Not To Express an Opinion About the Essence of the Matter…
But I think a clever term for Yeshiva youth who decline to even register for the Israeli army draft should be “Matisov’tzes“.
כיבוש מקומות חדשים בא”י: הרב אביגדור נבנצל מול החזון איש
הרב יצחק ברנד שליט”א העיר – מה שכתב בענין מקומות חדשים, בחזו”א לא נשמע כך:
How Much Debt Is the State of Israel In?
See WorldDebtClocks here…
Or, as compared to other countries, over here.
A Foul Language Filter for Television and Movies
Not that Hyehudi endorses watching movies or TV, but if any of our readers, um, know anyone who, well…
Anyway, check out the TVGuardian LT device here…
An excerpt from the sales copy:
The TVGuardian automatically detects and filters profanity and other offensive phrases while you watch movies or television shows. TVGuardian is like a smart remote control for your TV that automatically mutes foul language! You teach your children not to use that language. What message does allowing an unprotected TV in your home send? TVGuardian helps reinforce the values you’re teaching.
The TVGuardian monitors the hidden closed-captioning signal and compares those words to its database of offensive words and phrases. When an offensive word is detected it mutes the sound for the sentence.
I can’t testify as to the product.
Now, if only there were clean versions of certain books…