What a Hospice Is Really Like
And the halachos of retzicha.
A recommended read on Aish.com…
Here is the last paragraph:
Ultimately, hospice care provides valuable services to those in need, but with caveats. I honestly do not know if the disparate philosophy behind the hospice nurse’s end-of-life recommendations were the whim of one individual or the particular organization she represented. Thankfully, I was there for my mother and was able to advocate for her, so that she was able to leave this life when God decreed her time was complete. I had to force myself to remain strong, and not be vulnerable at a time when one is not only vulnerable, but also weak. I could not have done so without prayer, the support of my family and rabbi, nor without previously educating myself about what the myriad choices entailed.
Even Trump Gets It: Netanyahu Should Be Fired (to say the least!)
Source: Rolling Stone.
תפילה וזעקה עבור העומדים במערכה מול שונאי ישראל
חוברה ע”י הצדיק הירושלמי רבי מנחם מנדל גפנר זצ”ל, הנוסח הנ”ל אושר ע”י מרנן ורבנן הגאון הטשעבינער רב זצ”ל ורבי איסר זלמן מלצר זצ”ל