A Cri de Coeur for the Russian Army to Return to Its Moral Roots
by Rabbi Shalom C. Spira
Read it here on Daas Torah…
Did Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Wear Techeiles?
I wonder because his latest (new but posthumously published) article, ends plainly:
Tzitzit, with their thread of blue, remind us of heaven, and that is what we most need if we are consistently to act in accordance with the better angels of our nature.
No added jawing about how we no longer have this blue thread, etc., etc.
P.S., I see BlueFringes.com answers our question in the positive, but I cannot access the page. UPDATE: It’s here.
IMPORTANT: Mohamedanism Also Borrowed Capitalism From the Jews…
The Commercial Heritage and Contribution of Islam | Mustafa Akyol
Mar 13, 2011
The Lou Church Memorial Lecture in Religion and Economics presented by Mustafa Akyol at the Austrian Scholars Conference on 12 March 2011, at Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama. Includes an introduction by Joseph T. Salerno.
‘Your Rabbi \ Rebbe \ Rosh Yeshiva Is a Baal Machlokes!’
I said, once I was out of striking range.
But-but… he has Ruach Kodesh!
“Korach had Ruach Hakodesh!”
(Meaning, one level under Nevuah, not the simpler kind)