Techeiles for Children

You need not wear Tzitzis unless you wear a four-cornered garment.

Rabbi Hirsch (Bamidbar 15:38) finds a beautiful allusion to this in the verses themselves:

דבר וגו׳ ואמרת וגו׳ ועשו להם וגו׳ – כפי שכבר אמרנו (באוסף כתבים, כרך ג עמ׳ קלט–קמ), אילו היה זה ציווי מוחלט, הייתה לשון הכתוב: ״דבר וגו׳ ויעשו להם״ וגו׳. ״ועשו״ מורה על כך שהעשייה היא התוצאה של ״ואמרת אלהם״: הקיום יבוא מאליו, כתוצאה מהוראותיו וביאוריו של משה. אמור להם את כל מה שקדם ואת כל מה שקשור אליו; ועשה אותם מודעים לכך, כדי שישיבוהו אל הלב, ויעשו בשמחה ציצית על כנפי בגדיהם, כפי שאני מצוום.
But once you do, you must.
In our times this means an absolute obligation to use the newly rediscovered and restored Techeiles. Sefer Levush HaAron proves this from Yevamos 90b עקירת דבר מן התורה and some Rishonim on Menachos 44a, and more (cf. p. 16 fn 11).
One may not wear a four-cornered garment without Techeiles.
(Hey, you there. Missing Techeiles? Take it off right now! We can discuss it later.)
This brings us to the question of children from the age of Chinuch and onward. Where exactly is the “Mitzvas Chinuch” in sefiyah of non-Techeiles Tzitzis?!
I heard from a store owner that even those who buy Techeiles strings don’t buy them together with size-8 Arba Kanfos for six-year-olds. But why ever not? It’s not some chumra*.
Ela Mai, it’s expensive, especially since they get ripped? What other choice is there?

… דאפילו לדידן שמדליקין נר לכאו”א קטנים פטורין [דנהי דמחוייב לחנכו היינו בדבר שיש בו חיוב על הגדול מצד הדין אבל בזה דגם בגדול ליכא כ”א משום הידור מצוה אינו מחוייב לחנך בו הקטן] ואח”כ מצאתי במאירי שגם הוא כתב כן וז”ל המהדרין במצות נר לכל אחד ואחד לפי מנין בני ביתו הגדולים עכ”ל…

The Toddler Law Code of Property Rights

  1. If I want it, it’s mine.
  2. If I give it to you and change my mind later, it’s mine.
  3. If I can take it away from you, it’s mine.
  4. If I had it a little while ago, it’s mine.
  5. If it’s mine it will never belong to anyone else no matter what.
  6. If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine.
  7. If it looks like mine, it’s mine.

(Author unknown)

Ron Paul: Hope the War on Russia Is Worth It…

Foreign Policy Fail: Biden’s Sanctions are a Windfall For Russia!

It’s easy to see why, according to a new Harris poll, 71 percent of Americans said they do not want Joe Biden to run for re-election. As Americans face record gas prices and the highest inflation in 40 years, President Biden admits he could not care less. His Administration is committed to fight a proxy war with Russia through Ukraine and Americans just need to suck it up.

Last week a New York Times reporter asked Biden how long he expects Americans to pay record gasoline prices over his Administration’s Ukraine policy. “As long as it takes,” replied the president without hesitation.

“Russia cannot defeat Ukraine,” added Biden as justification for his Administration’s pro-pain policy toward Americans. The president has repeatedly tried to deflect blame for the growing economic crisis by claiming Russia is solely behind recent inflation. “The reason why gas prices are up is because of Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia,” he said in the same press conference.

But Biden has a big problem: Americans do not believe him. According to a Rasmussen poll earlier this month, only eleven percent of Americans believe Biden’s claim that Russian president Vladimir Putin is to blame for high prices.

When it comes to disdain for the average American hurt by higher prices, there is more than enough in the Biden Administration to go around.

Brian Deese, Director of President Biden’s National Economic Council, was asked in a recent CNN interview, “What do you say to those families that say, listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years?”

His answer? “This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm.”

Has there ever been an Administration more out of touch with the American people? If you asked working Americans whether they’d be happy to suffer poverty for the “liberal world order,” how many would say “that sounds like a great idea”?

President Biden’s attempts to bring down gasoline prices are bound to fail because he does not understand the problem. He can beg the Saudis to pump more oil, he can even threaten the US oil companies as he did in a Tweet yesterday. He can buy and sell from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in an attempt to give the impression that prices are lowing. None of it will work.

The strangest part of this idea that Americans must suffer to hurt the Russians is that these policies aren’t even hurting Russia! On the contrary: Russia has seen record profits from its oil and gas exports since the beginning of the Ukraine war.

According to a recent New York Times article, increasing global oil and gas prices have enabled Russia to finance its war on Ukraine. US sanctions did not bring the Russian economy to its knees, as Biden promised. They actually brought the American economy to its knees while Russian profits soared.

As Newsweek noted last week, Russian television pundits are joking that with the financial windfall Russia has seen since sanctions were imposed, “Biden is of course our agent.”

Washington’s bi-partisan foreign policy of wasting trillions on endless wars overseas has finally come home. Biden is clearly out of touch, but there is plenty of blame to go around. The only question is whether we will see an extended recession…or worse.

From LRC, here.

The REAL Reason Rabbi Brand Doesn’t Convince Anyone About Legal Fictions

This is painful to say.

Those who read Hyehudi’s e-book will recognize the type of point I make here.

How do you convince someone they already know whatever it is?

How do you walk someone into a view they already hold?

How do you explain to a good, scholarly Jew what even a Goy knows (1:13 here), what even an Am Haaretz gets, what even a Tzeduki admits (דבר שהצדוקים מודים בו)?

How do you call their bluff? How to move someone into admitting what they knowingly deny?

How do you show what people have a vested interest to unsee?

How do you answer “answers”?

How do you talk to someone who gets nervous and\or angry the more sense you make?

How do you uncover what they themselves realize is better concealed?

How do you expose what they suppress in their own heart?

How do you keep living?