Agudath Israel of America ACTUALLY Provoking the Goyim
“We commend the Biden administration for its decisive action to bring substantial economic and other pressures to bear on the Russian government. We commend as well all the nations that have joined in condemnation of the invasion and in the concerted effort to isolate Russia.”
What’s next?!
- Announcing a boycott by international Jewry?
- Mustering volunteers for action?
No one in the American government would have massacred American Jews without this flattery (unlike in the past), so it appears they mean it, the chickenhawks. Whom did they ask before taking this foolish course of action? (I’m scared to ask.)
If Jews are purposely harmed by someone who read or heard of this brave “Statement“, Agudath Israel gets the credit!
If WWIII breaks out, let’s not forget who added their thumb to the scale! To quote an earlier “Statement” by the same fools, “War, traditionally, has not been kind to Jews”. Oh, you think?
Where are the protests against these evil men?