Why Don’t Children Stand Before Their Parents?!
Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk zatzal in his Shut “Machazeh Eliyahu” Part Two Siman 55:4 and onwards argues at great length and with great forbearance that the current “custom” of parents (completely) “forgiving” their honor is improper.
In a gem of sales copy, Rabbi Falk notes the widespread tendency to seek solutions to parenting issues from non-Jewish experts and their books. “Why not try the Torah way first?” he wonders.
P.S., I heard in the name of a certain rabbi that the way to instill the mitzvah is for each parent to remind the children to stand for the other parent… (אמר לו אחד, אני, איני נאמן. איש פלוני נאמן, הרי זה נאמן. הלך לקח ממנו, אמר לו, מי כאן מוכר ישן. אמר לו, מי ששלחך אצלי, אף על פי שהן כגומלין זה את זה)