שאלה: מה בין נרקסיסט למרקסיסט? – וק”ל
נו, “מרקסיסט” זה מי שמתקשה בהגיית האות נו”ן…
נו, “מרקסיסט” זה מי שמתקשה בהגיית האות נו”ן…
Reprinted with permission.
Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky (p. 6 here):
Reb Yaakov then continued, You know, when I was a boy growing up, I had a friend. He was always a little more than I was, and did more than I did. He was a year older: I was 10 and he was 11. He wore long payos, I didn’t. He wore a gartel, and I didn’t. Last summer when I was in Eretz Yisrael, I met him again. He was living in K’far Saba and I paid him a visit. While talking to him I found out that things had changed and that, unfortunately, he was now turning on the lights on Shabbos. He turned to me and he asked, ‘Yankel, what’s happened to us. “Ich bin doch altz geven frummer” (Wasn’t I always frumer than you??!!), to which I replied [and here Reb Yaakov smiled and there was a glint in his eyes], “Ye, ye du bist takke allz geven frummer, ich bin obber alz geven kluger.” “Yes, yes you were always frummer but I was always kluger (wiser).”
Reprinted with permission.
מצד אחד, שיתוף פעולה ומסירת מידע לאויב האקדמי, וד”ל.
מצד שני, זה כסות עיניים ואין להם חצי מושג כיצד לנצל את המידע. ואפשר לזכות בדמי כיס על חשבונם.
אני ממליץ להתיעץ עם רב.
כל עשרה משתתפים נכנסים להגרלה על 100 ש”ח.
שאלות במייל: yisrael.frankel@mail.huji.ac.il