It Almost Sounds Like Ron Paul Supports Trump…

The Democrats Versus Trump: A Bad Horror Movie?

The Democrats and Donald Trump reminds me of a bad horror movie, where the hapless protagonists only make the monster stronger with each attempt to eliminate it. So goes the Democrats’ endless attempts to finally rid America of the “scourge” of Donald Trump.Thanks to the Durham Report we now know they started even before Trump was elected president. Hillary Clinton’s campaign – with the full knowledge of the candidate and the sitting president, Barack Obama – cooked up a “dirty trick” to portray Trump as an agent of Russia in their effort to deny Trump the White House.

When that didn’t work they weaponized the FBI, CIA and the rest of the “deep state” to undermine and hobble his presidency. They spied on Trump and his campaign staff using false information manufactured by the FBI.

When that didn’t work they impeached him under the false charge that he sought foreign assistance for his 2020 re-election bid. This time a spy, in the person of NSC staffer Alexander Vindman, was sent to listen in on Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian president Zelensky and then make all manner of false charges against Trump based on it.

Democrats were furious that Trump was less than enthusiastic about their plans to use Ukraine as a proxy to go to war with Russia. Vindman, though an active-duty US military officer, was of Ukrainian background and was loyal to the country of his origin rather than the country of his citizenship. He also openly defied the military chain-of-command and his commander-in-chief. Trump’s lack of enthusiasm for their “Project Ukraine” infuriated Vindman and he sought his revenge against the US President.

When that didn’t work they impeached Trump again over the false charge that he led an “insurrection” against the US government on January 6, 2021. The more surveillance video we see of this “insurrection,” the more it looks like a false-flag operation cooked up perhaps by Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Washington swamp to finally be rid of Trump. Hundreds of political prisoners have been held in solitary confinement on false accusations that they tried to overthrow the US government.

When that didn’t work and Trump’s re-election numbers looked more and more favorable while Biden’s approval rating continued to linger in the political basement, the Democrats have now indicted him over some classified documents apparently discovered in his residence in Florida.

The boxes and boxes of classified documents discovered at multiple Biden locations have disappeared into the memory hole with the help of the media. Nothing to see here.

Suddenly Donald Trump, who polling suggests would obliterate Joe Biden in a fair US election, faces 100 years in prison! Where else would you see the head of one political party arrest his main political opponent on cooked up charges? A banana republic!

For those of us who love this country, it is truly shocking to see this abuse of power. But there’s one thing these dirty tricksters never seem to understand: the more false evidence and false charges they cook up against Trump, the stronger Trump becomes. With these outrageous and continuous attacks on Trump, the Democratic Party (and plenty of Republicans) has lost all credibility. When this plan fails, and it will, I am afraid to think what they might try next.

Copyright © 2023 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.
From RPI, here.

אפשר להתקשר ולברר: תפילה שנענתה בהר הבית

קבלתי רשות לפרסם (מתוך פורום עליה להר הבית – פורם חרדי):

“בן דוד שלי אוטיסט בן 3 לא דיבר מילה עד שהזכירו אותו בקודש הקודשים האמיתי (בין שני המסגדים ואני לא בא להתווכח כאן עם אף אחד בנושא זה כלל!!) ואחרי זה הוא התחיל להגיד אמא, אני מסכים לפרסם את הטלפון שלי בשביל זה, הדודים שלי לא יודעים שהתפללו עליו בהר הבית, רק פתאום הודיעו לי את מה שהיה, 0556720343”

Wearing Techeilet Is About Zionism!

While the overwhelming majority of parshat Shelach (read last week in Israel and this week outside Israel) is about the sin of the spies, the last 5 verses deal with the mitzvah of Tzitzit and the famous blue thread called “Techeilet”: “Speak to the children of Israel… that they shall make for themselves tzitzit on the corners of their garments… and they shall place upon the tzitzit of each corner a thread of Techeilet (blue wool)…”

Believe it or not, I have been wearing Techeilet for over 30 years. In those days, you could count the number of the blue string wearers on one hand, but today – Baruch HaShem! – things are much different. I am currently in New York and am proud to say that this past Shabbat, the Rabbi of the shul we davened in was a member of the blue team! As I looked around the large shul, I was pleasantly surprised that about 25% of the people had Techeilet on their Tallit. Things are moving in the right direction… or so I thought, until I davened in a different shul and found myself the only one with the colorful string.

A quick background is necessary. For about 1,400 years every Jew who wore tzitzit had techeilet as part of his tzitzit. However, at the time of the destruction of the second Temple, the secret formula of making the blue-dye was lost. For 2,000 years our tzitzit became white-only and only recently was the unique snail found from which the blue-dye is produced. Major Talmudic scholars investigated this matter thoroughly and came to the conclusion that the 2,000 year wait was over… techeilet had been found! People like me jumped on the opportunity to fulfill this commandment properly and, slowly but surely, more and more people started purchasing the unique blue woolen string and becoming techeilet wearers – exactly as commanded by HaShem Himself.

However, as stated above, while new people are “joining the blue team” every day, the overwhelming majority of Torah observant Jews are still on “the white team”. Why is that? Don’t they recognize the gift that our Father has given us? For 2,000 years, the greatest Rabbis including the Rambam, Arizal, Rashi, Vilna Gaon, Ba’al Shem Tov, Rav Kook and the Chafetz Chaim didn’t have the opportunity to wear techeilet… but we do… so why hasn’t the Torah world embraced this miracle?

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz, in his sefer “Ha’Koneh Olamo” has an entire chapter dedicated to answering this question (chapter 5). To summarize, he writes that the Jewish nation follows the direction of the Gedolim. What they say, we do, and on this issue – for various reasons – they have not been convinced of the authenticity of today’s techeilet and therefore do not wear it themselves. In Rabbi Lebowitz’s words (translated from the Hebrew); “Since Gedolei Yisrael do not wear this techeilet, it is proper for the nation to act as they do.” (page 89)

With all due respect, I couldn’t disagree more. If the Gedolim ruled that one was forbidden to wear today’s techeilet, then there would be a solid reason why not to… but they have not said that. As a matter of fact, Rav Hershel Schachter wears techeilet… what better proof do you need than that?

So what’s the real issue at play over here? My answer may shock you, but I am convinced its 100% true. The debate over today’s techeilet is the same argument as the role of Medinat Yisrael – the modern State of Israel – in the world of Torah ideology. Mask it any way you like but the bottom line is this: Today’s Gedolim do not support the State of Israel. They do not say Hallel on Yom Ha’Atzmaut, do not sing Ha’Tikva and you’ll be hard pressed to find even one Israeli flag in the entire city of Bnei Brak. Their position on “the Medina” is the same as on Techeilet. They are not opposed (excluding Satmar) but certainly don’t endorse. They have representatives in the Knesset whom they meet with regularly but they would never consider themselves Zionists.

To me, and my fellow Religious Zionists, the events of 1948 was the greatest gift our King bestowed upon His people in 2,000 years. Our nation has returned to the very land given to us by HaShem! Yes, it would be difficult – exactly as it was when Joshua entered the land with the 12 Tribes. They had to fight and conquer the land. They had to build, plant and turn swamps into cities. Nothing was ever given to us on “a silver platter” and just like we fought for every inch 3,300 years ago… we have to fight for it now. Then it was the Cana’anim and the Yevusim and today it is Hamas and Iran. Yet, things are not all about war. With this land came unprecedented Torah study – more Torah in today’s Israel than ever before in history! Ancient scrolls were found, the exact boundaries of the Temple Mount were discovered, and secrets such as Techeilet were revealed.

How can we not embrace these events? How can we go through life as if nothing happened? The last 75 years has been a revolution; from the establishment of the modern State to the discovery of a 2,000 year old secret called “Techeilet”. I urge you to recognize these miracles and thank HaShem daily for allowing you to live in such a generation. How can we publicly show us gratitude to our Father and King? My suggestion is by starting with something simple, yet very powerful: Join the Techeilet revolution – get those blue strings on today!

From Am Yisrael Chai!, here.

Sure, Rabbi Hershel Schachter Opposes Ascending the Temple Mount. But the ‘WHY’ Matters!

From an interview:

There is a growing movement in Israel of frum Jews ascending Har Habyit after going to the mikveh. What’s your opinion on this movement?

The Rabbanut said you’re not allowed to go on the Har Habayit. Now, the majority of the Jews in Eretz Yisrael are not shomrei mitzvos and are not really interested in what the Rabbanut says. In fact, they want to do away with the Rabbanut because it gives them problems – a kohen can’t marry a grushah, he can’t marry a mamzeres, hcan’t intermarry, etc. In Bnei Brak and Meah Shearim, they also couldn’t care less what the Rabbanut says. So you’re left only with the Modern Orthodox, the Dati Leumi, and now they too are ignoring the Rabbanut by going on the Har Habayit.

So the government will do away with the whole Rabbanut. What do you need it for? In Bnei Brak they don’t hold from them, in Meah Shearim they don’t hold from them, the overwhelming majority are secular, and the Dati Leumi are also not listening.

How do you go on the Har Habayis? We’re going to be responsible for the demise of the Rabbanut. It will be a disaster. As bad as the situation is now, it’s going to be worse if there’s no Rabbanut.

Haven’t you said in the past that one may, in theory, walk on certain parts of Har Habayis?

Yes, but if the Rabbanut said you shouldn’t go, you have to listen to what they say. If they say a kula and you want to be machmirgesunterheit. But to be meikel against them I think is not right.

See it here.