How to Help a Yeshiva Bachur Who Doesn’t Want to Learn

Excerpt from an article by coach Rabbi Shmuel Brody:

After working in the mental health field for over twenty years, I realized that the hardest thing to convey to people is the importance of being with their children. In general Jews are extremely intelligent and intellectual. This is great, but it can be detrimental when working with our young men. Some parents and educators think that if they just present the boys with the right information—shalom al yisrael—mission accomplished. But the boys need much more than this. They need people to sit with them through their fears and loneliness. Only after a long period where all of the young man’s feelings are accepted can the young man himself accept them and realize that he’s normal. This type of education is experiential, not intellectual.

Some naysayers claim that validating someone’s feelings gives them the excuse to not learn. “I don’t have to push myself to learn, even so-and-so agrees that I’m having such a hard time!” But my experience has shown me the opposite. If you can look someone in the eye and say, “I hear what you’re saying, and I’m with you” (and mean it!), you can almost immediately say, “Ok, now go learn geshmak.” Since they got what they needed, they’ll do it.

I recommend his whole four-part series “Understanding Our Sons”, parts One, Two, Three, Four.

חדש!! קו אומן בירושלים- 0723809132‎‎

בעזרת ה’ יתברך, זכינו השנה לקיים צווי רבינו הקדוש זיע”א

שהזהיר לעשות כרוז, שכל מי שמאמין בה’ יתברך יבוא אליו על ראש השנה.
על ידי הקמת קו טלפון, בו ניתן לשמוע שיעורים והסברים,
על קיבוץ רבינו הקדוש בירושלים עיר הקודש,
מקומו האמיתי והנצחי של רבינו הקדוש.
כל אחד ואחד,  מוזמן ומתבקש,
להשאיר הודעות של חיזוקים, שאלות וחידושים,
על ענייני ראש השנה בירושלים. ולא מזיק גם מילה טובה…
ובנוסף, מעתה כל אחד יכול לקיים את ציוויו של רבינו הקדוש זיע”א,
על ידי שיפיץ וישלח את מספר הקו לכל מקום שרק אפשר,
עד שכל יהודי ויהודי, בכל העולם כולו, ידע מהסוד הנורא,
של ראש השנה של רבינו הקדוש רבי נחמן מברסלב,
בירושלים עיר הקודש, מקומו של רבינו הקדוש לנצח.
אחד שהוא שנים אומן בירושלים!!

בקרוב גם באנגלית וצרפתית! (שלוחות 3, 4,)

Reminder: Only the State Can Create a Monopoly

Feature requests for monopolists

I’d like Gmail to be smart enough to automatically skip the spam folder for any mail that’s coming from someone I just wrote to.

I’d like my Apple calendar to know that I never, ever schedule meetings at 3:30 am and to guess that I mean PM. And I’d like it to not only know what time I typed in, but to not make me hit an extra button every single time to change the time from the default.

I’d like Final Cut Pro to allow me to watch the video I’m editing at a faster speed, the way all modern video playback permits these days. It would save hours and it’s got to be easy to implement. (Update: Fixed!)

I wish Fedex had phone service like they used to, and that UPS would make it easy for me to let the driver know where packages go, even (especially) since driver turnover is so high.

I’d like Netflix to offer much smarter sort mechanisms for discovery.

It would be great if Google stopped acting like an evil overlord when it comes to search, discovery and their relentless obliteration of providers they decide are competitors.

I have 80 more, but what’s the point, really? Without adversarial interoperability, monopolists don’t listen.

They don’t have to.

From Seth Godin, here.