Eh, I’ve Been Called Worse!
One reader decided I’m a “Rothbrandian” (follower of Murray Rothbard and Rabbi Yitzchak Brand)…
One reader decided I’m a “Rothbrandian” (follower of Murray Rothbard and Rabbi Yitzchak Brand)…
Excerpted from here:
If they tell you to quit, compare their reasons. If the reasons are similar, and all of the counselors have had successes in the field, take them seriously. Think through their reasons. Do they make sense?
Is a problem worth solving if no one but you ever recognizes that it has been solved? If not, limit your commitment.
If you have to fund it yourself, why do you think anyone will pay you back? Who, How Much?
If you were to be remembered for only one thing, is this project the thing you would choose? Will they remember your failure? If so, it’s a very big project. Be prepared.
If it isn’t completed, will anyone’s life be significantly worse off, other than yours?
If you don’t do it, who can? Will he? If he doesn’t, would this be bad for the world?
Has it been attempted before? If so, what killed it?
Is it so important that if your worst enemy pulled it off, would you still be glad the project was completed?
Would you still do it if there were no monetary payoff? I have a project like this.
Regarding yesterday’s piece:
A reader insists we add that Bittul is for tasty, sizable Chametz, as Rava said: גזרה שמא ימצא גלוסקא יפה ודעתיה עילויה, yet the “Mechira” contract now includes any and every crumb of chametz or chametz derabbanan or Ta’aroves chametz (or even Taam chametz!) in one’s possession.
Something to bear in mind:
The bad guys have been goat herders in Afghanistan, an invisible virus, drugs, the Russians and the list goes on and on. The bad guys are also “the other political party”, rest assured no matter with party you pick, the other one is “the bad one” and you are safe and morally right in your decision.
Yet who is the enemy, the real enemy? Who has manufactured crisis after crisis? Did Putin cut us off of his oil, fertilizer and diesel additives? Did the goat herders rewrite our entire policy of surveilling the average American? Did Saddam Hussain change the definitions in our financial law so he could lock down the accounts of the average Joe or Jane? Did CoVid shut down your business, put a mask on your children, lock you in your homes and force an unproven and risky medical procedure on you? Did CoVid do that, or did our government, oligarchy, and technocracy do it?
Did Vladimir Putin cover up the Hunter Biden laptop story knowing full well it was absolutely factual, or did the US media conspire together to do so? Did Kim Jung Un throw protestors from Jan. 6th in prison for what is essentially property damage with no due process for over a year? Did he do so after allowing BLM to burn down dozens of cities in America with almost no consequences? After doing so did dictator Kim then claim that Jan. 6th was worse than both Pearl Harbor and 911 together?
Did fill-in-the-blank make it so that even pointing out the difference between a man and a woman is now akin to a hate crime. Then in doing so literally destroy the dreams of 100’s of thousands of young women who were previously destined for college scholarships and being the best in women’s sports? Who did all of this?
Worse, who continues to allow it to be done to them?
Excerpted from The Survival Podcast.
If the doctor says your blood pressure is still too low, read this one, as well.
השבוע בגליון: היערכות לקראת הועידה הארצית לבודקי עירובין מכל רחבי הארץ / רבנים מומחים לעירובין ישתתפו מהלך הכנס וישאו דברים בהלכה / נושא מיוחד לשנה זו, הגיזום בשנת השמיטה כשהצמח מפריע לעירוב / שלש אופנים שהצמחיה מפריע לעירוב / ענף הנוגע בחוט, צמחיה סביב ללחי ולעמוד, ושטח קרפף / כיצד פתרו את חשש הקרפף בישוב חפץ חיים / מה הכריע הגר”מ לובין שליט”א והברכה שהתקיימה בצורה יוצאת מהכלל / מה מועילים עשיית שבילים / ריסוס למניעת צמיחה בשמיטה במקום שמפריע לעירוב.
Reprinted with permission.