קול החינוך גליון 150#

יו”ל ע”י ‘ועד הורים’ – בהכוונת גדולי התורה שליט”א

[קול החינוך עוסק במלחמת מדינת ישראל בחינוך יהודי עצמאי.]

* למסירת מידע ומשלוח מסמכים בס”ד 03-691-5752, טלפקס: 6915752@okmail.co.il

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Ancient Jewish ‘Migdal’: 2 Synagogues Within Just 200 Meters… (PICTURES)

Biblical Migdal (aka Magdala)

By Nosson Shulman: Licensed Tour Guide of VIP Israel Tours Authentic Virtual Tours (click here to check out his free trailer videos)


For the children of Naphtali… Migdal-el, Horem, and Beth-‘anath and Beth-shemesh; nineteen cities with their villages (Joshua 19: 32-38)”

Migdal (Magdala) is beautifully situated on the Sea of Galilee.
Photo Credit: RnDmS / Shutterstock

Today, we are visiting one of Israel’s best kept secrets! Ancient Migdal (Magdala) is as beautiful as it is historic. In 2021 this sleepy town (pop. 2000) just north of Tiberias, was in the news for an exciting (and very rare) find, revolutionizing the way researchers understood an entire time period (more on that shortly). During the Second Temple period, Migdal was an important city and the unique findings we will see here more than substantiate this! Today’s Migdal, is just across the highway from ancient Migdal.

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From Guided Tours of Israel, here.