ליברמן: במקום לפשוט על ציר פילדלפי, ממשלת הקונספציה פשטה על ישוב נוקדים

במקום לפשוט על ציר פילדלפי, ממשלת הקונספציה פשטה על ישוב נוקדים

May 8, 2024

ממשלת הימין על מלא שקרסה תחת לחץ הממשל הבריטי ואיפשרה ביקורים אצל מחבלי הנוח’בה, נמנעת מכיבוש ציר פילדלפי, ממשיכה להזרים סיוע הומניטרי לרצועת עזה וכבר מעל 200 ימים מפקירה את הצפון, היא הממשלה שהחליטה לפשוט דווקא על ישוב נוקדים במטרה לעקור 30 עצי זית שננטעו בעמל רב על ידי אזרחים יהודים שומרי חוק ואוהבי הארץ.

צפו בדבריי מתוך מליאת הכנסת | 8.5.24

מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.

WATER CAPITALISM: The Answer to the Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Could Privatized Oceans Have Prevented the Baltimore Bridge Collapse?

Private property rights and the profit motive can be expected to enhance safety on land. Why should things be any different on the water?

The Singaporean container ship Dali struck Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge at 1:27 a.m. on March 26, 2024. Fortunately, only a small amount of debris tumbled with the bridge into the Patapsco River below, and the deaths were limited to six construction workers. Had this accident occurred at 1:27 p.m. instead, the carnage would have been far greater. As it is, the deaths are still a tragedy, and there will be economic devastation aplenty, given that this harbor will have to be shut down for some time. The coal, autos, and much else shipped through this port will find alternatives in other East Coast states, but moving to these supply chain substitutes will be costly.

Terrorism was ruled out as a cause of this calamity. It appears as though the ship’s electronic system was faulty. The pilot lost control of the vessel and collided with one of the stanchions of the bridge, caving it in.

Is there anything that can be done to preclude such accidents forever in the future? No. Unfortunately not. We are all human beings, and our species is the mistake-making animal. Is there anything that can be done to decrease the probability of a repetition of such an occurrence in the future? Happily, there is: an acknowledgement of private property rights and the profit motive.

Continue reading…

Walter Block is the author of The Privatization of Roads and Highways: Human and Economic Factors, and the co-author of Water Capitalism: The Case for Privatizing Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, and Aquifers.

From FEE, here.

Who’s Winning in Ukraine? The American Merchants of Death!

The Great Ukraine Robbery is Not Over Yet

The ink was barely dry on President Biden’s signature transferring another $61 billion to the black hole called Ukraine, when the mainstream media broke the news that this was not the parting shot in a failed US policy. The elites have no intention of shutting down this gravy train, which transports wealth from the middle and working class to the wealthy and connected class.

Reuters wrote right after the aid bill was passed that, “Ukraine’s $61 billion lifeline is not enough.” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell went on the Sunday shows after the bill was passed to say that $61 billion is “not a whole lot of money for us…” Well, that’s easy for him to say – after all it’s always easier to spend someone else’s money!

Ukraine’s foreign minister,  Dmytro  Kuleba, was far from grateful for the $170 billion we have shipped thus far to his country. In an interview with Foreign Policy magazine as the aid package was passed, Kuleba had the nerve to criticize the US for not producing weapons fast enough. “If you cannot produce enough interceptors to help Ukraine win the war against the country that wants to destroy the world order, then how are you going to win in the war against perhaps an enemy who is stronger than Russia?”

How’s that for a “thank you”?

It may be understandable why the Ukrainians are frustrated. Most of this money is not going to help them fight Russia. US military aid to Ukraine has left our own stockpiles of weapons depleted, so the money is going to create new production lines to replace weapons already sent to Ukraine. It’s all about the US weapons industry. President Biden admitted as much when he said, “we are helping Ukraine while at the same time investing in our own industrial base.”

This is why Washington Is desperate to make sure that if Donald Trump returns to the White House, the “Ukraine” gravy train cannot be shut down by his – or future – administrations. Last week news broke that the Ukrainian government was in negotiations with the Biden Administration to sign a ten-year security agreement that would lock in US funding for Ukraine for the next two and a half US Administrations. That would unconstitutionally tie future presidents’ hands when it comes to foreign policy and would leave Americans on the hook for untold billions more dollars taken from them and sent to the weapons industry and to a corrupt foreign government.

The US weapons industry and its cheerleaders in Washington DC are determined to keep Ukraine money flowing…until they can figure out a way to gin up a war with China after losing the current war with Russia. That, of course, depends on whether there is anything left of us when the smoke clears.

When President Biden signed the $95 billion bill to keep wars going in Ukraine and Gaza and to provoke a future war with China, he called it “a good day for world peace.” Yes, and “War is peace.” Debt is good. Freedom is slavery. We are living in a post-truth society where billions spent on pointless wars are “not a whole lot of money.” But the piper will be paid and the debt will be cleared.

From LRC, here.