בירור קצר בענין התכלת – הרב דוד וסרמן
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Reprinted with permission.
Reprinted with permission.
Brilliant article on Spiked here…
Some excerpts to give a taste:
Everything the government has got right on Covid-19 in the past 12 months has happened when it ignored ‘the science’. If the modellers hadn’t made such fools of themselves in the summer and autumn of 2021 they might have been taken more seriously by the government in the winter.
This was wilful blindness. By mid-December, everything we needed to know about Omicron had been explained to us by doctors in South Africa over and over again. They told us that it was much less severe. They told us to expect a large number of ‘incidental’ cases involving people who were in hospital with Covid but were not in hospital because of Covid. They told us to expect more children to be affected but with only very mild symptoms. They told us that Omicron patients rarely needed to be put on ventilation. They told us that there were relatively few deaths despite high levels of infection. All of this is now apparent in the UK’s healthcare data.
Predicting human behaviour in a pandemic is not easy, but most of the models don’t even try. If the modellers had noticed the international football tournament taking place in mid-summer they might have done a better job of predicting when the July spike in cases would end. If they noticed that the pubs are always quiet in January they might have made a better stab of predicting what is happening now.
Dec 31, 2021
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0:00 Introduction
1:30 Chanukah and April Fools
7:50 Did Jesus fulfill the messianic prophecies?
12:40 Did the historical Jesus exist?
20:08 Narratives in archeological study
27:40 Post-Auschwitz theology
37:43 Debating missionaries
42:35 Christian literacy in Hebrew
47:00 According to Christianity is Jesus the son or the father?
54:55 The Galus Mentality – Studying Christianity
59:35 Being “A light unto the nations”
1:05:50 A startup nation
Tovia Singer is the Director of the counter-missionary organization, Outreach Judaism. He is well known as the Founder and Director of Outreach Judaism, an international organization dedicated to countering the efforts of fundamentalist Christian groups and cults who specifically target Jews for conversion. As a world renowned public speaker, Rabbi Singer addresses more than 100 audiences a year. Through his stimulating and provocative appearances, Rabbi Singer has been an inspiration to thousands. Lecturing on college campuses and synagogues throughout the country has become an integral part of his work. He is the author of the book Let’s Get Biblical: Why Doesn’t Judaism Accept the Christian Messiah?”, and is a frequent guest on Television and radio shows.
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