TL;DR – Media Outlets Must Sacrifice Truth for ‘Access’
So-called “hard-hitting” CNN spiked stories for decades under repressive Middle Eastern regimes (Warning: disturbing).
Now, “Mass media” is an easy target, but I think the basic problem with reporting state affairs is universal and insoluble. The more intrusive the state, the more state actions matter, but also the less easily secret and accurate information can be ferreted out while still staying in business (and I can’t think of any liberal states today). Additionally, media men are wary of alienating advertisers, and the bigger the moreso.
So, in an age of encroaching state involvement crowding out every area of legitimate human endeavor, I venture that honest, non-“infotainment” reporting of significance is prohibitively expensive. Readers can’t be told the truth (and they probably don’t want most of the truth, either, similar to my cynical take on Greenwashing).
There can only be private intelligence organizations (though they don’t call themselves that) reporting to the few and rich for investment reasons (who may have signed secrecy agreements). Even then, there are issues of mutual trust, etc.
For more, I suggest reading this: Never Trust Any Media Organization Large Enough to Gain ‘Access’!
More Evidence (if Such Was Needed) the USA Is Doomed in Every Which Way…
Tyler Cowen on The Complacent Class
May 8, 2017
Author and economist Tyler Cowen of George Mason University talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about his book, The Complacent Class. Cowen argues that the United States has become complacent and the result is a loss of dynamism in the economy and in American life, generally. Cowen provides a rich mix of data, speculation, and creativity in support of his claims.
When Push Comes to Shove, What Would Feiglin Do?
I have earlier wondered if Feiglin would support peaceful secession.
Well, I discovered the answer in the comment section by the writer of “Tomer Devorah”:
I stood on the same street corner with Rav Baruch [ed., Kahane, son Rabbi Meir] handing out Feiglin literature years ago even after Moshe Feiglin told me to my face that if Jews in Yehuda and Shomron tried to break away and create a separate State of Judea (a project I was heavily involved with at the time) he would fight against it. He said that were he the Prime Minister, he would fight against it with force.
See the context here. (For more on Medinat Yehuda, see this.)
Hey American Jew: You Know War With Russia Is Coming. But Did You Know Your Children Might be Drafted?
Biden is Calling Up Military Reserves…Are Your Kids Next?
As a rule, US war reporting since Vietnam has been mostly mainstream media cheerleading the mission rather than digging beyond government war propaganda. After all, it was images of American boys coming home in body bags shown on the six o’clock news across America that finally galvanized mainstream opposition to that war.
The Pentagon learned its lesson by the first Gulf War, and it severely restricted up-close media coverage. Only “trusted” journalists were able to report from the front lines. Most of the press corps wrote up stories based on US military press releases from luxury hotels in Baghdad.
By the time of Gulf War II the Pentagon came up with the concept of “embedding” select journalists with the troops. This allowed the story to be framed by the Pentagon with the false impression that actual journalism was taking place. It felt authentic, because the journalist was with the troops and close to the action, but the story presented what the Pentagon wanted to be presented.
This is perhaps a long way of pointing out that US mainstream media coverage of the war in Ukraine leaves a lot to be desired. Yes, sometimes the truth does slip out in publications like the New York Times, which reported last week that in just the first weeks of Ukraine’s “counter-offensive” at least 20 percent of the weaponry and equipment donated by the US and NATO has been destroyed.
However, usually what the mainstream media serves up are Pentagon and neocon talking points. Russia is losing, they report. Russia has already lost, as Biden said recently. Most Americans don’t go out of their way to listen to actual experts like Col. Doug Macgregor, who from the beginning has been telling a very different story. Thus Americans continue to be fed propaganda.
There is a funny thing about propaganda, though. Sometimes it comes face-to-face with contradictory reality and is shown to be nothing but a pack of lies.
Take for example last week’s shocking report that President Biden has signed an order to mobilize 3,000 US military reservists for deployment to Europe in support of the 2014 “Operation Atlantic Resolve.” What is Atlantic Resolve? It was launched in the aftermath of the US-backed coup in Ukraine and the ensuing unrest under the US-installed puppet government.
So, if Russia is losing – or has already lost, as Biden said last week – why has it suddenly become necessary to call up US reserve forces? Well, in the midst of one of the most serious US military recruiting crises ever, it seems Washington does not have sufficient troops for its anti-Russia mission in Ukraine. So what is the mission and why does it seem to be creeping toward sending more Americans close to the battle zone? No one in the Administration seems interested in explaining it and no one in the US media or Congress seems interested in asking.
We are on a very slippery slope, with Biden’s neocons continuing to escalate in the face of massive Ukrainian losses and an apparent shortage of US troops. Make no mistake, if the US/NATO proxy war with Russia is not halted the next step will be to look at the US Selective Service. That means they are coming for your kids. How long before America wakes up and says “NO”?