חזון איש סוף ב”ק נגד חוקי העבודה הסוציאליים
עיין חזון איש בבא קמא סי’ כ”ג ס”ק ל”ז-ל”ח כאן.
(וכבר העירו שבדפו”ר של בדק הבית איתא “מונע”.)
עיין חזון איש בבא קמא סי’ כ”ג ס”ק ל”ז-ל”ח כאן.
(וכבר העירו שבדפו”ר של בדק הבית איתא “מונע”.)
Reprinted with permission.
Here is Jeffrey Tucker’s summary, based on excerpts of a book by Jeremy Farrar (the UK’s equivalent of Dr. Fauci) detailing his experience with Corona from its genesis:
What strikes me most in retrospect concerning the idea of the lab leak is the following. During the most critical weeks leading up to the obvious spread of the virus all over the Northeast of the U.S., leading to incredible carnage in nursing homes due to egregious policies that failed to protect the vulnerable and even deliberately infected them, public health officials in the US and UK were consumed not with a proper health response but with fear of dealing with the probability that this virus was man-made in China.
They deliberated in secret. They used burner phones. They spoke only to their trusted colleagues. This went on for more than a month from late January 2020 to early March. Whether this virus originated as a lab leak or not in this case is not so much the issue; there is no question that Farrar, Collins, Fauci, and company all believed that it was likely and even probable, and they spent their time and energies plotting the spin. This fear consumed them entirely at the very moment when their job was to be thinking of the best public-health response.
The virus did what the virus does, and all we are left with are the breathtaking results of the pandemic response: economic carnage, cultural destruction, large amounts of unnecessary death, and an incredible paper trail of incompetence, fear, secrecy, plotting, and neglect of genuine health concerns.
Rabbi Yaacov Edelstein and co. try and defend the Maskilic author of Cheshbon Hanefesh (yes, there were good and bad Maskilim, but Lefin was bad). See Yisrael Shapira’s article on Ynet’s “Kikar Hashabat” site here…
“How come Rabbi Yisrael Salanter (who lived soon after the author) endorsed the book?” Let me answer the question with another question: How come the Yad Rama (who lived soon after Rashi) quotes the “Rashi” on Perek Chelek?!
The Charedi-style “defense'” begins with some irrelevancies, progresses to the belligerent Argument from Authority, and excuses the plagiarism in two words. And then, just when you should expect the real meat, it becomes the standard: “Trust me, the author was fine even though I don’t care to prove my point (for secret reasons)” (read: Are you going to doubt someone as chashuv as me?).
Eh, put me down as unconvinced.
Reprinted with permission.