Matter?
Public opinion does change some things. This is why Jewish wars include collective punishment. Here are two examples from the Life in Israel blog.
Yes, I can think of counter-examples too.
re: Galus Judaism Is Not Libertarian
Post Script: I quoted the Sha’arei Teshuvah not to prove Chanufah (flattery) causes Chillul Hashem (which is a Gemara), but to show when it applies and when not.
And if one’s life is in danger, obviously one may not be honest, or even merely silent. Some other important points are summarized by Orchos Tzaddikim “Sha’ar Hachanifus”.
Eating Extra Before the Fast
Eliyahu Rabba O.C. 563:1 says this:
מצאתי שלא יאכל בלילה יותר מהרגיל שלו דאז לא יועיל לו התענית שהרי אותו מותרות שאוכל ישמור לו ליום תעניתו
Is this a Chumra, added piety, a mistake or actual Halacha?