ושכנתי בתוכם, בתוכו לא נאמר אלא בתוכם, בתוך כאו”א – זה לא סיבה לעקור את המצוה

הריפורמים החרדים אוהבים להביא המדרש שהובא בראש’ בתוכם של כל אחד ואחד.

ויש להעיר שכ”ז אינו אלא ע”י שבונין לו בית לשכנו בתוכנו, ושוכן מלבד בגבולות העזרה וכו’ גם בתוך כל אחד, אבל אין כאן חלילה חלילה שום רמז וסמך לבטל בנין הבית וההדלקה, והקרבנות כאילו ד’ אמר לשכון אך ורק בתוך אנשים כערכנו ולא במקדש (כמו שאומרים בשם המלבי”ם על שלב מאוחר לעתיד לבא, שהמקדש תועיל אז יותר לגוים).

בקיצור, אדברא, האחד מביא לשני. ע”י בנין הבית ישכון בתוכנו. (הכל חוזר לדיכוטומיה הכוזבת עליה הארכנו בעבר.)

וכ”ז אינו צריך לפנים לולי המתפרצים והמשקרים.

The Case for Locking Economists Away in Mental Homes

Modern economics is so crazy, we can’t tell when they’re trying to be funny.

Take the following 2019 article. On the one hand, Not-Even-Wrongness. On the other hand, the date is April 1st. Was it an “April Fool’s Day” prank?

But how can you tell? There really is a “Stephanie Kelton”. I used to think Universal basic income (UBI) was a prank, too.

Everything You Thought You Knew About Economics May Be Wrong


If the government tried to act like a private business collecting more dollars than it spends, it just leaves the rest of us with fewer dollars to save or spend into the economy. And that’s a pretty silly thing to do if you want healthy businesses and a healthy economy.

What in the world?! Dollars’ value lies in the exchange, and there is no known, knowable, optimum amount of them if you allow competing currencies.

The reason that China ends up with the U.S. dollar in the first place is because they are producing and sending more goods and services than we’re producing and sending to them. So in other words, China has a trade surplus and the U.S. runs a trade deficit with China. So they end up holding dollars and they have an option to convert those dollar deposits, which are essentially checking accounts at the Fed into securities accounts. Think of it like a savings account.

Trade surplus? Trade deficit? Read Rothbard on Protectionism! When will these wicked people stop recycling long-refuted crankery from centuries past?

What’s next, talk of a Mishlo’ach Manos trade deficit?!

And again:

Q. Scott Walker, the former Republican governor of Wisconsin, came out last week with plans to champion a federal balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. But from your perspective, a balanced budget wouldn’t actually be a good thing, right? Having no deficit at all would actually not be ideal from your point of view?

Kelton: Deciding in advance where you think the budget should come to rest is a terrible idea. In other words, you would never want to say that the proper size of the budget deficit or surplus or balance is three years or five years or even a year from now. Nobody knows what the answer to that question is.

That’s a terrible idea to think that you’re going to target the budget outcome. We should balance the economy not the budget. And right now we have a myriad of imbalances in our economy. We have an infrastructure deficit. We have a deficit in healthcare,  massive income and wealth disparity, I could go on and on.

So I’m not interested in the Budget outcome, I’m interested in human and economic outcomes and the budget is the tool through which the government can address a range of problems in the economy. But the Budget outcome itself should never be the target of policy.

Well, if nobody knows what the budget should be, then nobody knows what the economy should be. Hmm, with such wise steering of the ship, I wonder where the “myriad of imbalances” came from?

Missy Kelton also mentions the “Clinton Surpluses”, a government hoax if there ever was one.

Truly everything they think they know about economics is Not Even Wrong.

Slog and suffer through the rest here…

Contra Brisk – Said This Before but With Less Eloquence

To borrow Thomas Sowell’s prose in “Dismantling America”, while Brisk is not the root cause of the many problems with the “Torah observant” community, it is the embodiment, the personification, and the culmination of dangerous trends that began with the age of the Achronim.

As the Chazon Ish said, it’s better to be a “small Rishon” (like him) than a “great Achron”.

You want proof? Nah, I’ll leave that job to you.

Wherein An Internet Curator Tells You To Get Out More…

Getting back to nature: how forest bathing can make us feel better

The Japanese have known for years that spending mindful time in the woods is beneficial for body and soul. Now western doctors – and royals – agree

Every day, apart from when it’s raining heavily, Dr Qing Li heads to a leafy park near the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo where he works. It’s not just a pleasant place to eat his lunch; he believes the time spent under the trees’ canopy is a critical factor in the fight against diseases, of the mind and body.

Some of the Temple’s Opponents Are Dumber Than Pharaoh

They demand detailed answers well hidden in the future before considering any action in the present.

No, we don’t know how everything will unfold. We aren’t quite sure how to perform the Avoda yet. There are many, many questions. In fact, we are certainly getting even the questions themselves wrong.

So what?!

In Shemos 10:26 Moshe explains to Pharaoh why the Hebrews need all their flocks for the Holy Day in the desert (if we take their conversation at face value, anyway):

וגם מקננו ילך עמנו לא תשאר פרסה כי ממנו נקח לעבד את ד’ אלהינו ואנחנו לא נדע מה נעבד את ד’ עד באנו שמה.

“And our cattle, too, will go with us; not a hoof will remain, for we will take from it to worship the Lord our God, and we do not know how we will worship the Lord until we arrive there.”

(Translation based on Rabbi A.J. Rosenberg.)

Why didn’t Pharoah just seize on the lack of knowledge as an excuse?

Because he wasn’t that stupid.