Listen to This Unexpected Ruling by Rabbi Elyashiv (4:28)!
Listen as Rabbi Uri Zohar tells the story on YouTube here in Hebrew (minute 4:28)…
A Jewish family had eight children. One daughter was, רח”ל, tottering in religious observance, and acting difficult at home, to boot. So, the mother went to Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv zatzal to ask if the problematic girl should be banished — so as not to form a harmful religious influence on the rest of the family.
Having thus framed the question, you may be surprised by Rabbi Elyashiv’s ruling.
Wait a second!
Want to try and answer for yourself?
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Write it down.
OK, now…
Rabbi Elyashiv said: find a temporary place for the other children by family and take care of only her…
There is no chiddush here (once you know the answer: משל לאדם שמבקשים ממנו כלי גדול ויש לו דומה עליו ככלי קטן קטן ואין לו דומה עליו ככלי גדול). Obviously, as parents and לאפרושי מאיסורא, they need to first and foremost deal with the immediate risk, preceding obligation to mere chumrah.
The impressive novelty is in the reading of the situation and seeing past the false choice as presented by the lady.
The rest is also worth listening to (just ignore the awful English subbing).