Why Do So Few Mitzvos Pertain to City Dwelling?

There is a common question: why are Judaism’s laws (like contemporary society in Scripture) so livestock and agriculture-centric? There is no specific law against leaving the fields for the city, but if one wishes to observe more mitzvos, the farming and shepherding lifestyle is best (unless perhaps in Jerusalem at the time of the Temple).

Perhaps the answer lies in this quote:

The farmer was and remains the stumbling block to socialist experiments everywhere. Since he raises his own food and tends to live in his own house, he is less “controllable” than say, the urban dweller.

Liberty permits personal responsibility, a prerequisite to Judaism.

I must say, though, I doubt the historical accuracy of the above quote itself.

Remove Just One Word

Here’s an idle thought. If you remove just one word from the following passage, it sounds like something Murray Rothbard would agree with. Here is the quote, from Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar’s introduction to his opus “Vayoel Moshe”:

“כי אם ניקח כל פרצות הדור והעבירות המרובות הנעשות בכל העולם וישימו אותם בכף מאזניים אחת, ומדינה ציונית בכף מאזניים השניה, תכריע את הכל שהוא השורש פורה ראש ולענה של אבי אבות הטומאה שבכל אבות הנזיקין שבכל העולם כולו, והן המה המטמאים את כל העולם כולו”.

Can you tell which word to remove? This: “ציונית”.

What do you think?


Spend First, Ask Questions Later

Zika, Schmika: How To Waste $2,000,000,000

President Obama asked Congress for $2 Billion to research the Zika virus.  Thankfully, we have a do-nothing Congress who has yet to fund the Center for Disease Control’s (CDCs) request for Zika research.  I posted an earlier blog about the Zika issue here.

Zika refers to the virus spread by mosquitos.  It was first described as coming from the Zika Forest of Uganda in 1947.  Zika has affected many tropical countries including many in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and the Pacific.  And, over the last 70 years, there has not been an epidemic of microcephaly—children born with small heads, in any of these countries until a few months ago.  Microcephaly made headlines early this year when a Brazilian doctor reported an epidemic increase in children being born with small heads—microcephaly.  This doctor also noticed that many of the children who were born with small heads had mothers who were infected with Zika during their pregnancy.

The  Powers-That-Be, including the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) quickly jumped on this story in order to squeeze money out of the U.S.  The WHO declared Zika a global pandemic and the CDC promptly asked Congress for $2,000,000,000 dollars to study the illness and develop a vaccine against Zika.  A recent bill from Congress proposed spending about $1,000,000,000 studying and creating a vaccine for Zika.

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From Lewrockwell.com, here.

Germany Is Soulless

New War Crimes in Germany

The UN Commission of Experts identified 1,600 actual cases of rape in the Bosnian War that took place in the former Yugoslavia over a period of years. In Germany, 2,000 Muslim migrants sexually assaulted 1,200 women in a single night in cities across Germany.

The former was considered one of the worst war crimes of the decade. Its perpetrators were bombed and then faced war crimes trials. The perpetrators of the latter received a slap on the wrist.
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From Sultan Knish, here.

On Avoiding Pharaoh’s Wagons

Cars today must have seat belts, air bags, ugly metal exteriors, “fuel efficiency”, and more. Are you a car enthusiast? Do you love understanding everything there is to know about car models and engines? Check out Eric Peter’s site for car expertise and tips and the latest news from a strong libertarian perspective. This is his About page.