American Androloimosso – ‘Thought Crimes’: Who’s Next…?

The Jan. 6th Show Trials Threaten All of Us

The recent felony conviction and eight month prison sentence of January 6th protester Paul Hodgkins is an affront to any notion of justice. It is a political charge and a political verdict by a political court. Every American regardless of political persuasion should be terrified of a court system so beholden to politics instead of justice.

We’ve seen this movie before and it does not end well.

Worse than this miscarriage of justice is the despicable attempt by the prosecutor in the case to label Hodgkins – who has no criminal record and was accused of no violent crime – a “terrorist.”

As journalist Michael Tracey recently wrote, Special Assistant US Attorney Mona Sedky declared Hodgkins a “terrorist” in the court proceedings not for committing any terrorist act, not for any act of violence, not even for imagining a terrorist act.

Sedky wrote in her sentencing memo, “The Government … recognizes that Hodgkins did not personally engage in or espouse violence or property destruction.” She added, “we concede that Mr. Hodgkins is not under the legal definition a domestic terrorist.”

Yet Hodgkins should be considered a terrorist because the actions he took – entering the Senate to take a photo of himself – occurred during an event that the court is “framing…in the context of terrorism.”

That goes beyond a slippery slope. He is not a terrorist because he committed a terrorist act, but because somehow the “context” of his actions was, in her words, “imperiling democracy.”

In other words, Hodgkins deserved enhanced punishment because he committed a thought crime. The judge on the case, Randolph D. Moss, admitted as much. In carrying a Trump flag into the Senate, he said, Hodgkins was, “declaring his loyalty to a single individual over the nation.”

As Tracey pointed out, while eight months in prison is a ridiculously long sentence for standing on the floor of the “People’s House” and taking a photograph, it is also a ridiculously short sentence for a terrorist. If Hodgkins is really a terrorist, shouldn’t he be sent away for longer than eight months?

The purpose of the Soviet show trials was to create an enemy that the public could collectively join in hating and blaming for all the failures of the system. The purpose was to turn one part of the population against the other part of the population and demand they be “cancelled.” And it worked very well…for a while.

In a recent article, libertarian author Jim Bovard quoted from Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago about how average people turned out to demand “justice” for the state’s designated “political” enemies: “There were universal meetings and demonstrations (including even school-children). It was the newspaper march of millions, and the roar rose outside the windows of the courtroom: ‘Death! Death! Death!’”

While we are not quite there yet, we are moving in that direction. Americans being sent to prison not for what they did, but for what they believe? Does that sound like the kind of America we really want to live in?

While many Biden backers are enjoying seeing the hammer come down on pro-Trump, non-violent protesters, they should take note: the kind of totalitarian “justice” system they are cheering on will soon be coming for them. It always does.

From LRC, here.

Copywriting Lessons From Sodom

V timalei haaretz chamas

Divrei Chaim Blogger Fears Girls’ Schools WILL STOP Teaching Halacha…

what do we get for our education $?

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

I’m not sure if this story is amusing or sad or both.  A couple came to a din torah by R’ Shternbruch because this supposed outstanding bachur from Chevron has to ask his wife shaylos because he doesn’t know hil’ shabbos and now his shverr wants to back out of paying for the apartment he promised and divorce is on the horizon.  R’ Shternbuch uses this as a springboard to warn guys to learn halacha properly, not just lomdus.  Me, being the cynic that I am, am worried that this will lead to a different outcome, namely, that girls’ schools will stop teaching halacha lest the girls end up knowing more than their supposed talmid chacham husbands and end up in a situation like this.

I think that in order to graduate any yeshiva high school, whether chareidi/yeshivish or MO, you should have to pass a test on simple pshat in all of chumash and rashi and pass a test on the halachos of orach chaim on the level of what the Chayei Adam covers. After tens of thousands of education dollars spent and 12+ years worth of classroom instruction, you would think that would be an embarrassingly low expectation, yet all of my kids think that were this an actual requirement, most students would never graduate.

Can you imagine handing a high school diploma to someone who cannot do addition, much less algebra and trig?  Or someone who claims they learned how to analyze history and can rattle off different interpretations of the Constitution based on close readings of the Federalist Papers, but who doesn’t know when the Civil War took place?  These examples strike us as absurd, but we graduate students who can rattle off some chakira with tzvei dinim to answer a kashe of R’ Akiva Eiger but who don’t know hilchos brachos.

From Divrei Chaim, here.

Of the Idiotic ‘Animal Spirits’ NOTHING TO FEAR Phrase

Quote from historian Gary North:

Roosevelt’s [inaugural address] is remembered, mainly because of its phrase, “we have nothing to fear but fear itself.” In the context of 25% unemployment, the closing of thousands of rural banks, and the seeming imperviousness of the depression to government action, that was a ludicrous statement. In fact, later in the speech, Roosevelt said as much, but that is not what we recall of his rhetoric.

Read the rest of it here…

מערבא: תמונות לימוד בצל גזירות הקורונה

הרב ברוך חייט אליהו חייט ותלמידי ישיבת מערבא מכון רובין – ותן שכר טוב

Dec 17, 2020

לימוד התורה הקדושה בשמחה גדולה ובזמירות ושירות ותשבחות לבורא עולם.
זכינו לנס של חנוכה בזמן הזה וממשיכים את אור התורה מתוך לימוד התורה בהתלהבות גם בתקופה קשה זו !!!

פייסבוק ◄
אינסטגרם ◄
יוטיוב ◄

לחן: הרב ברוך צ׳ייט
עיבוד הפקה מוזיקאלית וקלידים:גרשון פריישטט
גיטרות: מוטי פלדמן
בס וצ׳לו: אלון לאון הלל
קולות: הרב ברוך חייט ואליהו חייט
קולות מקהלה : תלמידי ישיבת מערבא
מיקס ומאסטרינג ישרו פריישטט

צילום ‏ ‏ועריכה זאב שוורץ -0539235771
עיצוב עטיפה – אביעד בן סימון


מאתר יוטיוב, כאן.