מצות תכלת: זיל הכא קמדחי ליה וזיל הכא קמדחי ליה

מורנו הרב יצחק ברנד שליט”א:

אני שמעתי מאברך שהוציא מאמר על התכלת, ודיבר עם רבני הב”ד של רב ניסים קרליץ ואמרו שהם מחכים שזה יבוא מתוך הציבור וכן שמעתי זה מעוד אברך שדיבר עם הרב אליעזר רוז מהב”ד של ר’ נסים ואמר אותו תשובה.

ויוצא שהגדולים מחכים על הקטנים והקטנים מחכים על הגדולים וזה בגדר קדירה דבי שותפיה לא קרירא ולא חמימא.

France Attack: Hey, Pick on Someone Your Own Size!

Diversity Knifes French 3-Year-Olds

Jun 08 2023

Suppressing gun rights doesn’t work. Maybe defending the border to prevent foreign conquest by mass immigration is worth a try. From France:

Several children, all around the age of three, have been stabbed in a lakeside playground attack in France by a man wielding a knife in the French Alps town of Annecy. …

Four young children and an adult were injured, according to police. That number could be subject to change as the situation evolves.

Two of the children suffered life-threatening injuries while the other two are slightly hurt, police said. They added that the adult also suffered life-threatening wounds. …

The alleged attacker is said to be a Syrian national, police sources told local media.

This one didn’t have the body count of prior acts of multicultural outreach by France’s Arab conquerors. In 2015, Muslims killed 17 at the offices of Charlie Hebdo and 130 in the synchronized attacks that included the Bataclan nightclub in Paris. The next year on Bastille Day, Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel killed 84 in Nice with a truck. However, the age of the Annecy victims may cause this to stick in people’s minds.

Eventually, even a country as rotted through with leftist ideology as France starts to push back. Either that or it just dies.

On a tip from Bluto.

From Moonbattery, here.

On Hyehudi’s Ukraine Posts: An Exchange With Avraham Shusteris

Good Day-

I am generally a very big fan of your blog.

On issues of vaccines- I have no opinion. I know the populace has information hidden from them, and there was a lot of subterfuge going on by governments- China, Russia and the US. There are a lot of disinformation campaigns going on this topic from opposite directions.


I am unsure as to what is worse, the vaccine or covid itself. Anyone who claims to know this with certainty is making proclamations based on gut feelings, not on facts, which have not been, and may never be established due to the massive disinformation going on from an undetermined amount of players.


I would just like to point out one thing and that is, the issue of the vaccines/covid has zero to do with the war in Ukraine. Yet, the same people, bots, chats, and groups that were pushing anti-vax are all, without exception, uniformly pushing anti-Ukraine. There are no coincidences in this world.


I am not a lover of Ukraine. They were vicious monsters during the holocaust, and to this day are no friends of the Jews. That being said, at the moment Russia is much more dangerous to the world and specifically the Jewish people than Ukraine.


Therefore, even though I agree that Ukrainians are not our allies, I certainly would not want to benefit the Russians in any way whatsoever by pushing their disinformation.


They are without question, heavily involved in promoting anti-vax, and that explains why the anti vax sites/chats/groups all of a sudden hate Ukraine. It’s not coincidental.


As much as I may agree with all of your ideas, please realize by spreading anti-Ukraine ideas (even if 100% true) you are being a tool of Russia which is significantly worse to the Jews, both historically (Stalin’s plan to liquidate all Russian Jews- ie Doctor’s plot) and presently as they are providing hypersonic weapons, missile defense and nuclear technology to Iran which will use it to try to eliminate Israel.


If I were you, I would just keep silent here on the topic of Ukraine, as sometimes if standing up for your beliefs directly helps your enemies, it’s better to just keep quiet.


Avraham Shusteris
Hyehudi.org Editor’s response:

Dear Avraham Shusteris,

Thank you for your respectful, reasoned letter!

As for your calculation I apply Chazon Ish Ohalos 22:32:

לא מקרי ספק פיקוח נפש בדברים עתידים שבהוה אין להם כל זכר, ובאמת שאין אנו בקיאים בעתידות, ופעמים שמה שחשבונם להצלה מתהפך לרועץ, והלכך אין דנים בשביל עתידות רחוקות.

My simple view is, the American Empire’s reputation must be cut down for Judaism to flourish, and “the enemy of my enemy is my friend (sort of)”. I explained this well here in Hebrew.

While I wouldn’t extend this logic anywhere near material assistance, a pox on both their houses, I do want readers to be informed of the game of nuclear chicken with the US’ nuclear equal, using Ukraine as a proxy, with non-Olim as human shields.

American Jews must also be informed of the USG treachery in inciting war and their evil actions since then (e.g., the pipeline conspiracy).

And more.



Please supply me with any examples you found of confirmed “disinformation” posted on Hyehudi (but not minor details).

We have written against Mr. Putin. But America is now becoming less friendly to Israel\Jews (though not synonymous), too. Not to mention the truth behind WWII and Roosevelt and other secret history.

As I explained our “support” of Russia even before the war:


Russia is not the closest contender for vicious world empirethe USG is. If\When that changes, I’ll happily support the next empire’s enemies as well.


The USG wanted a unipolar, not multipolar world, as Putin keeps repeating. I prefer my enemies divided, if you please.

Readers scarcely need yet another voice scolding Russia. Hey, Israel could do worse than copying Russia’s approach to Sodomites (doing the actual right thing in the right way for the right reasons is not even on the table yet).



We have written about the Iran question elsewhere.

Thanks again for writing!


Hyehudi.org Editor

P.S., as for your theory of antivax, perhaps see this. I am not so much anti-COVID vaccine as opposing the nefarious smearing of viable alternative treatments.


Thanks for the detailed response.

In terms of the Chazon Ish statement, I don’t think the threat of an Iran war is a far out hypothetical future event. They just announced acquisition of hypersonics, they have long made threats threatening to destroy Israel, this is the only reason why they are rushing to create nuclear weapons and they have been actively building up in Syria/Lebanon with weapons to prepare for this war. The help Russia is providing them today is a threat today- not sometime in the future. They have the abilities and intent on going through any minute.

Israel has said that this war can break out at any minute. Russia’s help is a direct and immediate threat to the existence of the Jewish people.


In terms of disinformation, the point is not that you are actively creating content that is intended to disinform. I know that is not your goal. I know that you believe in what you promote, and only promote it out of conviction for the truth. The problem is you are defacto helping Russia. Think about Ehud Barak. He is helping Iran by sowing discord.  I don’t mean to compare you to an evil person, which Ehuda Barak is.  But as evil as Ehud Barak is, I am sure he is not an agent of Iran in the sense that he is paid or contracted by them or coordinating with them ( I hope to G-d he isn’t). But by the virtue of spearheading this social chaos in Israel, he has become their tool. He is pushing his truth, which to him, supersedes the damage that he is causing the Jews, by helping Iran immensely through his campaign. They could not have dreamed of a better tool to get their job done. He doesn’t care that his actions align with Iran, but if he was responsible, and truly put the Jewish people above all, he would. But I don’t expect that of him.



Again, Ukraine was probably the most vicious antisemitic country during the holocaust years. These people deserve revenge for what they did to the Jews.


That in no way means we should be helping Iran to destroy us, by helping Russia who is arming them.


This is a very straightforward and obvious point. One can apply all sorts of logical acrobatics to try to avoid this point, but at the end of the day, it a very simple, obvious, and straightforward fact.


I know that it’s unlikely that I convinced you, but at least I may have provided a perspective to ponder, if only for a fleeting moment.

