Corona Tyranny: Enquiring Minds Wish To Know IN ADVANCE

Questions, Questions, Questions.

***Immunites are those with natural immunity having recovered from Covid-10
****Mandater are those citizens that wholly support government power to force compliance.

As Biden and the Davos crowd accelerate towards a caste system where the non-compliers are legally and constitutionally discriminated against (just as the Blacks, Native Americans and Japanese once were), it is time to ask the pro-government mandaters a few questions.

Dear Mandaters,

As you embark on your effort to support and endorse government policy to discriminate against your fellow humans, have you considered the extent of pain you are okay with as you support government Covid-19 policy? After all, it will be YOU who will empower the “government” to bring the pain – so any moral framework would at least ask you to consider the ramifications of the volitional decisions you are making. Can you at least be that charitable to us, the discriminated class? So we can get our affairs in order?

As you consider the actions you are going to take to remove natural rights from your fellow man, consider these nine questions so you are fully aware of your historic place when all of this is recorded one day in the future.

  1. If we the unvaxxed or natural immunites don’t comply, do you believe we should be denied normal medical care? Dental care? Urgent Care? Hospital care? Access to life-saving medications? Yes or No?
  2. For Social Security recipients and Medicare recipients who don’t comply with mandates, should we the unvaxxed or natural immunites lose our Social Security as a way to “compel” us to comply? You know, “either get the vaccine or no more social security?” Yes or No?
  3. How about operating our own businesses? Since we the unvaxxed or natural immunites are now less than human, and you are in the majority, will it be allowable to earn an income? Do you think we should even be allowed to earn income? Yes or No?
  4. Do you think we the unvaxxed or natural immunites should be allowed to own property if we won’t comply and get the vaccine? Should you have run out of carrots, will that be a big stick to get the unvaxxed to comply you will use? Yes or No?
  5. We the unvaxxed or natural immunites understand that free-speech is no longer allowed, but will we ever be allowed to speak against any “government” policy? Or, because we won’t comply with the Covid vaccination edicts, we can’t speak against any edicts? Yes or No?
  6. Will you eventually just support removing us from society? If you support this, please have the courtesy to let us know so we can try and get our affairs in order. Knocking on the door by the “blue” at 5 a.m. really is kinda immoral. But, we the unvaxxed or natural immunites understand in the police state you want, most likely, you will want to quell your fears and thus, that might be the only way you can think to handle us. Kick our doors in and take us away. Will you support kicking our doors in? Yes or No?
  7. We the unvaxxed or natural immunites also understand that grocery stores, movies, restaurants, travel, vacations, malls etc will soon be off limits for all of us. But will home delivery of food be allowed? Will we be able to stop at roadside stands for fresh vegetables? Will we be allowed to dumpster dive if we can’t shop? Or is starvation in our future? Yes or No?
  8. If we the unvaxxed or natural immunites are allowed to keep our property, will we be allowed to use public utilities like water and electricity? If not, we need to start investigating wind power and well water if you intend to bring this big stick to our families for not complying with your fears. Will we be allowed to use your “public” utilities? Yes or No?
  9. We also understand that our children and grandkids won’t be allowed into school, but, if we the unvaxxed or natural immunites who have children and grandchildren don’t comply with vaccine mandates, do you intend to take our children away from us unless we get “jabbed.” Yes or No?

Now, it will be easy to dismiss these questions as hyperbole, but they are not. Are you watching Australia, NYC and following the rhetoric of our government overlords – all all levels? Folks, you think this is crazy, but imagine every Jew who learned ahead of time of Hitler’s “quest” for a “Final Solution.” Imagine every Ukraine learning ahead of time of Stalin’s coming genocide. Imagine every Chinese father and mother learning ahead of time of Mao’s Great Leap Forward.Every one of these groups would be asking these same questions of their fellow citizens who supported their “government” taking these actions.

We the unvaxxed or natural immunites have taken seriously the admonition to not forget the past, even though it appears we’re about to repeat it – on a global scale. So, in an attempt to plead with the majority who are empowering government vaccine policy, we are merely humbly asking the empowered “vaccinated” community how bad they want to hurt those of us who don’t agree with them.

Will you at least be kind enough to let us know the extent of the pain you want to bring to us?


Respectfully hoping,

The unvaxxed or natural immunites

From LRC, here.

מדיה מן המשנה מנין

משנה בבא מציעא ה’ י’:

רבי שמעון אומר, יש רבית דברים, לא יאמר לו דע לד כי בא איש פלוני ממקום פלוני.

Under Halacha, the Regime Is DENIED the Presumption of Innocence

From Chananya Weissman:

Mari bar Issak was a wealthy, powerful man who was known to intimidate people. One time a long-lost brother showed up from another land and requested half of their father’s inheritance. Mari said he did not know him. They came before Rav Chisda, who instructed the claimant to produce witnesses that he was Mari’s brother.

“I have witnesses,” said the man, “but they are afraid of him, for he is a tough guy.”

Rav Chisda turned to Mari. “You go and bring witnesses that he is not your brother.”

“Is that the law?” retorted Mari. “One who claims money from his fellow must bring the proof.”

“That is how I judge you and your fellow gangsters,” replied Rav Chisda. Ultimately witnesses came forward and testified that the man was indeed his brother. (See Bava Metzia 39B.)

This source is codified in Jewish law.

The Zera Shimshon finds an allusion to it in the first pasuk of this week’s parsha. The Torah states “ושפטו את העם משפט צדק” – “and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment” (Devarim 16:18). The words “את העם” appear superfluous.

The Zera Shimshon cites the incident with Mari bar Issak, when Rav Chisda went against the usual law precisely so a righteous judgment could come to light. He adds that “העם” typically refers to gangsters and lowlifes. The Torah is hinting that they are judged differently than other people. The burden of proof is always on them; even if they are the defendant in monetary matters, they are guilty until proven innocent.

One doesn’t need to be a Talmudic sage to apply this law to our current situation. Those who are trying to force us to take toxic injections and engage in other forms of self-harm are gangsters. The politicians, bureaucrats, media, and “social influencers” are all unsavory, untrustworthy people – often far worse. The powerful companies who pull their strings have a long history of corruption, racketeering, and every crime against humanity under the sun. Their trail of blood is staggering beyond comprehension.

We’re supposed to believe their numbers, and their studies, and their assurances? We’re supposed to accept their testimony about anything at all?

Not according to the Torah.

If they want us to believe anything they say, they must produce incontrovertible evidence. Studies they pay for, which are conducted by people they own, published in journals they sponsor, broadcast in media they control, “fact-checked” by liars they employ, promoted by bureaucrats in their pocket, have zero value as evidence.

In addition, known liars and lowlifes are ineligible to testify according to Jewish law, not to mention anyone with a vested interest. Anyone who is connected to the world’s largest organized crime syndicate – otherwise known as the government, pharmaceutical industry, and global companies – is ineligible to testify that their products are “safe and effective”. Not surprisingly, those pushing the injections and supporting tyranny are almost invariably connected to the syndicate in some way (or wish to be, or admire it).

The burden of evidence is squarely on them, and the normal rules do not apply; they are guilty until proven innocent, and we must be leery of everything they say.

As Rav Chisda said, that is how we judge them and their fellow gangsters.

(From the email newsletter)

Women in the Military? It All Depends on the GOAL of the Military!

Why are today’s women in the military in some countries, unlike in the past? Were previous generations less licentious?

I suspect it’s because today’s wars are frequently for sport or other purposes. If the goal is defense, however, women are counterproductive.

Repeating the obvious (excerpt from an LRC article):

The camaraderie and esprit de corps in a military unit or a police unit is heavily dependent on shared risk. When women are exposed to the same degree of risk of life and death, this disrupts the military-protective function, which is unquestionably masculine. In this sense, the military is different from the free market, in which shared risk is economic. In the corporate world, men have no sense of obligation to protect women. They may be quite happy to put rival women out of business.

Second, women in general are not as strong physically as men are. A soldier in the field cannot rely on a woman with the same degree of confidence that he can rely on a man.

Third, society imposes on men a protective impulse with regard to women. A soldier in the field will tend to disobey orders in order to defend a woman in the ranks, when he would not be equally ready to disobey an order to protect another male. This threatens to disrupt the chain of command. This is a reason why homosexuality in the military has been universally condemned in the West and in most non-Western armies. A combatant may abandon a buddy to his fate when the battle plan requires it, but he may not abandon a sexual partner. Homosexuality reduces the predictability of battle plans.

Fourth, women are required to obey orders on threat of court martial, just as men are. This creates opportunities for men of higher rank to misuse their rank for sexual exploitation.

Fifth, there is another factor that is rarely discussed in public: female homosexuality. The primary characteristics of success in combat are masculine. This subsidizes the careers of those women who possess masculine characteristics. It rewards certain features of female homosexuality. The creation of same-sex sexual relationships within a military chain of command leads to exploitation by rank and also leads to problems of protective impulses under combat conditions, and to hierarchical favoritism in peacetime, both of which undermine military discipline.

See the rest here…

תיקוני עירובין גליון 291# – חדש! סידרת לימוד הלכות סוכה

השבוע בגליון: ברכת מרן חכם שלום כהן שליט”א, נשיא מועצת חכמי התורה, לפעילות “חודש העירוב”.

ההפתעות שגילינו בימי בין הזמנים במסגרת – חודש העירוב / שער מברזל שנמצא פתאום ללא המשקוף בשכונה ידועה בירושלים /  מדהים, בכניסה לישוב מולחם עמוד וגם לחי
בגובה ג’ טפחים מהקרקע! דבר זה פסל את כל העירוב תקופה ארוכה / לחי ממשטח שהורכב הפוך עם הרגליים אל הפתח / האם בדיעבד כשר העירוב כשאין צורת הפתח בסימטאות.

Download (PDF, 384KB)

Reprinted with permission.

השנה תהיה ה’מבין’ בכשרות הסוכות

חדש! סידרת לימוד הלכות סוכה

4 שיעורים מתומצתים, ואתה רוכש את הלכות סוכה המעשיים בזמנינו כולל מאות שאלות מצויות בצורות שונות של קירות ופתחים

מבין הנושאים: סוכות נחלים שהבד קשור למטה ורק באמצע הוא מתנדנד ברוח. מחיצות מסורגים לבוד בלבד לדעת המשנ”ב ולדעת החזו”א. האם יתכן שפתיחת התריס תפסול את
הסוכה. מהו שתיים דעריבן, חדר עם קיר עגול. סוכה שהפתח נמצא בפינה. סורגים וחבלי כביסה מעל הסוכה. מה הנידון במוזייקה שבאדן החלון. פי תקרה בסוכה בבית. ענף של עץ שמתנדנד ברוח מעל הסוכה. אין מצרפים פחות מג’ מהחלק הפסול על ידי צורת הפתח. מתי אומרים שתי הלכות להתיר. מעמיד דמעמיד וקשירה באזיקונים. חוזק הדפנות של הסוכה כשבגג יש רוחות חזקות. פינה צרה בקצה הסוכה שאין בה ז’ טפחים. ועוד….

להרשמה כעת 055-678-3323

מתחילים בעז”ה בעוד שבוע, החל מי”ד אלול

בירושלים – בימי ראשון, באזור צומת בר אילן

וכן בסמוך ישיבת מיר, בשעה 6 אחר הצהריים

במודיעין עילית – בימי שלישי, ברחוב הסבא מסלבודקה

בבני ברק – בימי חמישי, בביהמ”ד “צעירים”