The Mishna Berurah Clearly ‘Doesn’t Have the Right Hashkafos’…

That’s why it’s only\mainly “for Geirim and Ba’alei Teshuvah”, per Brisk.

Copying language from Chayei Adam 10:3, writes the M.B. 155:3:

חייב אדם ללמוד בכל יום תורה שבכתב שהוא תנ”ך ומשנה וגמרא…

Of course, the original source is Yoreh Deah and the Shach but that was then, before the Maskilim arrived.

Also, supposedly then we still had an unbroken Mesorah of “How to read Tanach”.

(In case you just arrived at this humble online abode, this is all meant as sarcasm.)

מה עלינו להרגיש בעת שמחה

טור אוח סי’ תקכ”ט‎:

מדת החסידים אשר השם לנגדם תמיד ובכל דרכיהם ידעוהו, בעת שמחתם אז יותר ויותר מברכין ומשבחין להקב”ה אשר שמחם, ויאמר האדם בלבו בעת שמחתו והנאתו ואם כך היא שמחת העוה”ז אשר היא הבל כי יש אחריה תוגה וצער אם כן מה תהא שמחת העולם הבא התמידית שאין אחריה תוגה, ויתפלל להקב”ה שיטה לבו לעבדו לעשות רצונו בלב שלם ושישמחנו בשמחת העולם, ויזכנו לחיי העוה”ב לאור באור פני מלך חיים.

The Unknown Jew Who Risked the Electric Chair To Save the Globe From American Nuclear Tyranny

His name was Theodore (Ted) Alvin Hall (changed from “Holtzman” to escape American anti-Semitism, by the way).

From Wikipedia:

Hall later claimed that as it became clear in the summer of 1944 that Germany was losing the war and would not ever manage to develop an atomic bomb, he became concerned about the consequences of an American monopoly on atomic weapons once the war ended. He was especially worried about the possibility of the emergence of a fascist government in the United States, should it have such a nuclear monopoly and want to keep it that way.

In a written statement published in 1997, Hall came very close to admitting that the Soviet spy cable identifying him as a Soviet asset was accurate, although obliquely, saying that in the immediate postwar years, he felt strongly that “an American monopoly” on nuclear weapons “was dangerous and should be avoided:”

To help prevent that monopoly I contemplated a brief encounter with a Soviet agent, just to inform them of the existence of the A-bomb project. I anticipated a very limited contact. With any luck, it might easily have turned out that way, but it was not to be.

A year before his death, he gave a more direct confession in an interview for the TV-series Cold War on CNN in 1998, saying:

I decided to give atomic secrets to the Russians because it seemed to me that it was important that there should be no monopoly, which could turn one nation into a menace and turn it loose on the world as … Nazi Germany developed. There seemed to be only one answer to what one should do. The right thing to do was to act to break the American monopoly.

From The Guardian:

Hall had earlier told the authors of the book Bombshell: “Maybe the course of history, if unchanged, could have led to atomic war in the past 50 years; for example, the bomb might have been dropped on China in 1949 or the early 1950s. Well, if I helped to prevent that, I accept the charge.”

Well said!

Learn further details here…

Of course, he never should have helped create The Bomb in the first place!

Russia, Too, Could Have Been ‘Exceptional’. Just Like America!

Quoting Ron Unz:

Consider the fascinating perspective of the recently deceased Boris Berezovsky, once the most powerful of the Russian oligarchs and the puppet master behind President Boris Yeltsin during the late 1990s. After looting billions in national wealth and elevating Vladimir Putin to the presidency, he overreached himself and eventually went into exile. According to the New York Times, he had planned to transform Russia into a fake two-party state—one social-democratic and one neoconservative—in which heated public battles would be fought on divisive, symbolic issues, while behind the scenes both parties would actually be controlled by the same ruling elites. With the citizenry thus permanently divided and popular dissatisfaction safely channeled into meaningless dead-ends, Russia’s rulers could maintain unlimited wealth and power for themselves, with little threat to their reign. Given America’s history over the last couple of decades, perhaps we can guess where Berezovsky got his idea for such a clever political scheme.

(Find the original NYT article here.)

If only V. Putin had agreed…

Ah, if only. Just picture it:

To quote Hyehudi Editor

“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” Remember these words, and you’ll never sweat an election.

As the famous poem goes about the road not taken (I MAY be misremembering here…):

“I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made absolutely no difference.”

Welcoming Event for New American Chareidi Kehillah of Olim: Kehillas Chazon Elimelech of Afula

Come meet with them here in Yerushalayim, welcome them to Eretz Yisroel, and be mechazek them for hatzlacha in their endeavor.
Rabbonim will speak, and refreshments served.
Ezras Nashim open.
Monday evening, Motza’ei Zos Chanukah (Dec. 26), at the Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim hall, Sanhedria Murchevet 6:00 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
For more info: Yoel Berman 053-319-1618 /

Yoel Berman 053-3191618 יואל ברמן
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