Noose Tightens on NY Jews’ Necks…

Morris: Emails Show New York Times Collaborating with State Government to Target Orthodox Jews

by EMMA-JO MORRIS8 Aug 2023

The New York Times collaborated with the New York State government to produce its now-infamous series of stories targeting Orthodox Jewish schools, according to over 800 pages of emails obtained by Breitbart News.

The Times’ Eliza Shapiro — self-described “serious reporter who doesn’t pull punches” — is seen in the massive volume of communications, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, discussing with the New York State Education Department how “we” can craft comment for the first story launching the Times’ series of articles targeting yeshivas, and giving the government almost a full business-week longer than the schools to comment. Emails also show she worked with the government to direct blame for the Times’ allegations, and coordinated timing on publishing with a vote to regulate the religious schools.

The Times’ first story that launched the anti-religious crusade, published in September, alleges Hasidic students “[know] nothing” and grow up “barely [able] to support their own families.” The story was revealed by Breitbart to have been carefully curated by omitting relevant information, shunning sources directly involved with the schools, and declining to publish pertinent on-the-record statements — producing a weapon used by secular political interest groups to attack the Orthodox Jewish community’s most sacred institutions.

As Breitbart previously reported, the “investigation” dropped in what appeared to be unbelievable timing, the day before the Board of Regents held a unanimous vote, without debate, to allow state functionaries heavier say in the education of Orthodox children. Those children happen to be of parents vehemently opposed to the social justice curriculum that has been injected into most other New York schools.

Now, newly obtained emails show the Times working with the New York State Education Department in close collaboration to produce the story with maximum political impact.

In one correspondence, Shapiro is seen working with the government to produce the state’s comment on the reporting, with almost a week longer to respond than the private religious schools being maligned.

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From Breitbart, here.

יום טוב על השבת משפט התורה, ושיר ציון מתוך ועידת קדושת ציון – לצפיה

המייל של קדושת ציון:

חברים יקרים
ימי בין הזמנים
ימים טובים במיוחד
לברך את ה’ א-להינו
על הארץ הטובה
אשר נתן לנו,
עיינות ותהומות
יוצאים בבקעה ובהר,

אף אנו שולחים לכם הפתעה נעימה הופעה של שירי ציון עם
נפתלי קמפה ומקהלת נשמה – לחץ כאן

מתוך ועידת קדושת ציון אור לכ”ח אייר בבניני האומה.

וגם קטע שפורסם לפני כמה שנים בגליון אז נדברו. מומלץ לקרוא עם כל המשפחה לפני יציאה לטיול.

לרגל היארצייט של מרן הגה”ק רבי אהרן מבעלזא החל היום מצורף דבר נאה ויסודי מדברי קודשו אודות דרך ביאת הגאולה.

וביום חמישי בעיה”ק צפת!

הציבור הקדוש מוזמן להרצאה לרגל יום טוב של כ”ד אב
יו”ט על השבת משפט התורה

מפי המרצה פה מפיק מרגליות הרב ישראל זיידה
משפטי ה’ מול משפטי האומות

יום חמישי, כ”ג אב
משעה 18:00 – 18:45
בבית ידידנו הרב שלמה מקדש ויט
רח’ אצ”ל 205, כניסה מהרחוב (על הגשר)
מול חנות אבקת רוכל
כיבוד קל לאחר ההרצאה
לפרטים 058-323-0262

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Chananya Weissman on ‘Living in the Land’

Excerpt from Chananya Weissman’s newsletter:

Yesterday I spoke with Yoel Berman about his work to assist religious Jews with making aliya and finding their place in Israel, his new book of first hand stories, Living in the Land, the challenges people face, and related issues.  The recording is available here.
Of course, if you’re at all interested in making aliya, you must read my sefer Go Up Like a Wall, available for free download here, because Torah isn’t supposed to be a business, and for a pittance on Amazon here.  If you’re not at all interested in making aliya, your head is screwed on totally wrong, and you REALLY need to read Go Up Like a Wall.