תיקוני עירובין גליון 316#

גליון שאלות הלכתיות המתחדשות מידי שבוע בבדיקת העירובים השכונתיים

והשבוע בגליון: מהו עירוב מתוקן כדין רק בלי אחריות / האם חייבים לבדוק את העירוב כל שבוע / מה קרה כשהחליפו תחנת אוטובוס בגשר הסמוך לבני ברק / אך התגלה שהחוט קרוע אם אין מי שבודק אותו, ומי תיקן אותו / האם קנית מוצר עם חותמת כשרות כשאין משגיח במפעל?

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Reprinted with permission.

Avi Grossman Comments on Women in the Workplace

(Although this is not exactly the point of the recent short book to which you linked,)
Jordan Peterson talked about how the modern era has brought new challenges to the workplace, specifically for men in the presence of women. Throughout history, most men did not work with women, but that has changed, and we are now just beginning to understand how increased contact between the sexes during the workday has all sorts of unintended consequences. Most sensible people understand how dangerous co-ed high schools are, yet many frum Jews still have not understood why men and women should not share workplaces. From my own limited (and sometimes unfortunate) experiences, I have made the commitment to never work at an institution where I have to deal with women in person, and it has worked for me for the last eight years.

THIS Motza’ei Shabbos: Hear Directly About the Lakewood – Ma’aleh Amos Initiative!

Sholom Uvracha!!,

Two big announcements:
1) HaRav Dovid Kolidetsky Shlit”a will be joining us from Lakewood!!
2) We have changed the location of the Asifa to be in Yerushalayim!! 
B’ezras Hashem Yisborach, the Asifa will take place in Mishkan Esther, Rechov Michal 10,  in the Sanhedria neighborhood. There will be a Mechitza so that women can join as well.
Doors open at 9pm, the program will begin at 9:30 which will include a Q&A after each segment. Light refreshments will be served.
During the program we will hear from:
  • The Mara D’Asra of Maale Amos, HaGaon HaRav Zev Charlop Shlit”a
  • Founder of Kumu Vnaale Tzion, HaGaon HaRav Dovid Kolidetsky Shlita”a
  • The Yoshev Rosh of the Maale Amos Council, Tzvi Olesker
This Asifa is open to the public, please share this email with anyone who might be interested in joining Kiryas Lakewood in Maale Amos.
For families in Lakewood: We will B’ezras Hashem have an Asifa in Lakewood in the coming weeks. Details to follow. Additionally, we will send out a video recording of the Asifa so that you can hear all the important updates first hand.
Looking forward to meeting you all,
Menachem Leibowitz

Why Did Mordechai Care About Bigtan and Teresh’s Assassination Plot?

To prevent chaos (not anarchy!), see Bava Metzia 83b.

Also, the Medrash says they were planning on pinning the crime on Esther.

See also Kedushas Tzion issue 41 page 6 by Rabbi Goldberg, that Mordechai’s plan throughout his stay in the diaspora was to convince the king to rebuild the temple.
(Forget the wisecrack by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibeshutz…)