Grass Is Green, 1+1=2, and Intact Families are Better for the Children

It’s worse to be raised by a single mother, even if you’re not poor.


JULY 20, 20128:22 AM

At first glance, I might qualify as the poster boy for Katie Roiphe’s recent Slate article defending single mothers and their children. Raised by a strong and resourceful single mother, I turned out OK. Sure, I had some unusually angry outbursts as a child (like the time I threw my lunchbox across the dining hall at camp for no good reason) and had to endure my share of therapy for that anger. But I have managed to steer clear of prison, earn a Ph.D., hold down a decent job, and marry up. My life is proof positive, as Roiphe argues, that married-parent families “do not have a monopoly on joy or healthy environments or thriving children.”

But, as a social scientist, I can also say that the academic research paints a much more complicated picture of the impact of family structure on children than does my life story or Roiphe’s experience. It is true, as Roiphe believes, that most children from single-parent homes turn out fine. In her book, For Better or For Worse, psychologist E. Mavis Hetherington estimated that about 75 percent of children of divorce suffered from no major pathologies. In other words, most children of divorce do not end up depressed, drugged out, or delinquent.

But Hetherington, who like Roiphe embraces changing family structures, also was honest enough to admit that divorce tends to double a child’s risk of a serious negative outcome. Specifically, she found that “twenty-five percent of youths from divorced families in comparison to 10 percent from non-divorced families did have serious social, emotional, or psychological problems.” Other research suggests that the children of never-married single parents tend to do somewhat worse than children of divorced single parents.

Take two contemporary social problems: teenage pregnancy and the incarceration of young males. Research by Sara McLanahan at Princeton University suggests that boys are significantly more likely to end up in jail or prison by the time they turn 30 if they are raised by a single mother. Specifically, McLanahan and a colleague found that boys raised in a single-parent household were more than twice as likely to be incarcerated, compared with boys raised in an intact, married home, even after controlling for differences in parental income, education, race, and ethnicity. Research on young men suggests they are less likely to engage in delinquent or illegal behavior when they have the affection, attention, and monitoring of their own mother and father.

But daughters depend on dads as well. One study by Bruce Ellis of the University of Arizona found that about one-third of girls whose fathers left the home before they turned 6 ended up pregnant as teenagers, compared with just 5 percent of girls whose fathers were there throughout their childhood. This dramatic divide was narrowed a bit when Ellis controlled for parents’ socioeconomic background—but only by a few percentage points. The research on this topic suggests that girls raised by single mothers are less likely to be supervised, more likely to engage in early sex, and to end up pregnant compared with girls raised by their own married parents.

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From Slate, here.

מנהג עירו של הצמח צדק בגוי שהרג ישראל

פתחי תשובה חו”מ תכ”ו:

או שישכור. עבה”ע ועיין בתשובת בית יעקב סי’ קמ”ח מ”ש בזה. ועיין בתשובת צ”צ סי’ קי”א שכתב באחד שנהרג בדרך ונודע מי הוא הרוצח ויכולין להנקם ממנו אם אחד מקרובי הנרצח יבקש דין עליו הא ודאי דיש לכיף לקרובו של הנרצח שיהא רודף אחר הרוצח להעמידו בדין כי מצוה מוטלת על גואל הדם להמית הרוצח ואם אין הוא עצמו יכול להמיתו אם לא ע”י אחר ע”י הוצאת ממון צריך להוציא ממונו על זה ככל מצות עשה שבתורה ועד היכן מקרי גואל וקרוב נראה דאין שיעור לדבר אלא כל שאין קרוב יותר ממנו והוא ממשפחת אביו שראוי ליורשו מקרי גואל ומוטל עליו מצוה זו להנקם מן הרוצח ומ”מ נראה דאין לחייבו שיוציא יותר מהרגילות והיינו מה שהוא חוק קבוע ליתן לשופטים ושוטרים ולסרדיוט הדן אותו צריך הוא ליתן אבל אם יצטרך להוציא שכר מליצים ושאר ענינים וכיוצא ודאי דאין לחייבו והנכון שאותן הוצאות היתרים יחנו מן הקהל כדי לגדור הפרצה שאם ח”ו לא יהיו נוקמין מן הרוצח יהיה דמן של בני ברית ח”ו כהפקר וכן נהגנו פעמים הרבה ועשינו עם פרנסי הדור שהיו מעמידים גואלים לרדוף אחר הרוצחי’ ואפי’ לפעמים שהיינו יודעים שלא נוכל להוציא מכח אל הפועל להנקם מן הרוצח אפ”ה היינו מעמידים גואלים לרדוף אותם בדין כדי שיהא מפורסם שאין דמן של ב”ב הפקר עכ”ד ע”ש.

Quasi-Libertarian – Priceless on Paraconsistent Logic

From Scott Alexander:

My love-hate relationship with libertarianism. Also about the rehabs. They’re minimally regulated. There’s no credentialing process or anything. There are many different kinds, each privately led, and low entry costs to creating a new one. They can be very profitable – pretty much any rehab will cost thousands of dollars, and the big-name ones cost much more. This should be a perfect setup for a hundred different models blooming, experimenting, and then selecting for excellence as consumers drift towards the most effective centers. Instead, we get rampant abuse, charlatanry, and uselessness.

On the other hand, when the government rode in on a white horse to try to fix things, all they did was take the one effective treatment, regulate it practically out of existence, then ride right back out again. So I would be ashamed to be taking either the market’s or the state’s side here. At this point I think our best option is to ask the paraconsistent logic people to figure out something that’s neither government nor not-government, then put that in charge of everything.

See the rest here…