Something Ineffably Poetic About This Anti-Techeiles Argument…

Did you notice? One of the last refuges available to Techeiles dissidents (defeated by all the central proofs) is to say we don’t know what exact shade of blue is required. So, even conceding the murex source of Techeiles is genuine, we still cannot use it until and unless an Amora with perfect eyesight returns from the dead and testifies to an unbroken tradition since Moshe Rabbenu (and then I presume they’ll find some new excuse).

Of course, there is zero reason to ever assume the exact shade even matters. The Biblical word “Techeiles” refers to a material (same as “Argaman”, not a hue on a spectrum at all (as also admitted by leading Techeiles opponent Rabbi Inbal). (I vaguely recall Levush HaAron does bother to provide some proof against the baseless idea anyway.)

And the source of this objection is the responsa volume falsely and with malice aforethought attributed to Rishonim, the “Besamim Rosh”…

So… they are worried about lacking a tradition because of something which not only lacks a firm tradition but is a Maskilic forgery specially designed to uproot Torah and mitzvos.

I find something ineffably poetic about that fact.

Contraception Is a Question for a *Competent* Posek

How have we fallen! A reminder of the Torah-true view of having children

Too many have forgotten that birth control is assur in all forms al pi Torah. “Heterim” are for very extenuating circumstances. They are very bidieved and NOT meant to be dispensed like candy.


As a follow up to our previous article, I wish to illustrate the correct Hashkafos regarding building a family, and the grave prohibition of contraception (unless it is for a serious medical need and has been approved by an expert Rav.)

To my great pain and surprise, I discovered that the phenomenon of very generous “child spacing” by means of birth control – for no medical reason – has become extremely widespread in many frum circles, and so has the practice of brand new couples “waiting” a year or two. It is incomprehensible to me that this is being condoned.

Here we see the terribly destructive effects at play, of the organization I mentioned in the previous article. They have normalized birth control across the spectrum of Klal Yisrael – not only to the general population, but also by having “educated” a new generation of young Rabbonim with their harmful ideas – and are preventing untold thousands of births for no good reason at all.

The pain over this terrible breach in our Mesora, and over the diminishment of Klal Yisrael, is intense. May Hashem set our nation back on track speedily, and undo the damage.

On the Torah view of bringing children into the world

Translated from Sefer Otzar Tahara by Rav Shlomo Dovid Klein (London)

(This excerpt includes most of the chapter. The PDFs attached below have the complete version.)

Part 1: Contraception – the seriousness of the prohibition

It is forbidden to take any action to prevent pregnancy, and this is a serious matter.(1)

Even when doctors advise this, there is usually no medical basis for it and it is merely based on their carefree attitude of these matters. Nevertheless, in cases of great need, there are methods that can be approved in certain circumstances, for example when a woman feels physically or emotionally weak after childbirth. One cannot set out general guidelines in these matters and a competent Moreh Horo’oh must be consulted. When contraception is permitted, one must clarify exactly which methods may be used, as some of them involve repeated serious issurim.

One cannot compare one case to another and may not rely on rulings supposedly given to others; it is essential that a Moreh Hora’ah is consulted in each individual case.(2)

Continue reading…

From Netzach Yisrael, here.

הפרכת דעת הרבנים שמחילים ‘דין רודף’ ליהודים העולים להר הבית

העולה להר הבית, הוא רודף, או מבער ע”ז?

נחמיה בונה חומת ירושלים, איך התגרה באומות? ● יש כעת מלחמת מצווה, בין מצד כיבוש א”י, ובין מצד ביעור ע”ז ● דעת הגאון הרב משה שטרנבוך: “דין רודף” לחרדים העולים להר הבית ● דעת האוסרים רק מדין הוראת שעה ● טענות נגד העליה, ושוברם בצידם ● טענת “רודף” בעלייה להר הבית ובארץ ישראל ● ביטול ג’ שבועות ● ראיה נוספת מתפילת משה רבינו בפרשת ואתחנן ● כיבוש ארץ ישראל ע”י רשעים ● התמעטות קדושת ארץ ישראל בשליטת גוים ● מי כאן הרודף? ● כניעה לטרור מביא לידי סכנה נוראה ● המתנגדים לא הולכים עם תכלת, ויתנגדו גם בהמשך ● מסקנא ● נספח: השב”כ בעד עליית יהודים להר הבית ● נספח: שיטת הגרי”ז בהתנגדות למדינה, בין בהתחלה ובין בהמשך

16:35 (10/08/17) מכון בריתי יצחק ● הרב יצחק ברנד

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המשך לקרוא בתגובות…

מאתר בריתי יצחק – הרב ברנד שליט”אכאן.

הגוים חושבים שהיהודים משוגעים? הם צודקים

יש זמנים אין ברירה אלא לעבור על מ”ש הגר”א הידוע ולחלוק גם על קדמונים…

רש”י דברים ד’ ט’:

“רק השמר לך וגו’ פן תשכח את הדברים”, אז כשלא תשכחו אותם ותעשום על אמתתם תחשבו חכמים ונבונים ואם תעוותו אותם מתוך שכחה תחשבו שוטים.