My Recommendation for a Tourist Guide for the Land of Israel

From a conversation on the English Kedushas Tzion forum:
ERETZ AVOSEINU: A Tour Guide for The Religious Jewish Visitor” (1999) by Sholom Dov Steinberg, Yaakov Turnheim
It bursts with Chibas Ha’aretz and scholarship, has great paper, covers many high points of our country, and contains detailed driving and even walking instructions, viz. “take 25 steps down and look left…” (these may be obviated and superseded somewhat by new construction and cheap GPS).
This deserves more, but it’s not in front of me. Even the rectangular shape was planned to be easy to hold!
I never saw anything else in English even coming close.

Remember Non-Lockdown Sweden?

We Just Won the Covid Argument

From the Tom Woods Letter:

What you’re about to see says it all.

We all remember — how could we forget? — the hysteria around Sweden in 2020. Why, if they didn’t have a proper lockdown, Neil Ferguson and his Imperial College model said, they’d have 96,000 deaths by June!

The actual number turned out to be 4000.

So then the crazies fell back on: it did worse than the other Scandinavian countries, and that’s the proper comparison.

(These are the same people who thought the United States and the island nation of New Zealand was a legitimate comparison, however.)

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) looked at excess mortality in 31 countries, including Sweden (and New Zealand, for that matter), during the Covid era.

Want to take a guess as to which country wound up doing the best out of them all?

Yes, it was Sweden:

Continue reading…

From LRC, here.

Gut Morgen, Jude, und den Kaffee Riechen!

A Jewish person is beginning to suspect perhaps, just maybe, Germany doesn’t love the Jews all that much (Ashkenaz. I know, a shocker!). (And not just anyone, but a “community head“, the type of person who usually gives up last.)

Now he has made his feelings public while still in the beloved Fatherland, I just hope der gemütliche Deutsche public servants don’t politely give him sudden “unavoidable” trouble with his personal passport, Jäh?

UPDATE: Another Jewish leader gives a similar picture, complete with facts and figures in a Spiegel\Spiegel interview.