Our Leaders Stand Accused

Published on Nov 18, 2013

In a fiery speech delivered on Sunday Nov. 17, 2013, at the 91st Agudah convention at the Hilton in Woodcliffe Lake, NJ, Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein took today’s rabbonim to task for not meeting the many challenges facing today’s generation and for their failure to imbue children with a love of Torah and yiddishkeit.

Pointing the finger of blame squarely at our current leadership, Askumim, and community leaders, Rabbi Wallerstein spoke candidly, passionately and at times forcefully on difficult issues that most have been afraid to vocalize publicly.

From YouTube, here.

Latest Victims of the Joint Arab-Israeli War on Jews

There were nearly 100 terror attacks this past week in Israel which injured 5 Jews as a result.

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that actions can be taken to rectify this problem and improve reality in the Jewish State.

This past week (Friday May 6th- Thursday May 12th) there were nearly 100 terror attacks recorded in the ‘Silent Intifada’ updates on Hakol Hayehudi. Among these were stabbings, detonating of explosives, shootings, arson and throwing of stones and firebombs at vehicles, individuals and property. At least five Jews were injured as a result of these attacks.

In the morning of Tuesday May 10th two elderly women were stabbed by an Arab in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of Jerusalem. Later that night, around 21:30, two soldiers were injured from an explosive placed by Arabs near Hizme. One of the soldiers was injured seriously and one was injured lightly. A second explosive was also detonated nearby and several other explosives were found in the area.

On Friday May 6th at around 7 AM an Arab was caught with a knife near the Tomb of the Patriarchs and confessed to planning an attack. On Monday May 9th an Arab was caught near the Zeitim Crossing with a knife as well.

Also on Friday Arabs from Gaza fired mortars at IDF forces operating near the border fence. On Friday night, Arabs fired mortars at the town of Kissufim on the Gaza border.

Full list of attacks:

Thursday May 12th

23:00- Arabs throw stones at a bus near the town of Uja in the Jordan Valley causing damage to the bus.

19:29- A driver is injured from stone throwing by Arabs near Hizme.

16:46- Arabs riot near Nabi Saleh in Binyamin.

15:14- Arabs throw stones from a passing vehicle at another vehicle near Efrat.

13:12- Arabs throw stones at vehicles on Route 443.

12:59- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Neve Tzuf.

11:30- Arabs throw stones at vehicles on Uzi Narkiss St. in Jerusalem causing damage.

11:00- Arabs attempt to set fire to a fence near Bitunia.

10:30-Arabs throw stones near Beit Umar.

10:26- Arabs throw stones near Al-Hadr.

9:52- Arabs throw firebombs near Al-Ram.

9:50- Arabs throw stones in Issawiya.

9:41- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Al-Fawr in Har Hevron.

Wednesday May 11th

  • Arabs riot in the Tzur Bahar neighborhood near Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot in A-Tur in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot in Abu Tor in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot in Azun in the Shomron.
  • Arabs riot on the Temple Mount and attack police officers.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Hizme in Binyamin.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Givat Assaf in Binyamin.
  • Arabs riot near Al-Fawr in Har Hevron.

18:34- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Al-Hadr in Gush Etzion.

18:25- Arabs throw stones near Susiya causing damage.

18:18- Arabs set fire to the fence of Kiryat Arba.

11:00- Arabs throw stones on the Husan Bypass Road.

9:00- Arabs riot in Akev.

Tuesday May 10th

  • Arabs throw stones near Shaarei Tikvah.
  • Arabs throw stones in the Old City of Jerusalem.
  • Arabs throw stones in Silwan.
  • Arabs riot near Maale Levona.
  • Arabs riot in Al-Hadr in Gush Etzion.
  • Arabs throw stones at an IDF post near Beit El.
  • Arabs throw stones in Shuafat in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs throw stones near Tekoa.
  • Arabs throw stones in Turmusaya in Binyamin.
  • Arabs throw stones at Rachel’s Tomb.
  • Arabs throw stones at the Pharmacy Junction in Hevron.

21:27- Explosive: Two soldiers are injured, one seriously and one lightly, from an explosive placed by Arabs on the road near Hizme.

21:00- Arabs set a fire near Talmon in Binyamin.

20:05- A police officer is injured from stones thrown by Arabs in Issawiya in Jerusalem.

18:30- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Luben in Binyamin.

17:55- Arabs throw stones at vehicles on the Gilad Road in the Shomron.

17:54- Arabs throw stones at IDF soldiers near Beit Anun in Har Hevron.

17:10- Two Arabs from Qalandiya cut the fence of the town of Kochav Yaakov and roll burning tires into the town.

16:46- Arabs throw stones at soldiers near Kiryat Arba.

8:30- Stabbing: Two elderly women are stabbed in Armon Hanatziv in Jerusalem.

Monday May 9th

  • Arabs throw stones on the Mount of Olives.
  • Arabs throw stones in Aruwr.
  • Arabs Arabs throw stones near Maale Levona.
  • Arabs throw stones near Efrat.
  • Arabs throw stones at Tapuach Junction.
  • Arabs throw stones in Abu Dis.
  • Arabs throw stones near Adam.
  • Arabs throw stones in Umm Salmona.

16:40- Arabs throw stones at the light rail in Jreusalem.

14:08- Arabs throw glass bottles at a vehicle in Hawara.

13:30- Attempted stabbing: An Arab is caught with a knife near the Zeitim Crossing.

12:55- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Kiryat Arba.

11:27- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near the Tunnels Road.

Sunday May 8th

  • Arabs throw stones in Maale Hashalom.
  • Arabs throw stones near Nokdim.
  • Arabs throw stones in Haras.
  • Arabs throw stones in Beit Jala.
  • Arabs riot near Beit Sahur near Jerusalem.
  • Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Al-Arub in Gush Etzion.
  • Arabs riot near Beit HaHoshen in Jerusalem.

21:14- Arabs throw firebombs at an IDF post near Al-Arub in Gush Etzion.

15:34- Arabs throw firebombs near Qalandiya.

15:10- Arabs set a fire near the Ofrit Base. Five soldiers are taken for treatment for smoke inhalation.

14:53- A woman is injured from stones thrown by Arabs in the Beit Orot neighborhood of Jerusalem.

14:28- Arabs roll burning tires which start a fire near Kiryat Arba.

Shabbat May 7th

  • Arabs riot in Al-Arub in Gush Etzion.
  • Arabs riot in Shuafat in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs riot in A-Tur in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs throw stones near Tapuach Junction.
  • Arabs throw stones in Halhul.
  • Arabs throw stones in Jerusalem.

22:35- Arabs throw two firebombs at vehicles near Negohot in Har Hevron.

18:30- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Al-Fawr.

18:19- Arabs throw stones at a park in the Avraham Avinu neighborhood in Hevron.

12:51- Arabs throw stones at vehicles near Turmusaya.

00:10- Mortar fire: Arabs fire mortars at the town of Kissufim.

Friday May 6th

  • Arabs throw stones and firebombs in Silwan.
  • Arabs throw stones in Al-Hadr.
  • Arabs throw stones in Nachal Kfira.
  • Arabs throw firebombs at the Nof Tzion neighborhood in Jerusalem.
  • Arabs throw stones in Husan.
  • Arabs throw stones in Al-Arub.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in Dahit Al Barid.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in Beit Hamoshel.
  • Arabs throw firebombs in Bitunia.
  • Arabs throw stones in Jalazun.
  • Arabs throw stones in Shuafat.
  • Arabs throw stones in Malach.

7:00- Attempted stabbing: An Arab with a  knife is caught near the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hevron and admits to planning an attack.

6:30- Mortar fire: Arabs from Gaza fire mortars at IDF forces on the southern border.

From Hakol Hayehudi, here.

Jewish Anti-Male Divorce Courts

Where is Torah Justice for Frum Divorced Fathers?

Guest post by Menachem B.
“Do not pervert justice” (Leviticus 19:15).
“The judge who perverts justice is called an unjust person, hateful and detested, doomed to destruction, and an abomination.” (Rashi on Leviticus 19:15).
“Orthodox” Feminist activists often love to proclaim their support for alleged “Justice” and “Gender Equality” in regards to Jewish women.
But the double standards and hypocrisy of the Orthodox Feminist activists are blatant.
If one examines the marriage/divorce policies of these activists, it is clear they are not promoting halachic divorce practices or halachic justice.
Rather the Orthodox Feminist activists are promoting blatant double standards of female power, privilege, and control over males.
The double standards promoted by these activists are in fact major causes of the alleged “agunot crisis” that the Orthodox Feminist activists constantly protest!
Here are some critical questions that need to be asked to the Orthodox Feminist activists:
1. ANTI-MALE PRENUPS: Why does the standard US Modern Orthodox prenup empower a Jewish wife to force a Jewish divorce on her husband for any reason using massive financial penalties, while Jewish husbands are not allowed any such option of forcing a Jewish divorce on their wives?
2. FEMALE GET REFUSAL ALLOWED: Why does the JOFA Guide to Jewish Divorce explicitly allow female Get refusal under some circumstances, while Get refusal by Jewish husbands is adamantly opposed by Orthodox Feminist activists who characterize it as evil, cruel, and unacceptable?
3. FAKE SEIRUVIM AGAINST MEN: Why are alleged “seiruvim” against Jewish men constantly publicized on Orthodox Feminist websites (such as the ORA and Jewish Press sites), even when the husbands are in compliance with halacha?
4. SEIRUVIM AGAINST WOMEN IGNORED: Why are valid seiruvim against Jewish women very rarely or else never publicized in the Orthodox Feminist media, even when the women have committed major violations of halacha?
5. PROTESTS ONLY AGAINST MEN: Why are alleged male Get refusers (including men compliant with halacha) often subjected to protests, public shaming, sanctions, etc. by Orthodox Feminist activists (such as ORA), while female Get refusers, female halacha violators, female mosrim, and female parental alienators are almost never subjected to any protests, public shaming, or sanctions?
6. ONLY HUSBANDS MUST CONCEDE: In typical divorce conflicts, why do the Orthodox Feminist “rabbis” and activists demand that the husband comply with his wife’s demands, including demands for a Get, while almost never demanding that the wife reciprocate by respecting the husband’s halachic rights, including respecting the husband’s rights to parent his children?
7. EVERY WIFE AN INNOCENT AGUNAH: Why do Orthodox Feminist “rabbis”, activists, and media often rush to label any woman in a divorce conflict as an innocent oppressed “agunah” worthy of public support, regardless of her halachic compliance, regardless of her halachic right to a Get, and regardless of any severe transgressions she committed against her husband?
8. EVERY HUSBAND GUILTY: Why do Orthodox Feminist “rabbis”, activists and media, when discussing divorce conflicts, often misrepresent halacha and facts to portray Jewish husbands as evil oppressors of their wives?
9. ANNULMENTS FOR WOMEN ONLY ALLOWED: Why do Orthodox Feminist “rabbis” and activists often extend full recognition to halachically invalid “marriage annulments” obtained by Jewish women, while usually refusing to recognize halachically valid heter meah rabbanim obtained by Jewish men?
10. CRUEL TREATMENT OF FATHERS IGNORED: Why do Orthodox Feminist “rabbis” and activists almost completely ignore the desperate plight of divorced Jewish fathers, many of whom are virtual agunim who have been alienated from or denied access to their children, or were financially crushed in non-Jewish courts, or were booted out of their homes on fake domestic violence charges?
Its time to start focusing some significant efforts on restoring halachic justice and halachic rights for frum divorced fathers.
Without halachic rights for Jewish men it may be impossible to preserve Jewish families and resolve the agunot-agunim problems.

Planning the Golden Menorah

The Menorah & the Arch of Titus

Written by Rabbi Yisroel Greenwald Posted in Essays

From the Arch of Titus, to the emblem of the State of Israel, the most popularized vessel of the holy Temple is undoubtedly the menorah.

Though frequently replicated, and the subject of much artistic interpretation, the exact shape of the Temple menorahh is not simple to determine. Although the Gemara delineates the height and general appearance of the menorahh,1 numerous details are omitted, and are subject to controversy.

For example, if we were to imagine ourselves looking down at the menorah from directly above it, we would imagine it comprising of a straight row of lights. Not so, according to the Zayis Ra’anan (by the author of the Magen Avraham), who challenges this commonly accepted view, quoting the Sifri: “How do we know that the branches [of the menorah] were encircled like a crown? From the verse, “The seven lights shall give off light.” 2 Based on the Sifri, he suggests that the seven branches were not in a row; rather, the centre lamp was in the middle, with the six branches surrounding it like a circular crown! This, he says, is the meaning of the verse, “They, the seven lights, shall give light.” All the lamps gave light to the center lamp equally, since all the lamps were equidistant from center. 3

The Code of Jewish Law states that it is forbidden to duplicate the form of the menorah of the Temple. 4 The Bechor Shor adds that one should not duplicate the menorah, even if made as a circular star, since the menorah would be valid in that form as well. Rabbi Akiva Eiger owned a circular lamp of seven lamps to which he added an eight light (writes his son-in-law) to ensure that it was dissimilar to the menorah of the Beis Hamikdash.

Another point of controversy is the shape of the menorah’s decorative cups. 5 The Gemara states that these resembled Alexandrian goblets, which were wide at the top and tapered down towards the base. 6 Most traditional illustrations depict the cups in a normal standing fashion. This is also the opinion of numerous commentators, who compare it to other mitzva objects, such as the beams of mishkan, or an esrog, all of which must be used derech g’diluson, literally, in its natural manner of growth. These commentators suggest that, since a “cup” has a normal way in which it is used, that is, the upright position suitable for drinking, so too, the cups in the menorah were positioned upright. The Chizkuni adds that the cups, aside from their aesthetic quality, served the utilitarian function of catching any dripping oil.

The Rambam seems to have differed from this prevailing view. Although the illustration in the standard edition of his commentary on Mishna portrays a menorah with upright cups (Fig. 2), a later edition based on a manuscript illustrated by the Rambam himself, clearly depicts the goblets upside down. (Fig. 3) It can be argued that Rambam’s diagram was not intended to be taken so precisely; the Rambam himself writes that his diagram was only meant “to show the generalities of how it was, [such as] to know the number and placement of the cups, but not its exact shape.” This may account for his diagram, for example, showing the cups as triangles, although it is highly unlikely the Alexandrian cups were perfect triangles, since in this case they would not be able to stand. Still, it is difficult to comprehend why the Rambam, for no apparent purpose, would purposely draw the cups incorrectly in 22 places.

The late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson zt’l, suggests that the Rambam’s view was based either on a direct mesorah (tradition from rabbi to student) that the cups were upside down, or had access to a midrash which is no longer extant, as are many midrashim which are quoted by Geonim and Rishonim.

He further posits the following rationale for the cups’ unusual topsy-turvy position. There is a fundamental functional difference between a barrel and a cup. A barrel primarily holds liquid; the purpose of a cup is to pour and drink liquid from. Allegorically, the cups symbolise Hashem’s continual bestowal of light and sustenance upon the physical world. Since these blessings are poured down, so to speak, from above, the cups are upside-down.

Branches of the menorah – Curved or Straight?

Another subject of intense debate is the shape of the branches themselves. The branches are commonly depicted as curving upwards like an upside rainbow, and this is exactly how it appears in the standard edition of the Rambam’s commentary of the Mishna. (Fig. 2) However in the diagram drawn by the Rambam himself, they extend diagnally from the center stem in a straight line (Fig. 3). One can attempt to reconcile the dramatic departure of the Rambam’s diagram from the traditional view by suggesting that the Rambam never intended his illustration to be an accurate artistic representation, exact in all its details, but only – in his words – “To make it easier [for the reader] to envision.” The diagram gives the appearance of the handiwork of a draftsman rather than that of an artist, who perhaps felt more proficient in drawing a straight line instead of a curve. However the testimony of his son, R Avraham, negates this theory explicitly. He writes, “that the six branches stemmed from the centre shaft in a straight line, as my father depicted it, and not as a curved arch as other’s drew it.”

The question arises: if the menorah did have straight branches, how did it become universally accepted to picture it with curved branches? A possible answer may be the existence of one of the most famous pieces of archaeological evidence from the Temple period – the Arch of Titus. After the Romans destroyed the Second Temple, General Titus brought many Jewish slaves and the vessels of the Temple back to Rome. In 71 CE there was a procession in the main square of Rome of the booty and captives from Yerusholayim, and ten years later, the Roman Caesar erected a victory arch to “commemorate” that event. The most prominent vessel depicted in the procession was the menorah. (Fig. 4)

It is interesting that the menorah held special significance to the Romans in demonstrating their power over the Jews. In the story of Chanuka, the menorah represented the victory of the Jews over the mighty Greek Empire, of the few against the many. Lacking this symbol of their miraculous victory, perhaps the Romans figured that the Jewish people could no longer rely on their miraculous victories against powers greater than them. Little could they comprehend that whereas the Roman Empire would eventually decline and fall, Jews around the world would nonetheless continue to exist and perpetuate the miraculous light of the menorah.

Is the menorah from the arch of Titus taken from the Temple?

Aside from the general difficulty in utilizing archaeological evidence to establish Halacha, 7 the accuracy of the Arch of Titus is particularly questionable. While the upper part of the menorah is possibly an authentic portrayal of the Temple menorah, the lower half is a blatant forgery.

The Gemara states that the menorah was 18 tefachim high, and that its legs, including the first flower motif, totalled a height of 3 tefachim. (Fig. 5) 8 In other words, the total base of the menorah comprised one sixth of its height. Furthermore, the base was not one solid block, but composed of three legs.

On the panel of the Arch of Titus, the upper part of menorah is roughly similar to menorah as described in the above Gemara. All branches come to the same height; branches have flowers, knobs, and cups, although the numbers are inaccurate. The proportions of the upper half also accurate reflect the words of Chazal. The most glaring departure from the Gemara in Menachos is the gigantic base, rising to one third of the height of the menorah! Even artistically, the heavy and inelegant base contrasting with the delicate branches gives the appearance of the base being a later addition. (Fig. 6)

When was the Roman styled base attached to the menorah? From the coin of Mattisyahu Antigunus (37 BCE) (Fig. 7), the last of the Chashmanaim kings, it is clear that the menorah was intact up till that period. One side of the coin read ‘Mattisyahu the Kohen Gadol and friend of the Jews,’ and the other ‘the [coin] of King Antigunus.’9 On one side of the coin was imprinted the menorah, presumably that of the Temple. As the small coin was made using only basic minting technology, one cannot expect it to be true in every detail. Still, the base roughly corresponds to Chazal’s proportions, being roughly one sixth of the height of menorah, and totally missing is the gaudy appendage found on Titus’s arch. 10

If one looks closely at the base of the menorah, one discovers the matter is even more horrific. The panels on the base include: the picture of two eagles (the symbol of Rome), and a dragon with a tail of a fish! (Fig. 8) The dragon was one of the idols of Greek mythology, worshiped during Roman rule. The Mishna in Avoda Zara states that, “if one finds vessels and upon them are the picture of a dragon… they must be thrown into the Dead Sea.” 11 They must be destroyed because one is forbidden to derive any benefit from as an idol. In fact, an exact duplication of panel, both the picture of the dragon as well as the border motif, is found in a Roman Temple in Turkey (Fig. 9).

Some historians suggest that the menorah’s idolatrous addition was constructed during the rule of Herod, who, having deposed Mattisyahu in 37 BCE, possibly added the abominable base in order to find favour with the Romans. Josephus writes that Herod placed images of eagles atop the gates of the Beis Hamikdash against the will of the populace. Quite possibly he made this change to the menorah as well.

Alternatively, one could suggest that the Romans themselves made the alteration. The Romans saw the capture of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple as perhaps their greatest achievement. 12 The Arch of Titus was erected to immortalize this victory and to perpetuate the degradation of the Jews. 13 It is quite possible, therefore, that when the Romans plundered the menorah, they themselves fitted it with the idolatrous base illustrated in the Arch, or indeed, simply depicted the menorah with the altered base (without actually modifying the menorah itself), to demonstrate the subjugation of the Jews and Hashem, to their idols r’l. 14

The menorah as the emblem of the State of Israel

In July 1948, months after the establishment of State of Israel, the agenda of the tenth Parlimantary meeting included deciding on the emblem of the new state. Most of the suggestions were to use the motif of the menorah of the Beis Hamikdash. The graphic artists entrusted with producing the design originally used a modern image of the menorah. (Fig. 11) However, when the design was brought before the committee, its members felt “their hearts were torn.” “How can we use a modern image?” they lamented. “Let us go back to the ways of the past, and use the image of the menorah as we have from tradition, from the ancient archaeological drawings!” 15

The Committee chose to adopt the menorah as it appeared in the Arch of Titus. (Fig. 12) Rabbi Herzog z’tl, then Chief Rabbi of Israel, noted how unfortunate it was that the committee chose the menorah on the Arch of Titus, over the profusion of archaeological evidence from Jewish sources. Indeed, the countless ancient mosaics and engravings of the menorah found in catacombs in Jewish cemeteries and the ruins of ancient synagogues, both during the Temple period and immediately afterwards, all depict a base comprised of three legs, which fully corroborate the view of the Talmud in Menachos 28b. 16 The committee’s choice showed an unfortunate disdain for authentic Jewish sources, in favour of a pagan structure constructed to mock the Jewish people. It is also a pointed twentieth century illustration of the spiritual conflict that we commemmorate on Chanuka.

May we merit to possess the true menorah, in its full height and splendour, with the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash speedily in our days.

1 Menachos, 28b.
2 Bamidbar 8:2.
3 According to this view, the menorah appeared similar to the Judenstern, (literally, “star of the Jews”) a circular lamp in the shape of star, which typically had six or seven lamps. Centuries ago, Jews had the custom to suspend a Judenstern from the ceiling, and light it for Shabbos. Hundreds of these lamps still exist in museums, and in Judaica collections around the world. (Fig. 1)
4 Yoreh De’ah 141:8
5 Shemos 25:31.
6 Menachos, 28b.
7 See letters from the Stiepler Gaon, Vol 2 p. 154
8 Menachos, 28b
9 The Ramban (Bereishis 49:10) writes that the Chashmanaite dynasty sinned by taking the mantle of royalty, a crown reserved exclusively for the tribe of Yehuda. For this indiscretion they were punished in that Herod usurped the throne and annihilated every last vestige of their family.
10 It is interesting that the shape of the branches is clearly curved, unlike the opinion of the Rambam.
11 Avodah Zara, 3:3.
12 The Romans even minted a coin that proclaimed Judea Capta – “Judea is captured!” – that depicted a Roman soldier standing over Judah portrayed as a maiden, sitting on the ground in mourning. (Fig. 10)
13 In fact, the Romans would force the Jews to visit the Arch regularly in order to publicly humiliate them.
14 This would also explain why the base was not built in proportion to the upper half of the menorah, but is glaringly ostentatious.
15 As quoted in Sefer Minhagei Yisrael vol.5 P 206
16 In Rome, for example, after the building of the arch of Titus, the artisan of this glass plate drew the menorah, not as found on the well-known arch, but with three legs. (Fig. 13)

The author is indebted to the author of Sefer Minhagei Yisrael , upon which this article and the illustrations therein are largely based.

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From Moshiach.com, here.