לימוד הלכות צרכי ציבור – טוב מאוחר מלעולם לא

מורי ורבותי ידידי ורעי
להלן מייל שקבלתי הבוקר בצירוף הקטע מדברי ר’ יצחק פינדרוס אליו מתייחס הכותב.
ליניק לכל ההרצאות יישלח בעזה”י בקרוב.
לכבוד הרב אליהו סולוביציק
יש שכר לפעולתכם
כנראה בעקבות יום היון, והרצאתו של הרב פינדרוס על העדר ידע הלכתי, תורני או יהודי בכלל, לו ולחביריו, בקביעת סדר עדיפויות לחלוקת כספי ציבר, ושאר עיניני כלכלה בתחום המונציפאלי, הוחלט במפלגת דגל התורה להקים גוף רבני שיענה לשאלות של נציגי הציבור של המפלגה בעיריית ירושלים. הרבנים שנבחרו הם ר’ דוד כהן, ראש ישיבת חברון, ר’ ברוך סולוביציק ראש ישיבת תורת זאב, ור’ יוסף אפרתי, ראש בית המדרש להלכה והתיישבות.
השלב הבא הנדרש הוא הקמת בית מדרש, או כולל מיוחד של אברכים ת”ח שתפקידם יהיה לצקת תוכן יהודי, תורני, הלכתי לשאלות העומדות על הפרק ולהציגם בפני הרבנים כשאלות חכם, עם כלים תורניים מתאימים  להתמודדות עם השאלות, ולהקל עליהם לענות דבר התורה לשלוחי הציבור. יש להניח גם, ובנימה אופטימית נוסיף שהדיונים בוודאי יהיו שקופים, וההכרעות יועלו על הכתב, ויהוו בסיס הלכתי תורני להלכות ציבור בשאלות כלכליות.
ר’ אליהו, תפרסם את העניין מתוך תקווה שמישהו יתעורר ויקים כולל כזה, לתפארת לימוד התורה וקיומה.
חיים פרבשטיין

אליהו סולוביציק


הנה הסרטון עם פינדרוס

Reprinted with permission.

בעל ה’נודע ביהודה’ על איסור שעטנז

דרושי צל”ח סי’ ח’ לשבת תשובה:

על כן עורו נא והתעוררו נא, חזקו ואמצו לאחוז במדת התשובה, לא מבעיא עבירות שבגלוי כמו לבישת שעטנז, שבעו”ה פשתה המשפחת בגד בוגדים בגדו, וקונין פשתן מן הבא בידם בלי חותם ב”ד, וחוטי קנבוס קונים מא”י ואפילו מישראל אם אין החוטין נטוים בביתו, אין כאן הכשר, וגם נותנים הבגדים לתפור לאומן אינו יהודי, וכבר גזרנו על זה בגזרת ב”ד, וכמה מכשולים כבר נמצאו ורחמנא ליצלן מעון חמור הזה, ואותיותיו מעידין על גודל עונשו, שעטנז אותיות שטן עז ויום אחד אם לבוש בשעטנז אין תפלתו נשמעת ארבעים יום.

Did the Chasam Sofer Believe in the Zohar?

The Chasam Sofer’s position that the Zohar is a forgery

Summary: He deliberately veils his words, but if you know the specifics of Rav Yaakov Emden’s Mitpachas Sfarim, then the Chasam Sofer’s position becomes clear.

Post: We find the following astonishing statement in Shu”t Chasam Sofer, volume 6, siman 59.

In plain text:

ומ”ש שהרב אמר משם אמ”ו זצ”ל לא שמעתי מפיו ואולי התיר הרב לעצמו ע”ד שאמרו חז”ל רצית להחנק תתלה באילן גדול ואל תאשימהו עבור זה הנה נמצא בשכונתך ס’ מטפחת ספרים למהריעב”ץ תמצא שם כי  דבר גדול דבר הנביא ז”ל בענין זה הלא ישתוממו רואיו וד”ל.

“And that which you wrote, that the rav said in the name Adoni, Mori v’Rabbi {=my teacher} zatzal, I did not hear this from his mouth. And perhaps this rav permitted for himself based on that which Chazal said {Pesachim 112a} ‘If you wish to be strangled, be hanged on a large tree’. And don’t condemn him for this. Behold, the sefer Mitpachat Sefarim is found in your neighborhood, from Moreinu HaRav Yaakov ben Tzvi {=the Yaavetz, Rav Yaakov Emden}, and you will find there that the prophet za”l said a great thing in this matter, which will cause astonishment in those who see it, and it is sufficient to the wise [ודי לחכימא / ודי לחכימא ברמיזא].”

To make this a bit more explicit, Rav Yaakov Emden’s sefer, Mitpachat Sefarim, is about how the Zohar is a forgery, written by an author much later than Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. (If I recall the specifics, that the vast majority of Zohar are later, and that the Raya Mehamna and Tikkunim of the Zohar is an absolute forgery.) The Chasam Sofer is telling his correspondent that just as this rav falsely attributed the position he wanted to the rebbe of the Chasam Sofer,so too a kabbalist (Rav Moshe de Leon, or perhaps many kabbalists and copyist adding their thoughts?), who wanted his ideas to gain greater weight falsely attributed his ideas to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, or else to the various Tannaim and Amoraim who appear in the Zohar. And at the very least, he is endorsing the conclusions of Rav Yaakov Emden, as he states: דבר גדול דבר הנביא ז”ל בענין זה.

(To see Shadal’s summary of some of Rav Yaakov Emden’s Mitpachat sefarim, see here and then here, where he speaks of additions, forgery, and Rav Yaakov Emden telling over the famous story from sefer haYuchsin of Rav Moshe de Leon forging the Zohar and granting credence to the story.)

Note also that the Chatam Sofer takes care not to say this explicitly, but rather hints at it, for those who would look up the relevant sefer and read it. And he ends וד”ל, either ודי למבין, or ודי לחכימא. That is, he won’t say more, but the hints he has given is sufficient. Presumably this is because he is trying to avoid backlash from those who would strike out at him for taking such a controversial position. And he succeeded, for the most part. It is one passing cryptic paragraph in the midst of a teshuva, among many other teshuvot. Who would really notice this?

This is a rather straightforward reading of this paragraph in this teshuva, I think.

The Chasam Sofer’s student, Rabbi Eliezer Lipman Naizatts, writes in sefer Mei Menuchot, page 43a:

“אילו היה יכולת ביד אדם להעמיד מדרשי רשב”י על טהרתן, לברר מהם מה שנתחבר אליהם מחכמי הדורות שאחריו, לא יהיה כולו רק ספר קטן כמות מאוד, מחזיק דפים מעוטים”

“And of the haggadot of Chazal in this {meaning demons}, behold it is already known their approach za”l in holiness, to hide their inner meaning within allegory, flowery phrases and riddles in their haggadot, za’l. And the hidden midrashim of Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai in which come many discussions of demons and spirits, behold it is known that these midrashim are hidden, with their extremely deep inner meaning concealed and encrypted.

And also, it is known to all who knows, that many [and perhaps the vast majority] of the statements in those midrashim came from the mouths of the generations after him, and clung in there. And this is as I explicitly heard from the holy mouth of Adoni, Mori veRabbi, the Geon Yisrael, Kedosh Yisrael Mechubad, Moreinu HaRav Rabbi Moshe Sofer, zecher tzadik vekadosh livracha, av bet din verosh mesivta of the holy community of Pressburg, that he said before many of his students: if there were the human ability to establish the midrashim of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in their pristine state, to pick them out from that which was attached to them from subsequent generations, its entirety would only be an extremely small sefer, taking up few pages.”

Still, for something as earth-shattering as this, it is helpful to have others citing this material, and saying similar things. And so, I will seek company in the assertion that the Chasam Sofer held that the Zohar (or most of it) was not from Rashbi.

Here is Rabbi Berel Wein in a speech about the authenticity of the Zohar, speaks about the Chasam Sofer as someone who disbelieved that most of the Zohar was from Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. It starts at 2:58, with Rav Yaakov Emden; Chida’s defense at 5:40. At 6:07, he speaks about Chasam Sofer and quotes this teshuva, in favor of Rav Yaakov Emden (though he leaves out the introductory remarks). And then he skips to the other statement, from Mei Menuchot.

And here is Rabbi Natan Slifkin, in his article on Shiluach HaKen, (available for purchase via donation, and download here) who writes:

Footnote 55, to document this statement I underlined in red, refers us to this very teshuva of the Chasam Sofer: Responsa Chatam Sofer, 6:59, s.v. U’ma sheKatav sheHaRav. Indeed, that is how I first encountered this statement.

Both Rabbi Wein and Rabbi Slifkin do not discuss deliberate forgery. Rather, it is just that most of the Zohar is not from Rashbi. This could be from simple latter accidental accruing, perhaps.

While this a pretty shocking statement in and of itself, I would note that I would say further than this somewhat tamer statement, and think the text in the teshuva implies deliberate forgery and not just later authorship. After all, the context in the teshuva is someone falsely attributing to the Chasam Sofer’s rebbe, and the Chasam Sofer’s partial excuse of this on the basis of a statement of Chazal. And his citation of Rav Yaakov Emden comes by way of example of this deliberately false attribution. And Rav Yaakov Emden in fact makes such a statement about deliberate forgery and false attribution.

I would also note that believing the Zohar to be a forgery does not mean one must disbelieve all of kabbalah. Rav Yaakov Emden, who authored Mitpachat Sfarim, was a great kabbalist, even after his discovery. Indeed, it was what empowered his discovery. Similarly, even if the Chasam Sofer thinks that a good portion of the Zohar is not from Rashbi, and is indeed a forgery, that does not mean rejection of the truth and/or value of kabbalah in general. The specifics of how this can work out will be left for another post, b’Ezras Hashem.

From Parshablog, here.

Gun Control Results in Israel and America

Gun Control Fail in Israel

By John Farnam

Gun Control in Israel!
Gun Control in Israel!
Defense Training International, Inc
Defense Training International, Inc

Ft Collins, CO –-(Ammoland.com)- “Where there is morality, personal honor, and individual responsibility, laws are unnecessary; where there is none, laws are meaningless and unenforceable.” ~ Anon

Gun Control” is an admitted and abject failure in Israel, just as it fails here, in Europe, the UK, Australia, and everywhere else it has been tried!

It “fails” in the sense that is does not reduce violent crime. Quite the opposite. “Gun Control” actually stimulates violent crime, a painful lesson currently being learned in Israel.

However, it “succeeds” in emasculating good and productive citizens, making them ever-vulnerable to violent criminals, ever-dependant on government, but less of a perceived “threat” to sleazy, paranoid politicians.

That is the reason, and the only reason, leftist politicians ever-demand that good citizens be forcibly disarmed. Their “caring” extends only as far as their own personal safety (which is why they are never required to obey their own laws). They know and understand that piously-promoted anti-gun proposals will have no effect on criminals and criminals populations, but they could not possibly care less about the safety of all of us “ordinary” (read that: “expendable”) citizens!

Israel’s leftists/liberals come from the same mold as ours:

Headline from Israel (Debka):

“Mountainous quantities of illegal weapons… in the hands of Israeli Arabs have grown to unmanageable proportions. No Israeli civilian police, nor even military force, has the scale of manpower required to mount raids in Israeli Arab population centers… for a comprehensive campaign to impound them, not even when backed by tanks and commando units. And, it is laughable self-deception to call upon 1.5 million Arab ‘minority’ citizens to voluntarily surrender their guns.”

Yeah, good luck with that!

Many “illegal” guns have been stolen from the Israeli Army, due to notoriously sloppy security procedures.. Others are smuggled in. But many more are actually manufactured by ingenious and resourceful local smiths in local, illegal shops. “Controlling” them, as noted above, is the exclusive province of naive fools!

Israel’s real dilemma: Jews obey the law. Islamics don’t.

France, Germany, and most other European countries now have the identical problem. Native populations believe in civil order and tend to obey the law. Islamics have no respect for local laws, any laws.

While native citizens have been involuntarily disarmed (for reasons noted above), they notice that “gun control” never seems to apply to Islamics! And, as in Israel, government authorities are disinclined to enforce the law on non-assimilating Islamic minorities, for fear of losing votes and being accused of “persecution.”

Curiously, they have no compunction about enforcing the law on the hapless balance of the population!

Here in the USA, criminals also have guns, but, unlike in Europe, Israel, and most of the rest of the world, good people have guns too. That irritates liberals to no end, and that is the reason they are constantly coming after our guns, knowing full well they’ll only get ours!

Continue reading

From Ammoland, here.