re: Warning: The Next Coronavirus Might Be SERIOUS…
One of our readers misunderstood Thursday’s article as inciting panic among the populace.
To quote:
This Coronavirus, at least, has an extremely low fatality rate. But not to worry!
State-funded research into 50% fatality gain-of-function viruses is, well, ongoing. Let’s pray they never leak from a tax-funded lab somewhere in, say, China… Hypothetically speaking.
Put this down as reason #483926 we need the State: Who else would threaten mankind with extinction?!
But that was not my intention at all! Bitachon, etc.
Clearly, mankind will never be permitted all that is within their scientific, technological capability.
But still. We may not abandon our responsibility to stay safe. Since the greatest known threat (and threat enhancer) to humanity is the State, we should END the State and all similarly crazy ideas.
That is all.