The Invisible Hand: Unplanned Order

We have become accustomed to the idea that a natural system like the human body or an ecosystem regulates itself. To explain the regulation, we look for feedback loops rather than a central planning and directing body. But somehow our intuitions about self-regulation without central direction do not carry over to the artificial systems of human society. I retain vivid memories of the astonishment and disbelief always expressed by the architecture students to whom I taught urban land economics many years ago when I pointed to medieval cities as marvellously patterned systems that had mostly just “grown” in response to myriads of individual decisions. To my students a pattern implied a planner in whose mind it had been conceived and by whose fiat it had been implemented. The idea that a city could acquire its pattern as “naturally” as a snowflake was foreign to them. They reacted to it as many Christian fundamentalists responded to Darwin: no design without a Designer!

Herbert A. Simon, Economic Rationality: Adaptive Artifice

Temech: Charity or Investment?

From the campaign page:

You can give Tzedakah dollars. 

Or, you can invest your Tzedakah dollars. 

Temech was founded in 2006 on one simple yet powerful belief:

Every Chareidi woman in Israel should get the chance to have a meaningful professional life and fair compensation for her work, without compromising Torah values. 

It’s been 17 years.

68,000 women.

15,000 seminary student workshop attendees

27 cities.

12 conferences for women in business

139 business networking groups.

217 courses.

6,217 newly created jobs.

$142,250,909 of increased income

700% A=annual ROI

And our mission remains unchanged:

Overcoming obstacles to professional advancement together.

All our services are heavily subsidized to make them accessible to every chareidi woman who wants to succeed.

We plant seeds of potential – and reap trees of prosperity.

But we can’t do it alone.

When you join Temech in expanding opportunities for parnassah and enabling women to be self-sufficient in supporting their families, you are sending them so much more than a generous check –

You are sowing seeds that will flourish for years to come. 

Go here…

Please Help the Yeshiva of My Rebbi, Rav Aharon Lopiansky Shlita


Anything that I have managed to accomplish is due in very, very large part to the Yeshiva of Greater Washington and my rebbi, Rav Aharon Lopiansky shlita.

Please help Rav Lopiansky’s yeshiva by making a donation for their yeshiva building campaign which is extremely necessary because, baruch Hashem, the yeshiva has grown beyond its current facility.

You can donate here on my personal page and help me achieve my fundraising goal for the Yeshiva of Greater Washington and be a part of one of the most influential mekomos Torah:

Thank you,
Yehoshua Berman (a.k.a “Mechaber Kuntreisim”)
