Bionic Mosquito Doesn’t QUITE Extend Forgiveness to Corona Caesars…

Let’s First See if They Drown

In April 2020, with nothing else to do, my family took an enormous number of hikes.

–          Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty, Opinion by Emily Oster

I came across this piece thanks to Karen De Coster, referenced in her LRC blog post entitled The Satanic Church-of-Covid Left Begs for Mercy.  I will allow her to introduce it (in case her title isn’t sufficient):

The sham propaganda continues to twist in the wind, looking for one last chance to be embraced by the gaslighted masses.

Returning to Oster.

We all wore cloth masks that I had made myself.

That was very scientific.  Homemade masks.  I wonder what surgeons and epidemiologists thought about that before March 2020?

It’s bad enough that the parents in this family were deluded, what they did to their children was horrendous:

Once, when another child got too close to my then-4-year-old son on a bridge, he yelled at her “SOCIAL DISTANCING!”

Someone’s dad should have decked the other child’s dad.

These precautions were totally misguided. … But the thing is: We didn’t know.

Bullsh!#.  We did know.  Those telling you to mask and social distance knew that they were lying.  Countless pre-stupidity peer-reviewed studies were clear: masking by amateurs with pretend masks (let alone homemade masks) was useless – and even harmful – when it came to dealing with airborne viruses.

We knew that anyone younger than seventy years old with no co-morbidities was at virtually zero risk of serious complications.  We knew that continuing in school was the best option for young people.  We knew that the virus (such as it was) travelled equally well in both strip clubs and churches, but only one of these was closed.  We knew when politicians and other leaders went to restaurants or hair salons without masking while we were all forced into a face diaper that it was a lie.  We knew that these modern jabs were based on science that failed every test before.  We knew that forcing the decision of jab or job on individuals was both immoral and corrupt.

We knew.  And so did those who said otherwise.

And on every topic, someone was eventually proved right, and someone else was proved wrong.

And on every topic, the people most listened to were always wrong, and those who were cancelled were (almost) always right.  This latter group wasn’t made up of just loons like me; hundreds of prominent and world-renowned doctors and scientists were cancelled because they didn’t agree with MSNBC, CNN, or “the science.”  Go back and read the Great Barrington Declaration (as mild as it is), written in October 2020 and signed initially by almost fifty doctors and scientists and currently by almost one million individuals.

They knew.  But Collins and Fauci and others worked to crush this attempt at minimal rational pushback.

The people who got it right, for whatever reason, may want to gloat. Those who got it wrong, for whatever reason, may feel defensive and retrench into a position that doesn’t accord with the facts.

Nope.  I don’t want to gloat; that’s not good enough for me.  And nope, I won’t merely allow the criminals to retrench; that isn’t justice.

Continue reading…

From LRC, here.

POEM: Your Sabbath Day


by poet and essayist Esther Cameron

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(Purchase the whole volume on JCT here or other issues here.)

I assume this is allowed under the doctrine of Fair Use.



תיקוני עירובין גליון 342#

גליון שאלות הלכתיות המתחדשות מידי שבוע בבדיקת העירובים השכונתיים

שבוע בגליון: בס”ד התחילו שיעורי העירובין ברחבי הארץ. ירושלים קבוצת מיר / ירושלים קבוצת מרכז / בני ברק / מודיעין עילית, ונערכים בס”ד לפתיחת השיעורים בקריה בבית שמש, בשבוע הבא.

השיעורים שנותנים מענה לאלפי הלומדים שמתקשים לחבר את לימוד העירובין למציאות

השואל שטען שמותר לטלטל מתחת התקרה כי היא חלק מהבית / דין פי תקרה בגגון שלפני הבית / עבודות בשיפוץ העירוב בישיבת בני ראם /  הרחקת הלחי מעמוד עקום דורשת מדידה בבקבוק / כמה רווח מותר שיהיה בין הלחי לעמוד / האם מועיל עומד מרובה ברווח שסמוך לעמוד וללחי / ארון של מצלמות שהתקינו בין הלחי לחוט / אדמת הישובים נעשית ביצה שאי אפשר לעבור גם עם מגפיים / ההכנות של מוקד העירוב לקראת ימי הגשמים.

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Reprinted with permission.

השבוע הופק מסר חד וחזק לעם שבערי הארץ ובישובים לצפיה למי שזה שייך אליו

ניתן לראות בקישור זה:

בתפילה שיביא תועלת לשמירת השבת.

One-Line Quip Stretched into Overlong Article…

The Handbook of Human Ownership – A Manual for New Tax Farmers

Hey – seriously – congratulations on your new political post!

If you are reading this, it means that you have ascended to the highest levels of government, so it’s really, really important that you don’t do or say anything stupid, and mess things up for the rest of us.

The first thing to remember is that you are a figurehead, about as relevant to the direction of the state as a hood ornament is to the direction of a car – but you are a very important distraction, the “smiling face” of the fist of power. So hold your nose, kiss the babies, and just think how good you would look on a stamp. A stamp, for mail… No, not email, mail. Never mind, we’ll explain later.

Now, before we go into your media responsibilities, you must understand the true history of political power, so you don’t accidentally act on the naïve idealism you are required to project to the general public.

Human Livestock – A History of Tax Farming

The reality of political power is very simple: bad farmers own crops and livestock – good farmers own human beings.

This is not nearly as simple as it sounds, hence the need for this manual.

The very first thing to remember is that you are a mammal, an animal, and like all animals, you want to maximize consumption while minimizing effort. By far the most effective way to do this is to take from other people, just as a farmer takes milk and meat from cows.

It goes downhill from there. 

Don’t continue to read the tedious, silly thing over here…

The Downsides of Reading Online

The Physical Effects of E-Reading

by Christyna Hunter on February 24, 2014

We’re in the middle of an e-reading craze. Libraries are dashing around to add more digital titles to their catalogs. Libraries are lending out e-readers and even opening bookless branches. (See past PLA Online articles here and here.) We know that e-reading offers tons of great benefits for readers; but let’s slow down a minute and consider possible adverse effects.

According to a recent Scientific American article, reading paper versus electronic material makes a difference when it comes to memory and learning. In digital format, readers tend to skim, looking for keywords. As a result the full content of the material is often lost.

Screen reading takes more mental energy thereby leaving less for actual content retention. Students who read text via a computer screen did a little bit worse on a reading comprehension test than those students who used actual textbooks. During the test, they were able to look back at their textbooks for answers. The students who used actual textbooks retained not only more information but memory as to where that information was located.

Also, “seeing” only a page or two at a time rather than the whole book is disorienting to the reader. Although most e-readers have a digital readout somewhere on the screen of the readers progress within the book, that’s not enough. To physically hold the book and flip through individual pages makes the reader feel more grounded to the experience than a simple readout of her progress on the screen. When readers are grounded to the experience, material is more likely to be remembered.

This article, as well as a recent report by ABC News, lists the physical side effects of e-reading. Headaches and neck pain are the biggest complaints of those who use e-readers. Eye strain and dry eyes are others. Nearly 70% of American adults show these side effects according to the ABC News report.

And the concern is higher for children. E-readers are often the only device children read nowadays so the side effects mentioned above could harm children at an early age. If not caught, the harm could lead to more problems earlier in life.

There are ways to prevent these issues. Don’t spend more than 20 minutes at a time staring at an e-reader or computer screen. Be sure to blink often to lubricate your eyes. Take many breaks. Be sure to do safe neck exercises to ward off a stiff neck and shoulders.

Or just read an actual book!

From Public Libraries Online, here.