Is It a Lack of Tznius To Publicly Discuss\Study Certain Topics?

12/31/22 – Shiur 401 – To discuss or not to discuss – That is the Question

December 30, 2022

Should Headlines have Shiurim on sensitive issues?
Is it better to educate the public, or is it exposing Bochurim and others to things that they shouldn’t be exposed to?
Is it a lack of Tznius to discuss certain topics in public?
Is there a way to balance Tznius VS public awareness?
Does discussing certain issues promote wrong ideas?
Is it Loshon Horah to publicize allegations against a specific person or is it הצלת נפשות?
Should magazines and newspapers be running ads on these sensitive issues?

with Rabbi Mayer Schiller – Noted Chasidishe Maggid Shiur, writer and lecturer – 14:20
with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg – Rov of Boca Raton Synagogue, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva of South Florida – 33:29
with Rabbi Yitzchok Franfurter – Publisher of the Ami Magazine – 54:21

with Rabbi Moshe Taub – Rov in Holliswood Queens – Noted writer –  1:11:13

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From Headlines in Halacha, here.

Shapell’s / Darché Noam VERSUS The Truth

The incriminating legend on their website:

In the heart of Jerusalem, Shapell’s / Darché Noam and its affiliates…

True to our vision of Deracheha Darché Noam, we aim to help Jewish young adults develop in their own way while fostering a deep respect for different ways to be a Torah Jew.

Translation into English:

The leaders deny binding, singular Torah truth for themselves and \or won’t foster Torah truth in their charges, either.

I don’t know much about the place, but it sure sounds bad

People Stealing Your Ideas? If Your Ideas Are Any Good, You’ll Have To Ram Them Down People’s Throats!

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