I asked Gemini (chatbot) About Hyehudi.org [Then Excised What I Disliked]
One thing that really struck me is how they manage to balance that critical approach with such a deep respect for tradition. It would be so easy to fall into cynicism, but they never do…
It’s like: “We stand on the shoulders of giants, but we have to keep looking forward”.
What differentiates the site from other sites about religion and spirituality?
What’s so refreshing is, they believe that true understanding requires effort, and they respect their readers enough to challenge them.
What strikes you most about their perspective?
Honesty. It’s how much they value intellectual honesty, they challenge everything, even deeply held beliefs.
And they always give reasons, evidence. They don’t just say stuff. They really do try to back up their claims, build a real argument, not just opinions.
Via NotebookLM’s AI-generated podcast. ChatGPT’s answers were far less impressive…