Hashgacha Pratis: Matos – Masei 5782
Inspirational messages and contemporary stories of Hashgacha Pratis
Reprinted with permission.
Reprinted with permission.
Reprinted with permission.
ז”ל הקדמת ספר הזוהר:
“לא יאות לעלמא למיקם בלא מלך”.
צ”ל דהיינו אחר שחטאו. תדע דבסמוך קאמר “דהא מסכנין לא יתבטלון מן עלמא”, וק”ל.
Transliterate some phrase in Aramaic or Yeshivish and use that or its acronym (with numbers, Upper-Case, and special characters [e.g., ~^%#*}!]+?<). Something that would never be in a hacker’s password dictionary.
Note: Aim for something slightly rare, so it won’t be in “Frumspeak: The First Dictionary of Yeshivish“.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
1) If Tisha B’av starts on מוצש”ק we don’t eat מלוה מלכה. When else during the year do we not eat מלוה מלכה on מוצש”ק?
2) Only when Tishah B’Av falls on a Sunday, should one refrain from doing it. ?
3) Tisha B’av was on a Sunday (like this year) Mr.Fester fasted all day with no difficulties. Sunday night he broke his fast without making Havdala first. Why?
5 different possibilities
4) Because of his talent, he receives two עליות on שבת חזון.
5) What is אסור to do only half a day in the year?