Rabbi Sternbuch on Ignoring Ignorant ‘Customs’
From the intro to Moadim Uzemanim vol. 3:
How this jives with Rabbi Sternbuch’s infamous halachic conservatism I do not know.
From the intro to Moadim Uzemanim vol. 3:
How this jives with Rabbi Sternbuch’s infamous halachic conservatism I do not know.
Baruch Hashem, a written haskama has been issued by Rav Aharon Lopiansky shlita and Rav Doniel Neustadt shlita for kuntreisim Sameiach Tesamach and Chochmas Nashim Bansah Beisah.
Important disclaimer:
The Haskamos pertain only to the most up-to-date versions, which can be received only from the author [kuntreisim@gmail.com].
(An earlier version of “Sameiach Tesamach” was published on Hyehudi.org here.)
‘The more the state ‘plans’, “the more difficult planning becomes for the individual.”
(Found in an article about the fallacy and folly of electric vehicles.)
(Warning to reader: all letters are lowercase)