Don’t Go Out of Your Way, Said Rabbi Ploni Almoni

A certain God-fearing Torah scholar who doesn’t shy away from controversy when there is no choice (acting truly for the sake of heaven) once related to me that he tried hard to marry his daughter into an illustrious rabbinic family (in his thinking, anyway), but the shidduch failed.

Why? Because someone whispered to the potential mechutan about the father’s controversial actions. “Not that there’s anything wrong with him, chalilah! He is (probably) doing the good and proper thing. And the family (may) have great qualities. But still, what does that have to do with you? Find a different kosher family, minus the baggage. What do you need a headache for?!”

The non-mechutan is quite famous. I’m sure you heard of him: the “Ploni Almoni” Rebbe!

From the book of Ruth (thinking along the lines of the famous explanation of the Brisker Rav):

And he said, “Who are you? ” And she said, “I am Ruth, your handmaid, and you shall spread your skirt over your handmaid, for you are a near kinsman.”

And he said, “May you be blessed of the Lord, my daughter; your latest act of kindness is greater than the first, not to follow the young men, whether poor or rich.

It wasn’t just Boaz who realized her nobility:

And now, my daughter, do not fear, all that you say I will do for you, for the entire gate of my people know that you are a valiant woman.

And now, indeed, I am a near kinsman, but there is a kinsman closer than I.

Stay over tonight, and it will come to pass in the morning, that if he redeems you, well, let him redeem you, but if he does not wish to redeem you, I will redeem you, as the Lord lives; lie down until morning.”

And Boaz went up to the gate and sat down there, and behold, the kinsman of whom Boaz had spoken was passing, and he said, “Turn aside, sit down here, Ploni Almoni,” and he turned aside and sat down.

Why is his name erased?

And Boaz said, “On the day that you buy the field from the hand of Naomi and from Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the deceased, you have bought [it], to preserve the name of the deceased on his heritage.”

And the near kinsman said, “I cannot redeem [it] for myself, lest I mar my heritage. You redeem my redemption for yourself for I cannot redeem [it].”

Or, as the expression goes in Yiddish: “Don’t lie down with a healthy head in a sick bed.”

… And Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David.

That David, huh? Must be chance.

NUCLEAR REVELATION: Evidence Mounts Rabbi Sternbuch, Bitterest and Best-Known Opponent of Techeiles, Now Wears It Privately Himself!

No, I don’t want to believe it either! If even the venerable can change for the better, such is the extent of Free Will, then so can I, so my excuses for shortcomings are all gone…

This report deeply offends and radically upsets my strong beliefs and emotions toward “Chadash assur min hatorahtypes like Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch shlita.

The venerable head of the Eidah Charedis (!), ultra-conservative Posek (not in lomdus, albeit in practice), a strong follower of the Brisker Rav (and supposedly of the Chazon Ish too (?!), which is far from the truth) and a clericalist, Rabbi Sternbuch has long written verbose haskamos to anti-Techeiles works and wrote one or two (nonsensical) Teshuvos in his “Teshuvos Vehanhagos” responsa series against Techeiles, as well. Rabbi Sternbuch even wrote haskamos to various outrageous hack jobs, such as “Tichla Dechilazon” by Rabbi Eliezer Alexander Hool shlita.

A completely non-observant Jew doing Teshuvah is nothing next to this (sure, hyperbole).

I recall about five times impious Jews brushed me off saying in a mocking tone: “Know what, when Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch (!) starts wearing Techeiles, I will too, OK??? (giggle\titter)”.

Regardless, the importance of this cannot be overstated.

What’s next, Rabbi Sternbuch ascending Har Habayis in private (Hebrew link)?!

(Out of sheer boredom, I returned to some of these folks with the newly uncovered tentative evidence herein regarding Rabbi Sternbuch. Needless to say, they promptly retracted their righteousness or couldn’t care less.)

So, to business.

Why do I say the rabbi maybe now wears it privately himself? First and foremost, Rabbi Yechezkel Toporovitch (who earlier testifies he got Rabbi Sternbuch to lessen his opposition) says so.

And I quote (I don’t need Rabbi Chaim Ozer Sternbuch’s permission, since he clearly doesn’t mind):


אני עצמי סיפקתי להגאון ר’ משה שטרנבוך שליט”א פתילי תכלת עבור טלית קטן על ידי הבעל תוקע שלו הרב מיכאל לוי שליט”א וכן על ידי הבן של הראב”ד הרה”ג ר’ חיים עוזר שליט”א

למיטב ידיעתי הוא לובש מידי פעם שמעתי שיש תקופות שהוא לובש כל יום לפני התפילה

כמו כן שמעתי מבנו הגר”חע שאביו הראב”ד שליט”א אמר לו שאפשר לפרסם בשמו שהוא כבר לא נגד כמו שהיה פעם

לגבי שיטות מספר החוטים הנה בתחילה סבר לעשות כהתוס’ וכך גם שלחתי לו אח”כ אחרי שעיין בזה שוב החליף לשיטת הראב”ד

לגבי פרסום הדבר שיש אצלו ציצית עם תכלת ושהוא לובש מידי פעם, אפשר לשאול את בנו הנ”ל אם אפשר לפרסם

בכל הכבוד הראוי
יחזקאל משה הלוי טופורוביץ
פעיה”ק ירושלים תובב”א

Next, we have Rabbi Yosef Eli Steinberg saying the same in this fresh Kikar interview.
Also, a recent pamphlet (we republished yesterday) called “נמצאה התכלת” says so in the intro (I didn’t type exactly):
אני בעצמי הלכתי אליו, ואמרו לי בסוף שישיב לי תשובה על ידי פלוני, וזה התשובה של אותו הפלוני אלי, “לאחרונה ששמע מרן מקצת הטענות של מצדדי התכלת אמר שאינו מתנגד כ”כ לתכלת ואפילו הוא בעצמו משתדל ללבשו לפעמים בצינעה”.
Someone by the name of Reb Yaacov Mirnik told me he heard Rabbi Sternbuch wears Techeiles briefly for the sake of saying a bracha. This in the name of “two grandchildren of Rabbi Sternbuch, a friend who assists the rabbi, and the brother of a youth who helps him at home”. (He also thinks it is Raavad.) Further details below.
I heard several similar testimonies from others (on the “Ohavei Tzion” forum), all quoting various bachurim attending Rabbi Sternbuch’s own yeshiva.

Reb Mirnik then writes as follows (I got permission to record this):

למדתי אצל ר’ משה ג’ שנים בישיבה ושאלתי אותו 3 פעמים על התכלת

הפעם הא’ הייתה כשהייתי באלול ש”א (תשע”ז) ורציתי להתחיל ללבוש תכלת בקשתי מבחור שישאל אותו לידי ושמעתי את התשובה, וענה בתקיפות שודאי שאין שום עניין ללבוש ולמרות שניסיתי מעט לטעון כנגד לא הקשיב אפילו. (ובכ”ז בסוכות התחלתי)
הפעם הב’ בחורף ש”ב (תשע”ח) התעורר בלאגן קל בישיבה אחר ששכנעתי 3 בחורים נוספים, ושאלו אותו רבני הישיבה דאז וענה שלא צריך לחשוש, אבל אין להפריע לבחור שלובש. לאחר מספר חודשים שמעתי שבנו התחיל ללבוש בסתר (קיץ ש”ב) (ובררתי הדבר ואומת).
שנה לאחמ”כ (קיץ ש”ג -שנת תשע”ט. מעט לפני שעזבתי את הישיבה שלו) החלו להשמע שמועות שהחל ללבוש לעיתים ואז ביקשתי מא’ מרבני הישיבה (מו”ר הגאון ר’ אליהו שלנגר שליטא ראש הקיבוץ דאז בישיבה) שיגש אליו ויברר העניין, ואכן שאל אותו “האם נכון הדבר שהרה”י חזר בו מהתנגדותו לתכלת” וענה לו ר’ משה ש “מעולם לא התנגד בתקיפות, אבל לא כדאי כי זה יכול לגרור לדברים לא טובים”.
בפורים שלאחמ”כ (אחרי שעזבתי את הישיבה) (פורים תש” פ) אמר לי במפורש א’ מנכדיו ש”רבינו לפעמים לובש תכלת שחיים עוזר (בנו שלובש) הביא לו” לאחר תקופה שניסיתי לברר את הדבר ושאלתי את אחד מנכדיו האחרים ענה לי ש”כן לפעמים רבינו לובש תכלת”.
אתמול התקשרתי לחבר שלומד שם עדיין (שגם הוא לובש) ואמר לי שלפי הידוע לו עדיין פעם בכמה ימים ר’ משה מברך לובש ומוריד.

Things are looking up⇑⇑⇑ (?)

Can any of our readers help confirm\disconfirm this shocking scandal, I mean story?


P.S., Someone commented he thinks Rabbi Sternbuch is “opening up” lately, whatever that means (Goloventzitz graves, and the volte-face on artificial insemination for the infertile, from prohibition (like Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky zatzal) to outright encouragement, אכמ”ל).

A Pox on Both Your Houses!

Corrupt Elite Fears Losing Control Of Courts To Different Corrupt Elite

“Ours is the noble kind of corruption. The democratic kind. Theirs is the fascist kind.”

Jerusalem, February 9 – A proposed reform of Israel’s judiciary system and other elements of its legal apparatus has that system’s megalomaniacal establishment worried it will no longer enjoy hegemony over the country’s elected officials beyond the powers granted to it in explicit legislation, instead subjecting it to the decisions and discretion of the megalomaniacal group implementing the reform.

Judges, Bar Association officials, and left-wing political figures continued to decry Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s and Minister of Justice Yariv Levin’s proposed reforms to the courts, prosecutor’s office, and the process by which judicial appointments occur, as the former group feel threatened that the latter group seeks to remove those institutions and processes from control by the former group and arrogate for themselves the capacity to manipulate, bully, or otherwise shape judicial policies to suit the latter group’s ideological agenda instead of the former group’s ideological agenda.

“We cannot abide the damage is will do to the integrity of the courts,” declared Opposition Leader MK Yair Lapid. “When our political fellow-travelers enjoy stewardship of that crucial institution of state, that is welcome and proper, but if someone else’s political fellow-travelers seize stewardship of that crucial institution of state, that is wrong and undemocratic. The very legitimacy of the justice system is at stake. Everyone knows things are only legitimate when our side does them.”

Defenders of the status quo point to the problematic implications of the proposed reforms. “Bibi is under criminal investigation and faces court action,” explained former Chief Prosecutor Menachem Mazuz, now a judge. “You can’t have the country’s most prominent criminal suspect spearheading a restructuring of the justice system. That’s a recipe for corruption totally different from when Supreme Court justices bend rules and procedures to benefit one another or their small circles of family and friends to keep them out of trouble the hoi polloi face for the same things. Totally different. Ours is the noble kind of corruption. The democratic kind. Theirs is the fascist kind. It’s the difference between night and day. Just to be clear, ours is the day kind, the light and good kind. Not the dark, bad kind. That’s those other people. Not us.”

Former President of the Supreme Court Aharon Barak also warned against the nefarious machinations of the Levin-Netanyahu reform package. “I once described the Court as a family,” he recalled. “You’re very particular whom you allow into your family, who would be a good fit. That’s exactly how things have been done since before my time, and they want to change that system. You can’t just corrupt that tried-and-true methodology with some fascist notion like accountability to the expressed electoral will of voters. What kind of democracy could tolerate that?”

From PreOccupied Territory, here.

סדרת וידיאו מבית ‘קדושת ציון’: ההספדים על הגאון רבי יואל שוורץ זצ”ל

מורנו הגאון הגדול רבי מרדכי שריקי שליט”א

מורנו כ”ק האדמו”ר מבוסטון שליט”א

מורנו הגאון הגדול רבי יצחק ברנד שליט”א

בנו הגאון רבי בנימין שוורץ

מורנו הגאון הצדיק רבי מנחם מנדל טוביאס שליט”א

תלמידו הרב חיים אינהורן

יו”ר האגודה הגאון רבי יהודה אפשטיין