Sent By a Reader: Don’t Let Tefillin Straps Rest on the Floor
Unlike Tzitizis strings which only may not drag, Tefillin straps may not rest on the floor at all.
Rabbi Avi Grossman: The Past, Present, and Future of Halakhic Practice
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Premiered Sep 5, 2024
Judaism Demystified: A Podcast for the Perplexed – Episode # 99 with Rabbi Avi Grossman “Halakha Demystified”
• Episode 99: Rabbi Avi Grossman “Halakha Demystified”
• In this episode, we sit down with Rabbi Avi Grossman to explore the complexities of Halakha and its relevance to contemporary Jewish life. Rabbi Grossman begins by discussing why “Demystifying Halakha” is crucial for understanding and practicing Judaism today. We dive into the idea that the entire Torah was always meant to be practiced, a concept that significantly shapes our understanding of Halakha. Rabbi Grossman explains how Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah stands out from other halakhic codes, particularly in its detailed guidance on practices like observing Passover with a paschal lamb and instructions for when it is not available. Rabbi Grossman further elaborates on the Mishneh Torah’s intention to serve as a complete legal code for all generations and all aspects of Halakha. We also discuss the Vilna Gaon’s role in reviving “orphaned” commandments, understanding the importance of these commandments, and their impact on Halakhic practice. The conversation takes shifts to the importance of maintaining a critical approach to halakhic issues, questioning the automatic precedence given to later authorities. We explore the significance of national obligations and self-governance in Halakha, questioning why these aspects may have fallen out of common practice. Finally, Rabbi Grossman challenges the “fallen-out-of-use” fallacy, addressing the belief that if certain practices are no longer observed, it must be by divine will. You don’t want to miss this fascinating discussion.
• Bio: Rabbi Avi Grossman brings a diverse and rich background to our discussion on Halakha. He holds a BS in Biology from Queens College of the City University of New York and an MBA from Jerusalem College of Technology in Israel, with teaching credentials from the David Yellin Academic College of Education in Jerusalem. Ordained by both Beis Medrash L’Talmud and Rabbi Abba Bronspiegel, Rabbi Grossman is the director of the Torah L’Maaseh program at Yeshivat Ramot in Jerusalem and is widely recognized for his shiurim on Machon Shilo’s YouTube channel. Additionally, he serves as a senior editor for the Steinsaltz Center’s Tanakh publication project and is the founder of Torah Le’Maaseh. Rabbi Grossman is also the author of *Haggadat Hapesach*, a unique Passover Haggadah that emphasizes the Paschal offering as the centerpiece of the Seder. His extensive academic and rabbinical achievements, coupled with his commitment to Jewish education, make him a compelling authority on the application of Halakha in contemporary Jewish life.
ויקרא אברהם שם המקום ההוא ד’ יראה, אשר יאמר היום בהר ד’ יראה
שו”ע או”ח סי’ קכ”ה ב’:
טוב לכוין רגליו בשעה שאומר קדושה עם שליח ציבור. הגה, ויש לישא העינים למרום בשעה שאומרים קדושה…
מ”ב שם סק”ה:
ויש לישא וכו’, כי כתבו בשם ספר היכלות ז”ל ברוכים אתם לד’ שמים ויורדי מרכבה אם תאמרו ותגידו לבני מה שאני עושה בשעה שמקדישים ואומרים קק”ק ולמדו אותם שיהיו עיניהם נשואות למרום לבית תפלתם ונושאים עצמם למעלה כי אין לי הנאה בעולם כאותה שעה שעיניהם נשואות בעיני ועיני בעיניהם באותה שעה אני אוחז בכסא כבודי בדמות יעקב ומחבקה ומנשקה ומזכיר זכותם וממהר גאולתם.